No, we are not a "Christian" nation......


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The Larry

Moab, UT
May 7, 2014 - 01:44am PT
Jesus. He's gonna come back. At some point. Lol. How can intelligent adults believe that? Funny stuff.

Northern Mexico
May 7, 2014 - 01:45am PT
Sorry Fritz no buzzcut pic.


Northern Mexico
May 7, 2014 - 01:49am PT

I saw this guy in Spokane
The Larry

Moab, UT
May 7, 2014 - 01:59am PT

Or something.
Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
May 7, 2014 - 02:16am PT
For now when you atheist go to court, you'll still have to lay ur hand on the bible and swear to tell the truth.

You haven't been to court in a while, if ever, have you????

It doesn't happen like on TV

May 7, 2014 - 02:31am PT
"We are a land where, more than nearly everywhere else, opportunity is a function of striving more than it is of birth. "

Ah, I remember back in 1973, when I thought that this was true...

Trad climber
Fresno CA
May 7, 2014 - 02:36am PT
Jesus. He's gonna come back. At some point. Lol. How can intelligent adults believe that? Funny stuff.

If you ask that question seriously, rather than rhetorically, I would be happy to answer that, as would, I'm sure, many others on this forum who believe precisely that. I see no utility in answering the question for someone uninterested in the answer, though, so I ask. Are you sufficiently interested and is your mind sufficiently open to consider why intelligent people believe that Jesus will return to His creation, or is your mind sufficiently made up that you would dismiss any reply?

Todd Eastman

Bellingham, WA
May 7, 2014 - 02:41am PT
If you ask that question seriously, rather than rhetorically, I would be happy to answer that, as would, I'm sure, many others on this forum who believe precisely that. I see no utility in answering the question for someone uninterested in the answer, though, so I ask. Are you sufficiently interested and is your mind sufficiently open to consider why intelligent people believe that Jesus will return to His creation, or is your mind sufficiently made up that you would dismiss any reply?

Code for... you got to know the secret handshake!
Wade Icey

Trad climber
May 7, 2014 - 02:47am PT
is your mind sufficiently made up that you would dismiss any reply?

mine's not. Do tell.

May 7, 2014 - 05:20am PT
I once popped into a barber shop in Grenada. On the wall was a picture of Jesus. A black, Rasta Jesus. Man, I wanted that thing.

I sometimes smile thinking about how surprised America's Chosen would be if that f*#ker came out of the sky on a big white horse.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
May 7, 2014 - 07:13am PT
What cares? I'm locked up in my own stall.

Christian sex-emisshion. It's the same big old deal, isn't it, Pud-busters?

"He's a donkey and a leftist, but look at that, wouldja!"
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
May 7, 2014 - 07:19am PT
intelligent people

believe that Jesus

Those two phrases should never be used in the same sentence
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
May 7, 2014 - 07:22am PT
Believe that Jesus loves intelligent people. There. When's hell start, Doc?

Big-ass grin here... :0)
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
May 7, 2014 - 08:04am PT
There is no hell, but if there is, that's where I want to go when I die.

All of my friends will be there.

Trad climber
Wolfeboro, NH
May 7, 2014 - 08:27am PT
Well, now that I've got my S.T. stoke--I'm off to go hiking. Finally a nice day here in NH.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
May 7, 2014 - 09:53am PT
Tvash? Is this the Rasta-Jesus you remember. The dude looks hip & holy to me.


May 7, 2014 - 11:26am PT
I remember more of a traditional, photo-realism version, but one's memory while in Grenada can be, well, a bit hazy.

I'm not so sure about the white horse part. I think the Rasta Jesus is more likely to step off a packed Toyota Hiace with "Terminator" boldly painted above the winshield, wielding a rusty cutlash.

I also went to the dentist on Grenada, a big, clumsy women with a teenage assistant. At one particularly painful point, she looked down at me and asked "Are you cryin?". Then she turned to her assistant "Look! He's cryin'!"

An accidental jibe and subsequent mainsail boom in the mouth had broken off half my front tooth during the crossing from Trinidad to Grenada. She was fashioning a temporary cap for me - which stayed on all of 3 days before I swallowed it.

My buddy's comment: "I'm not going to help you look for that."


Social climber
Falls Church, VA
May 7, 2014 - 12:06pm PT
actually, the "native" americans (american aborigines is more accurate) also migrated...just long before there was an america

but the term christian nation does not mean that everyone here is christian; some might take it to mean the majority are christian, but i see it in a more fundamental way

this nation was founded on core judeo-christian ideas:

1) the benevolent source of our rights, NOT granted by government but "endowed by our creator" from the moment of creation (that includes, for you atheists, the right to deny a creator)

2) the idea that government--a purely manmade construct--cannot deny our rights but, instead, has as its primary function the protection of those rights

3) the recognition not simply of the rights of the individual (the greeks introduced this idea), but, more profoundly, the sanctity of the individual; the idea that every single man, woman, and child (including those in the womb) has value regardless of ability, heritage, race, religion, etc.

we're the ONLY nation founded on these principals, donini, and, as a result, the dream destination of the poor and oppressed from around the world...take away that central concept--rights endowed by god--and what do you have? just another empowered government able to deny us our humanity

before you counter with the laundry list of unchristian acts perpetrated by our government, re-read my points; don't confuse the governments we elect with the ideal upon which our elections are founded; of course, we have and will screw up, but i think an objective assessment will show that the founding principals prevail more than fail

read amazing grace by eric metaxas; christianity was the driving force in the aboltion of slavery (even john brown was religiously motivated), the one argument for which there was no effective counter-argument...the men in the british parliament may not have believed in the christian god, but they did believe in the christian ideals (even if they rarely managed to live up to them personally) and were even willing to risk the lives of their sons to stop the international slave trade
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
May 7, 2014 - 12:14pm PT
...we're the ONLY nation founded on these principals..

Uh... Not quite correct. The whole of Western politcal philosophy is based on the Social Contract, and therefore every Western country was or is founded in these principles.

As for the "creator" bit - if you review the history of philosphy, and political philosophy in particular, you'll see that the Western 18th Century mind was simply incapable of comprehending any other reality except a world in which there was a Christian God of some kind. It is, therefore, not surprising that 18th Century political thought reflects that outlook. Remember, the Christians were burning people at the stake who claimed that God did not exist.

I really don't think we should be clinging to some antiquated outlook on life, based on the narrow-mindedness and ignorance of people who lived 200 years ago. Or perhaps they weren't so ignorant, maybe they were just afraid of getting their heads chopped off by Good Loving Christians for promoting a political philosophy that didn't glorify the Christian god.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
May 7, 2014 - 12:22pm PT
Oh-oh, my sweet instant Christian you are such a sly clown
Too many questions, no replies now

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