crumbling Freedom of the Press too divisive to discuss?


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Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Feb 27, 2017 - 09:20pm PT
What good is the worlds biggest military when a quarter of its' population live below the poverty line and most of its' citizens struggle to pay for health care and a college education...Who is this military protecting and couldn't this excess be spent on making Americans' lives better...? Huh..?

state of being
Feb 27, 2017 - 09:21pm PT
Current US military spending is 773 Billion for all departments related to protecting from out of country threats.

All broken out below, so nitpick away:

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 27, 2017 - 10:02pm PT
Fake news.

The Good Places
Feb 27, 2017 - 10:06pm PT

oh. wrong thread. but yeah Jody, totally agree. there do exist enemies of the people. whatever shall we do with them?

Mountain climber
Feb 27, 2017 - 10:19pm PT
Very interesting story from The Guardian :
Robert Mercer: the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media - With links to Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage, the rightwing US computer scientist is at the heart of a multimillion-dollar propaganda network

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Feb 27, 2017 - 10:30pm PT
Who is this military protecting and couldn't this excess be spent on making Americans' lives better...? Huh..?

I'm ALL for a radical reduction in military spending, along with withdrawing our forces (and black-op "influences") from most of the world!

But in typical lib-think, you treat that money as though it's the government's. It's NOT. That is mostly money that the government never should have had in the first place.

Let me fix your question: "Why couldn't this excess be left in the pockets of the Americans from whom it was originally stolen, letting them make their lives better?"

Decent, responsible people don't NEED (nor WANT) government telling them how their lives should be better. SS is a classic example of government telling us how to retire (namely, in poverty, if THAT's the retirement plan). Leave the money in American's pockets where it belongs, and then you won't have to talk about "excess," and the debates about stealing from some to "give" to others will go away.

The government was never supposed to be "Robin Hood" writ large, with the industrial-military complex being one of the major recipients of OUR largess!
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Feb 27, 2017 - 10:31pm PT
Jody, still doesn't get it. You have the president of the world's greatest democracy attacking a right embedded in the Constitution (accurately portraying his many false statements). Rather than man up and play it straight, he attacks the messenger as the 'real' problem. You don't deserve the democracy you enjoy. You'd love the not so former Soviet Union, where the state and media are indistinguishable.

Feb 28, 2017 - 12:06am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Don't worry, her segment's in English.

Trad climber
Chamonix, France
Feb 28, 2017 - 12:37am PT
Oh well played, Degaine. Excellent!

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Feb 28, 2017 - 01:05am PT
Plus 10 fatdad.

They're embracing the evil.

In Germany. There was the blessings of millions. The first concentration camps were set up in 1933. The good ol' USA didn't step in to save the world til EIGHT YEARS LATER!! We'll come to our senses again.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Feb 28, 2017 - 05:53am PT
The US has been the Great Satan for generations now. We having been bombing and murdering nations all around the globe for profit and sport.

It didn't begin with the Orange Clown nor will it end there. The puppet in chief is just that, all sound and fury signifying nothing.

The trajectory of empires is all the the same, only the timelines differ.


Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Feb 28, 2017 - 06:12am PT
I'm ALL for a radical reduction in military spending, along with withdrawing our forces (and black-op "influences") from most of the world!

Priceless. This from the guy who helped elect a man who has to be the most totally uninformed person to ever step into the White House ... and that includes all the tourists.

You wanted a "radical reduction" and instead you're looking at a 10% increase...gee, how'd that happen? Who would have thought "health care could be so complicated"? Dang.

Mountain climber
Feb 28, 2017 - 06:20am PT

The US has been the Great Satan for generations now. We having been bombing and murdering nations all around the globe for profit and sport.
fear, you are too young and naive.
It's a de facto law of international releations, that a country with stronger military can attack a weeker country with impunity.

Do you prefer China, USSR or Germany/Japan playing the role of a master of the world?
I doubt very much that this world would be better.
I prefer the current world with US being the Great Satan.

The world where all countries live in peace without starting wars does not exist.

Feb 28, 2017 - 06:25am PT
Yep, too divisive to discuss.

As I've stated before, you can't discuss issues rationally with people who flock to "news" sources such as Breitbart, Faux News, and other right wing propaganda. Mentally, they're lost causes. You have to defeat them in the short term, and teach kids critical thinking skills in the long term. It's a crisis, but we're not going to solve it in four years.

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
Feb 28, 2017 - 06:35am PT
Monolith, you are entirely wrong in your a*#umptions concerning my response. I heartily agree that the US should bring home all the overseas troops, protect our own borders, vet entrants to avoid sabotage, and lower our military budget by more than half. We have been sold a bill of goods when they tell us that we need this "strong military" to "protect our country and our freedom" when we are losing our freedoms daily in the name of "security."

I am not saying we should roll over and play dead in the geopolitical game, but we have no business continuing our destabilization of other nations based on satisfying the greed of some gang of puppet masters who are still driven by insatiable greed and power hunger. Look around the globe at the present crop of leaders: any of them you would trust with power? No, me neither.

Here is a link to the chart you posted, or a similar one:

Our military spending is ridiculous. One of the things I find reprehensible about Trump is his obsession with the further militarization of this nation. Our Veteran's hospitals are overwhelmed with returning military in need of care, and yet are failing badly in meeting the needs of these people. And most of the military actions are against people who have never, ever harmed a US citizen. Same old story: conquer, traumatize, and colonize. Look at what has happened to Viet Nam.

But I am not in favor of a welfare state either. Government schooling continues to fail, because the basic premise is flawed: it is based on an industrial model of one size fits all, and on processing individual minds and spirits through a uniform process designed to subjugate and conform children into a model of obedient little factory workers. Teaching innocent children that their life will be about responding to bells, needing permission to take care of bodily functions, get a drink of water, or move from their tiny cell of a desk (work station). How sick is that? Not a sick as terrorizing other children and adults in other places, but still, pretty sick.

I'd rather see the tax money returned to those from whom it was stolen, but barring that, shrink the military and pay off the national debt, and return the nation to the Constitutionality of the Bill of Rights. Simply enforcing the Bill of Rights against the politicians would remarkably restore order and fairness to this nation.

Furthermore, we already have a very controlled press: government licensure and the FCC made sure of that. But then along came the internet, and as the priests lost control when the printing press made information available in Europe, the politicians are losing control as the internet makes information available globally. I am not sure a lot people grasp the impact of the internet on communication. The Reformation was catalyzed by gunpowder, the printing press, and the Protestant schism from Catholicism. What, beyond the internet, is driving the Reformation we see around us?

Okay, now you have a lot more about which to make assumptions about my bias. Have fun. :) Silly person. :)

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
Feb 28, 2017 - 07:06am PT
Jody, rather than simply criticize the government-vetted press, Trump did a logical tactic and took his communications directly to the people via the internet. Good for him on that score. The press is pouting about its loss of power to sway public opinion, having already lost the power to control the news. It has actually already lost the power to sway public opinion, but that message has not yet found its way into the awareness of most government-licensed press sources. This is not the way the game has been played in days of yore, after all. The rules have changed.

This is an interesting thread, and I have been informed, amused, educated, and occasionally surprised at the posts here. But having made enough inane remarks myself, I think I will retire from the field now and see how the game of words and ideas evolves.

Thank you all for indulging my nattering.

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Feb 28, 2017 - 07:15am PT
Jody, you think every member of the media get together on a morning conference call to decide what to report???? Apply some common sense, man.

Feb 28, 2017 - 07:36am PT
Or ...

How to spin the news to fit into the loons head .....

(since the reporter is a loon also)

Mountain climber
Feb 28, 2017 - 07:45am PT
Priceless. This from the guy who helped elect a man who has to be the most totally uninformed person to ever step into the White House ... and that includes all the tourists.

That's pretty funny, Crankloon.

Crankster, they don't have to. It is ingrained in them.

"Report" is the wrong term. Deciding what "news to create" would be more accurate.

And of course you are including reporters from fox, and Breitbart, correct?


Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Feb 28, 2017 - 08:12am PT

(since the reporter is a loon also)

This could go in the dictionary under the definition "ignorance". Along with about 99% of the nonsense coming from Area 51.
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