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Home >> Our favorite links Friday, March 21, 2025 

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Yosemite Links
El Capitan and Half Dome WebCam — this web cam offers a great view of the valley including both El Capitan and Half Dome.
Anchor conditions — Find out the conditions of anchors on Yosemite big walls and free climbs from American Safe Climbing Assn.
— Trip planning, advisories and an extensive listing of services and links. — Yosemite portal with updated news and stacks of trip-planning information. — Photos, trip reports, beta and much more on classic Yosemite routes

General Big Wall Information
Fish's Page — Tons of killer wall gear, packs, bags, beta, topos and more.
John Middendorf's Big Wall Homepage — Big wall beta and stories for Yosemite, Norway, Mexico, Pakistan, Zion and more.
Hans Florine's — tally of records on Yosemite big wall climbs
Tuan’s Yosemite Rock Page — the widest selection of Yosemite big wall trip reports available on the web.
Yosemite Big Wall Obscurities — a collection of over 30 hand-drawn topos of obscure and new aid lines.

Misc. Climbing Sites
About.Climbing — Lots of resources and beta on getting started climbing. — Interactive guides to Skiing, Mountain Biking and Climbing in Austria.
Altitude Events — Eye catching portable rock climbing wall is the premier mobile climbing tower in the Southeast of England.— BananaFingers Climbing Equipment in the UK— News, forums and photos and features on premier bouldering areas.
Chilo's Chiles— Awesome Chiles and a supporter of Hueco climbing events
ClimbAddict — Rock Climbing T-Shirts, Stickers, Hoodies, Gifts and more.
Climb ZA— Awesome web site on South Africa Climbing
Climber Online review of Yosemite Big Wall: SuperTopos— Focused on Taiwan rock climbing plus trips reports and photos from around the world.— Great climbing blog that is "So obsessed with climbing it hurts..." — GPS coordinates of rock climbing areas and hot springs throughout the world. — Rock climbing and travel guide to Cuba, including conservation, legal trips, the Cuban people, economy, environment, and status of human rights and women.
Devils Tower Lodge — Best place to stay while near Devil's Tower
Devils Tower Climbing — Awesome resource for Devils Tower climbing: guiding, travel info, route info and more...
Discover Dolomites — Dedicated to American, Canadian, English, and Australian Mountaineers who want to visit the Dolomites. — Great trip reports and photos for classics and obscure routes mostly in Utah, Nevada and Canada.—Using Google earth to locate climbing areas worldwide.
Everest 1953 — useful information relating to the British on Mount Everest — Great resource on climbing, hiking, trekking in the Himalaya.
John Gill's Climbing History page — info and photos on the history of climbing from bouldering legeng John Gill
The Mountain World — News, opinion and trip reports from the mountain world. — The home of New England Climbing
Nice Industries — Makers of fine climbing holds.
North American Classic Climbs — A celebration of the finest classic climbs on the continent. — A unique reference point on climbing and walking. — Adventure training for adults in the UK
Rock and Run — The UK's premier online gear store.
Rock Climbing in Crimea (Ukraine) — Route descriptions and photos of climbing in Ukraine.
Rock Climbing Virginia — Earth Treks’ climbing centers located in Columbia, Timonium and Rockville have state-of-the-art indoor climbing gyms & great climbing facilities. — Photos and details on Scandanavia Mountains taller than 2000 meters.
San Diego Climbing Beta — Free topo downloads and other cool illustrations — Many resources, tips, and links for exploring the High Sierra.
Splitter Choss — Climbing beta for western Colorado
TAO Education — A non-profit corporation dedicated to increasing youth access to the outdoors. — A great web site for topos and photos for climbing in the Dolomites and European Alps
What Carabiner is Right for You? — Cool article about carabiners. — Cool climbing web site by and for women: links, photos, gear, stories, and more.

Climbing Guides
Aconcagua Expeditions— information and services to climb Mount Aconcagua
Alpine Skills International— 30 years of backcountry ski mountaineering, avalanche education and climbing program based in the Sierra Nevada.
American Alpine Institute— All around climbing school and guide service serving North America
Vail Rock and Ice Climbing - Apex Mountain School: Rock and Ice Climbing, Backcountry Skiing, Hut Trips, Avalanche Education, Wilderness Medicine.
California Alpine Guides
— Mountain guiding throughout California.
Castle Rock Climbing School - Guiding at Pinnacles, Castle Rock and more location in the Bay Area
Dolomites Mountain Guide - Free topos and climbing guides for Italy's Dolomites
Joshua Tree Rock Climbing School - A locally based service with extremely accomplished climbing guides.
Mountain Adventure Company - Offering quality mountain experiences at all levels.

Sierra Rock Climbing School
- Guiding in Mammoth Lakes area
Sierra Mountaineering Center — The most comprehensive year-round guide service in the Eastern Sierra.
Sierra Mountain Guides — Teach and guide rock, ice, backcountry skiing, avalanche education and mountain trekking.

St. Elias Guides — Based in the heart of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park
SWS Mountain Guides - Guiding Shasta, Whitney, Bolivia and more
Treks and Tracks
- Guided backpacking trips, rock climbing courses and backcountry ski clinics in California and other areas

Wilderness Outings - rock climbing in Joshua Tree, Idyllwild and the LA and San Diego area

Climbing Magazines
Alpinist Magazine — Committed to celebrating world alpinism and adventure climbing in the most beautiful, inspirational manner possible.
Climbing Magazine — Recent news, tech tips, reviews, gallery, and more.
Rock and Ice Magazine — Guides, road trip info, reviews, community, and more.

Photography Sites
Cascade Images —
Photos of the Cascades, Alaska and more by Joseph Puryear. Also some great route beta.
Corey Rick Photography — Climbing and outdoor images from Corey Rich.
Extreme Ice Survey —
Visual evidence of retreating glaciers
Jerry Dodrill Photography — Photos of Yosemite, Tuolumne, Zion, and more.
James Kay Photography — Adventure Photography and landscaps.
Patitucci Photo — Photos of the High Sierra, Yosemite and more.
Peloton Productions — Producer of "Vertical Frontier" which is the best and most comprehensive documentary on Yosemite history.  

Mountain Light Photography — Photography by Galen and Barbara Rowell from around the world.
Sierra Mountain Photography — Photos of the High Sierra and beyond by Jody Langford.

Climbing Organizations
Access Fund — a national, non-profit organization dedicated to keeping climbing areas open and to conserving the climbing environment.
Alaska Alpine Club — well-liked by actual climbers, around the world
American Alpine Club — a non-profit organization that has represented mountaineers and rock climbers for almost a century.
American Safe Climbing Assn. — a non-profit organization of climbers who are dedicated to making climbing safer by replacing unsafe bolts and anchors.
Friend of the Inyo — Working To Preserve The Public Lands and Wildlife of the Eastern Sierra
Mountain Fund — Developing the capacity of grass-roots efforts in the world's mountain regions.
Rock Ice and Mountain Club — North Bay Area's premiere climbing and back country club
Southeast Climbers Coalition — A non-profit group preserving climbing areas for future generations in the southeast United States

Other cool links
— Gear auction, equipment reviews, and outdoor links.

Joshua Tree Vacation Homes - Rent a home for your next Joshua Tree climbing trip
South Lake Tahoe Home Rentals —Vacation home rentals in South Lake Tahoe
Wiki GPS entry - Helpful link for GPS coordinates on Wikipedia
Convert GPS Formats - Art by Damon Guthrie that is... bringing it together...


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