dogs and crags


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Social climber
Jun 20, 2005 - 10:37am PT
What a remarkably revolting group of self-righteous little maggots you are. I'm of half a mind to say something like, "I like watching crybabies at the crags complain about my dog while they litter the deck with cigarette butts and wrappers and leave chalk marks all over the rock" just so I can hear you squealing about how you are perfect and never ever do anything to bother anyone else while climbing.

Okay, so you're scared of dogs. I'm sorry that's ruining your day. Maybe if you tried growing up and not behaving like an insecure 7-year-old then you wouldn't feel the need to control every tiny thing around you.

Oh and could someone please give me directions to where you climb? I'd really like to bring my dog and have a good laugh at you snivelling and cowering at the sight of her while my friends steal all your gear.

Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Jun 20, 2005 - 01:16pm PT
allz i knowz iz i ain't leaving the poor dog alone in the yard...


Social climber
the little ditch
Jun 20, 2005 - 01:52pm PT
Hey Blight, would you stop being such an asshat, saying people who don't want dogs are *afraid* of dogs? Lame. You're certainly not reading what other people are writing, that's for sure. I love dogs, they're my favorite animals, hands down. I don't like (most) of them at the crags. Lots of reasons. If I wrote them, you wouldn't read them or care, so I won't bother. I've never met a dog, rott, pit, shepherd, etc. that I was afraid of. Sure, when a large dog is being aggressive, I use care in my body language. But I am not afraid. More like "in red mode". I sure wouldn't want to be a dog that bit or attacked me.
But that's nevr been an issue, because I think the dogs can sense that. In any case, just had to chime in in response to your reiterations of, "you people are all pansies, there's something wrong with you, etc., etc.
nothing personal

Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Jun 20, 2005 - 01:57pm PT
Blight wrote: "What a remarkably revolting group of self-righteous little maggots you are. I'm of half a mind to say something like, "I like watching crybabies at the crags complain about my dog while they litter the deck with cigarette butts and wrappers and leave chalk marks all over the rock" just so I can hear you squealing about how you are perfect and never ever do anything to bother anyone else while climbing.

Okay, so you're scared of dogs. I'm sorry that's ruining your day. Maybe if you tried growing up and not behaving like an insecure 7-year-old then you wouldn't feel the need to control every tiny thing around you.

Oh and could someone please give me directions to where you climb? I'd really like to bring my dog and have a good laugh at you snivelling and cowering at the sight of her while my friends steal all your gear."

I think your dog must have bit you--and your dog surely has rabies. Either way, professional help is indicated.

Son of Will

Jun 20, 2005 - 03:52pm PT
Mmm, dog owners
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Mill Valley
Jun 20, 2005 - 04:05pm PT
100 posts, here we come...

I ran into CE the other morning at Peets in downtown Mill Valley.
He saw this thread (after I sent him the link) and was pretty amused by it.
He added a couple tidbits of info which I thought was interesting.

Earlier, CE and DB were bouldering at the rocks above the last campsite.
Lola (the dog with one eye) wandered down to the site just below the rocks.
Can you guess whose site this was? That's right, our friends from Davis.
CE walked down and asked the guys if Lola was bothering them.
They said no. Hmmm. I don't suppose this was one of the other two cases of alleged lunging, eh?
If those lunging incidents indeed happened, perhaps someone should have spoken up?
I can only wonder why not, especially after what followed. Double Hmmm...
The other thing CW mentioned was that it wouldn't have
made much difference whether Cam was tied up or not, since the polite guy
nearly stepped on and startled the dog -- he probably would have lunged anyway.
Still, CE wasn't excusing what happened, and he said he would feel bad if the dogs were causing grief.

The funny thing is, CE and DB are really nice guys, and I think this whole
thing could have been dealt with in a more friendly manner.

Trad climber
Austin, TX
Jun 20, 2005 - 04:55pm PT
Blight wrote:
"Oh and could someone please give me directions to where you climb? I'd really like to bring my dog and have a good laugh at you snivelling and cowering at the sight of her while my friends steal all your gear."

Blight, (though I really hope you're just trolling, few people are that stupid) I don't know how people handle these things where you live, but if your dog is messing with my gear, pissing or chewing on it or doing anything else to it, I'll kill the dog and kick your a$$. If you try and steal my gear, it will get worse.

For the record, here's my opinion: I love dogs, but they are like small children that have no conscience and can't talk: they should never be left anywhere (in a car, in public or anywhere other people are) UNATTENDED. That includes a situation where the owner is 100 ft off the ground with no dogsitter maintaining below.
You, as an owner, are responsible for their behavior. A dog gets one chance - after it attacks a human, it's game over, no matter how loved. If you can't do it, the law will.

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Jun 20, 2005 - 10:21pm PT
I've ignored this thread til now (dogs vs. cats yawn), but just skimmed it out of boredom. This caught my eye: me, he is the best of everything. he is a lover and he's beautiful, he is all wags and licks...

Dude, does your wife know about this? If your not getting any, talk to the hand.

Social climber
Jun 21, 2005 - 05:07am PT
"Blight, (though I really hope you're just trolling, few people are that stupid) I don't know how people handle these things where you live, but if your dog is messing with my gear, pissing or chewing on it or doing anything else to it, I'll kill the dog and kick your a$$. If you try and steal my gear, it will get worse."

Correctly identifying a troll AND being hooked by it in the same post? Don't think I've ever seen that before!

Oh and good work on the macho posturing. It would actually be quite funny to watch a midget like you trying to, ahem, "kick my ass" (ha ha ha). You do realise that physical threats on a web forum are more than a little ridiculous right?

Trad climber
Austin, TX
Jun 21, 2005 - 04:21pm PT
Yeah, pretty silly, I must admit ...

Almost as silly as, say, arguing with almost 100 posts about whether dogs should be allowed at a crag, or threatening to steal another climber's gear as he or she cowers in fear of your poochie.

Have a great day!

And not so bad with the macho posturing yourself, amiga!

Trad climber
Jun 21, 2005 - 05:23pm PT
"100 posts about whether dogs should be allowed at a crag"

This is not about: if dogs should be allowed, they are allowed and thats not going to change.

This is about, when you should leave your mutt at home instead of being disrespectful and bringing your dog to a crowded area where it barks, fights, poops, bites, and tramples over ropes.

Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Jun 21, 2005 - 05:27pm PT
I just wanted the 100th post because I wanted it. . . this is the most circular, boring thread out there - and done to death. Maybe this one is better, though. I didn't read it.

I just wanted to say: 100th! BOOYA>

Social climber
Jun 23, 2005 - 05:16pm PT
In the end, I find all this talk funny. I just plan on taking my dog where I won't find a crowded area. I mean, where does it end? Loud people, beginners, crying babies, rabid bunnies. I personally feel that it should be declared open season at the crags on hangdoggers, lycra wearers, screaming babies, over-the-hillers(don't they belong at the OLD FOLKS CRAG), faggots, lesbians, oh and George Bush. Shoot'em. Get Real.

Trad climber
one pass away from the big ditch
Jul 4, 2005 - 08:20pm PT
I used to ignore these threads and thought most folks egged the dog on by poor body language, not allowing the sniffing, or getting too close to a baby the dog was guarding, etc.

I've completly changed my mind. Dogs should be leashed at all times when others are around. "He's never done that before." doesn't cut it.

Fair enough, but "I've never had to defend myself and kill your dog until recently when your dog attacked." Look, I'm used to dogs, grew up around large Boxers, and trained them some with professionals. I have friends who have dogs. However, I will kick your dog til it's teeth are up inside it's skull. I will use 20lb rocks to crush the dog's skull in. I may not come out without being severely hurt, but I will sue if your dog bites me. California is a strict liability state. It's just not worth it. Keep them leashed. Voice commands don't work if the dog is already hot to bite (or at least those that aren't police dogs or have equivalent expensive and ongoing training).

Blaming the victim with regards to dog attacks is ridiculous. It's that kind of attitude that tends me toward complaining to land managers about leashless pets. I may make an exception for dogs that I drop kick 20 feet, as there is little real threat of danger, but even a smaller medium size dog can bite and cause harm.

And I'm not even going to raise the issues of allergic reactions to dog dander, crotch sniffing, or pissing on gear.

here endeth the rant and real complaint and warning.


Trad climber
Jul 5, 2005 - 09:49pm PT
Why does someone become a dog owner?

* Dog is considered as a status symbol
* Boredom: Owner is unable to entertain himself.
* oafishness: Owner needs an equally stupid partner
* Security equipment: Owner ist too stingy to buy real alarm equipment
* Usefulness: Guide dog, Avalanche dog. This is the exception
* The need to talk: The poor animal has to listen. Luckily the poor animal does not understand anyway.
* alleged animal love: Caring for a helpless animal, which was bred for humans anyway. Thus the animal is condemned to diminish in a city dwelling.
* Compensation: The dog has to make up for the weaknesses of its owner. Therefore combat dogs almost always are owned by idiots.
* Child entertainment: Some parents believe that their children would be bored without a dog. However young people suffer from the obligations they have because of the dog.

Dogs are a spitting image of their owners:

* same characteristics
* just as fat
* just as aggressively
* just as stupid
* just as undisciplined


Trad climber
places you shouldn't talk about in polite company
Jul 5, 2005 - 09:56pm PT
so if you had a dog, it would bark like an idiot then?

i think i just got trolled
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