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Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
I like good news on Fridays!
Who is this milagro worker Ben?
cool to quote ekat, 'keep that magic alive'
Social climber
Incredible. I am happy for you man. Best of luck getting the pup back in good shape. I bet seeing you will do wonders.
Ben Logan
Trad climber
Mammoth, CA
John, sorry I missed you this morning. I wish Charlee a speedy recovery. Credit for her rescue is also due to Will Tarantino, my house mate and climbing partner yesterday when I spotted her. Will carried her most of the way out of the Gorge over his shoulders in the dark. Let me know how she gets on.
Trad climber
Hip Hip Hooray!
Sport climber
Sacramento, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 9, 2011 - 11:06pm PT
Thanks everyone for all your responses. We just got back to Sacramento after picking up Charlee in Mammoth. Long day to Mammoth and then back to Sacramento. I didn't get to see Ben when I picked up Charlee in Mammoth because he was out running but as you can imagine a check is in the mail. But money doesn't start to say what I want to say to Ben and Will. I will post a picture of them as soon as they send me one. They live in Mammoth. More information: Ben found Charlee 200 yards down river from the bridge that you cross to get to China Wall. Ben said she was somewhat obscured by brush when he first noticed her but he fortunately saw her through the brush. After he called me and we confirmed it was Charlee (thanks to the Supertopo picture that Ben was able to access)he went back to pick her up, he didn't immediately see her but he and Will thrashed around the bushes and found her where she had created a nesting area. Ben said it looked like she had been sleeping there for many days. The only thing I can figure is, she was waiting there for me to return. Charlee was known to roll in and eat poop occasionally for which she got punished but I think poop was probably one of the main things she ate for the 4 weeks she was alone and water was available in the river. She was very attached to me but she is also a very social dog, not the typical heeler that usually is a one man/woman dog. I would have expected her to seek out people that were constantly in the area of the China Wall and on the trail but the only thing I can figure is, she was waiting for me to return and was staying in an area where she had last seen me.(A little aside: Charlee had been recently diagnosed with severe arthritis and probably due to the pain, even though she was medicated, she wasn't acting like herself. She wouldn't come when I called her, she was clumsy, and she didn't act like she was enjoying life. The vet was adjusting her medication to see if we could resolve these issues and I had her at the vet the night before I left for Owens when she became lost. I asked the vet if he thought I should take her to Owens and he said it might do her some good. When we were taking her down the trail, she was having problems with staying on the trail and wasn't keeping up with us (she was usually in the lead). When we got to the base of China Wall, we continued on to the Morning Wood climb area and I noticed Charlee wasn't with us. She had stayed with a group of people on the right side of China Wall. I was able to watch her from my location and I figured she was just not motivated or too tired to continue to our location so I let her stay. I called to her and she saw me so I figured everything was okay. I kept watching her but soon I noticed she was no longer there, so I immediately went looking for her. I couldn't immediately find her so I alerted my partners, Tom and Paul. I told them she may have returned to the Car at the central parking area if she couldn't figure out where we were. Tom and Paul started looking and calling around the greater China Wall area and I went up the trail to the central parking area but no Charlee. I thought it possible that Charlee had intended to go up the trail to the central parking but had possibly missed the trail and continued on the road and might show up at the south parking so I drove my truck to the south parking and got on my bike (we also mountain bike) and drove down from the south parking to the bottom of the gorge and up to the point where the trail goes up to the central parking. Again, no Charlee. I met Paul and Tom there and they had been searching the area around China Wall but, no Charlee. Tom and Paul then went back and looked more and I continued up the trail to check if Charlee had continued up toward the upper gorge area. We all came up empty handed. Charlee certainly was in the area we were searching but because of her medical issues just wasn't responding. We all went Back to the Truck at central gorge parking and decided to spend the night there thinking Charlee might possibly return to that location. A short time later I told Paul I couldn't stand the thought of her spending the night out alone so I headed back out with a couple of flashlights and searched for another 3 hours but, no Charlee. The next day we continued to search but, no Charlee. I finally concluded that Charlee must have followed someone up the trail to central gorge parking and they took her and I would be called soon. But no call the next day, so I called both Inyo and Mono animal control to alert them and posted a notice at the start of the central gorge trail. Charlee had a collar with my phone numbers and her name and a chip) Back to today: We left our house at 6 am this morning and arrived at the Alpen Veterinary Hospital where we met Dr TeSlaa. (he and his staff were great) Charlee had been on an IV all night and sedated. And she hadn't really moved for some time, but when she heard our voices she tried to get up, but immediately fell back down and was out again. It made us feel good that she recognized our arrival. We loaded her into the car, IV and all, and headed home. She didn't move much but twice, she needed to pee so started standing up so I stopped and helped her out and stood her up while she peed. Boy does she stink. We drove her directly to our vet and we are now waiting for a call to tell us what's next. More to follow.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Oh wonderful update...hoping for a full and quick recovery. Lots of puppy hugs going out to everyone.
Captain...or Skully
Where are you bound?
Dude.....We gotta teach you about paragraphs.
Cheers, Mon.
Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Dec 10, 2011 - 12:14am PT
Thanks for the update!
This is a wonderful holiday season story.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Dec 10, 2011 - 12:50am PT
Dude.....We gotta teach you about paragraphs.
I think it's called stress!
Captain...or Skully
Where are you bound?
Dec 10, 2011 - 01:11am PT
Point taken.
Still a happy ending.
Santa Monica, CA
Dec 10, 2011 - 01:32am PT
I am so happy to read this....really glad you shared the happy news with us.
Social climber
Dec 10, 2011 - 02:46am PT
hey there say, john... and ben...
wow, i was so afraid to really read, this... as, i saw it late in time and was afraid it did not turn out well, :(
so wonderful for you john to have your dog found and back to you...
dogs just don't understand what is wrong, it's so sad, when they are alone... :(
thank you to ben and for being a hero...
god bless to you all...
happy get well to pup-dog... >:D<
Big Wall climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 10, 2011 - 04:33am PT
right on!!! Mr and Mrs Wayno say our hearts go out to you! our pups are too precious.
Trad climber
Dec 10, 2011 - 10:06am PT
Was the dog embarrassed because of your poor top-roping skills? Ben is an awesome guy to have done that. It only shows how climbers are good hearted and help. Way to go Ben!
Aya K
Trad climber
New York
Dec 10, 2011 - 10:18am PT
Excellent! Please keep us updated!!!!
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Dec 10, 2011 - 10:48am PT
I guess there really is a Dog!
Sport climber
Sacramento, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 10, 2011 - 10:52am PT
This is a picture of Ben. The latest update. Talked to the Vet (Dr Petrounich at Bradshaw Vet Hospital) last night. Her status is Guarded so she is not out of the woods. The exposure, especially to the cold nights, caused big problems. She has high sodium levels and high kidney values which both might be caused by exposure. She also continues to have a fever which indicates an infection. They are continuing to keep her on IV's to be able to put the medications and nutrients in her that will resolve these issues. He said there could be long term damage to her organs especially the brain. We are going to go see her this morning and find out the latest. Keep tuned.
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Dec 10, 2011 - 10:56am PT
Thanks for sharing Ben's photo. I hope to recognize him someday and offer a beer or two.
Best wishes for Charlee. I hope she pulls through. Just happy she is home with her family.
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Dec 10, 2011 - 12:08pm PT
Some people and their companions on ST have pulled through horrendous SHEET...others have slopped through horrendous SHEET to hang on a lot longer than any reasonable being could, just to be able to give their friends and family a glimpse of what love and heroism and inspiration and grace can be. We love them all and they have touched and enriched our lives if they are still here or not.
I'm sure pulling for her and as one poster said: "There is a Dog"! Couldn't have said it better.
Hold her close, she is next to all our hearts that are following this thread.
Edit: Ben "not a bad looking kid"....that's only on the outside....I think we are all lined up to get him a beer!
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