Trad climber
I went out to aid solo this the other day for practice. Very straightforward c1. However, there are two fixed copperheads right before the ledge, the first of which is in bad condition. It's completely frayed and only two small cables are in tact. If this blows, the fall will be clean but you'll have to clean it and bang in another one. Maybe not c1 anymore. I don't really know anything about this sort of thing, so I stepped lightly and it held. Last fixed piece is good.
Social climber
Oregon, but now in Europe
A very good first aid lead. Free climb the first 30 feet (or if you are not holding anyone up, you can aid it but it is dirty) just to the right of the tree (easy fifth class).
Steady easy aid the whole way. Great views from the belay.
Pitch 1 of Pacific Ocean Wall.Photo: Chris McNamara
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