tiny house for climbers


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Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
Dec 17, 2016 - 06:48pm PT
Flip flop's favorite tool is his right hand.
Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Dec 17, 2016 - 06:50pm PT
You're looking like a nail


El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Dec 17, 2016 - 07:09pm PT
A bunch of d ickheads arguing about a lame ass trailer.
Thanks for the stoke supertopo!

Trad climber
Salt Lake City Ut.
Dec 17, 2016 - 07:35pm PT

I came back to this thread to learn something. But maybe that's not going to happen.

I live in a too big house and would absolutely love to live in a little shitbox trailer house in a nice place.

I'm not shy for knocking trailer trash but at this point in my life I could see it happen for me. All I need is for the toilet to flush, the shower to work (hot water of course), a stove would be cool.

What more could you need ce'pt a good dog, a place to buy liquor near by and a nice view.

I'm totally serious

Tom Patterson

Trad climber
Dec 17, 2016 - 08:37pm PT
Okay Pud and Flip Flop...now that we've got the junior high mean girl stuff out of the way...

There are some pretty amazing designs being done on these rigs. Too many links to mention, but creative options, galore.

Dec 17, 2016 - 08:48pm PT
the problem with pricing this is that there are [at least] three different ways you can price the materials [not including labour] that a rig like this would cost:

1. as market driven and a one off: in this case i'd bet Flip Flop is pretty close to correct. look closely at the photo, as there are some not so cheap things in there and if a contractor only builds one, it's going to be pricey even if they aren't paying full retail.

2. as market driven and mass produced: people that are comparing mass produced trailer homes to this, don't understand how those firms get their prices down... sure if you build 100 of these you might be able to drive the material costs below sub 10k or who knows maybe even 5k depending on what is actually specc'd... but it takes mass buying to be able to do that.

3. as diy dude/ttes buying shIt on kijiji: and of course there is the "i spent three years scrounging on kijiji, flea markets and stealing from building sites and i only spent $300 on materials!" click-bait model.

while all are legit, i don't get a chance to agree with FF very often, so coming from some similar backgrounds, i'll add that i suspect as a general analysis of this particular model, he's on an order of magnitude analysis quite likely closest to correct with his $20k for materials alone estimate...

some interesting concepts in the op's rig.
Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Dec 17, 2016 - 08:53pm PT
I apologize. I get trolled now and then.

The $20,000 material estimate is a solid jumping off point. And it takes skilled labor, tools, a build site, and a comprehensive plan. I think that the hardest part is making a plan. If you have the skills and a build site, then you're more than half way there.
If you plan on moving often, say seasonally, then you really need to keep it small. If you're never going to move it then skip the trailer. Unless wheels get you around code restrictions. You can see how the plan can get complicated.
For me, it's a version of a shepherds caravan. Small, rugged and utilitarian. It's not a tiny home, it's a journeymans wagon that works as a decent backcountry camp.

away from the ground
Dec 17, 2016 - 09:15pm PT
Flip nails the numbers. Nahooooo tells you why it is. Steve gives it at luxury "I've got work coming out my ass" price. Pud looks like a tard.
I'd say closer to 60k than 80, but maybe I'm kinder or faster than Steve. Winky.
Flip Flop, a sincere, friendly piece of advice. Never use the adjective "professional" to describe yourself. It looks bad, from a humility viewpoint, and a "professional" viewpoint. Just saying. The worst experience with subs and such I've had are people that use that word specifically. You're either a badass mo-fo, or not. (Also if you refer to yourself as a "professional climber", you're most likely a strong beater... ) Just saying, brah

Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
Dec 17, 2016 - 09:44pm PT
Funny how difficult and expensive this small project appears to so many of you.

away from the ground
Dec 17, 2016 - 09:49pm PT
Those are adjectives introduced by you into the conversation.
If you think that project is difficult or expensive, you are displaying your ignorance, sweetie.

Social climber
The internet
Dec 17, 2016 - 09:50pm PT
Post some pix, pud.

Dec 17, 2016 - 10:08pm PT
hahaha... was bored... steve s nailed it... but was actually conservative...

went to tiny heirlooms website [they are who built this trailer] and trailers of this size start at $89.9k

and for your edification pud the one specific thing i can spec in there is a Unique brand 10 cu ft propane fridge. those retail for ~1500. good luck keeping to your $4-6k materials budget... and thanks for the amusement with the "no builders commenting" comment... tis lulzy...

Grizzlyville, WY
Dec 17, 2016 - 10:49pm PT
All these estimates are way low, considering the 1 ton diesel pickup required to move them. Not really an optional accessory if you plan on moving it from crag to crag.

Trad climber
Salt Lake City Ut.
Dec 18, 2016 - 02:11am PT
Hey Moose

Yeah I'd rather have a cat or two. Screw having a woman, that's just too much of a hassle and they are expensive. No offense but I really do like being alone. Is it ok to say that nowadays. I love women but I just like to be alone.
Dingus McGee

Social climber
Where Safety trumps Leaving No Trace
Dec 18, 2016 - 06:17am PT
Who would you want to build a tow along trailer house to include the likes of someones else's home's vanity. A 4 burner stainless steel stove? And much more that could be mentioned.

America -- love it or change it. It is use your resources as you please.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Dec 18, 2016 - 06:25am PT
Kitchens are the money room in a house. why would a real climber want a kitchen that looks like it came out of a slopeside condo.....
Tom Patterson

Trad climber
Dec 18, 2016 - 06:59am PT
I apologize. I get trolled now and then.

I get that, pud. :-)

I fly somewhere around the country about every other week, and I've gotten addicted to an HGTV show on tiny homes (one of the free entertainment channels on Alaska Airlines). The more designs I see come to fruition, the more convinced I am that you can--even with others living with you--create a pretty cool, long term livable space for yourselves.

What makes these rigs more versatile is that they almost always qualify as RVs, and can therefore be placed anywhere an RV can legally set up shop. I don't know that you'd really need to buy a vehicle that could tow one, as renting one occasionally would be, I think, way more cost-effective. Of course, if you were wanting to go "dirtbag--tiny home style" (obviously, an oxymoron), you'd definitely want to have your own tow vehicle.


Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Dec 18, 2016 - 07:42am PT
built out cargo van for traveling. cabin on your own property for small house.
Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Dec 18, 2016 - 11:11am PT

My whip (wip) the work in progress. I just picked up a few hundred square feet of 1/4"x6" clear vertical grain paneling. Paired with the 8k used Ford Excursion 4x4 V-10(seats 8)Good enough for this dirtbag. Inside out Design lets you live with the birds and the bears. Hauls tonnage. Not married to a Mercedes is also nice. Sawzalls easily. Fixes with a bit of wood and some liquid nails.

Trad climber
Washington DC
Dec 18, 2016 - 02:56pm PT
Now this is a Tiny House, er Mobile Home, I mean Trailer. Parked in the same spot since 1987 on my land in the San Juan Islands. Hasn't been opened since 92.
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