Have no right to carry gun (OT)


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Trad climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 10:57am PT
It's the 9th circuit court. Who would a thunk they would go this route?

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Jun 10, 2016 - 12:12pm PT
I have no problem with local county Sheriffs issuing the permits, in fact it's probably best that way

Oh no it isn't. You put way too much confidence in the character of county sheriffs, one of whom (ex) is now under indictment in Colorado Springs. It was the policy in Colorado for years and it was abused by favoritism and political manipulation until a state-wide policy was adopted, which is much fairer. Background checks at local and national levels + CC weapon training are necessary.

On the other hand, I have had a CC permit for many years and have only used it a few times. Can't even recall the last time I carried. But it's good to know I can do so legally if I feel the necessity.

Ice climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 01:11pm PT
The case originated in San Diego

“Based on today's decision, the procedure of obtaining a license to carry a concealed weapon within the County of San Diego will continue as it has since the 1980s,” the statement read. “As always, anyone who believes that they may have circumstances which place them in harm's way, and necessitate the ability to carry a concealed firearm, can apply for a license with the Sheriff's Licensing Division. Good cause is evaluated on an individual basis.”

In San Diego County, applicants must identify a specific reason they want to carry a concealed weapon, such as needing protection from a stalker or having a job that requires handling large amounts of cash. They must also pass a background test, have good moral character and complete firearms training.

Trad climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 01:12pm PT
Just drawing breath is cause enough.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jun 10, 2016 - 01:18pm PT

Jun 10, 2016 - 06:20am PT
Lorenzo, do you mean to tell me that you if allowed you would carry a gun into a court room and kill people? Or on a plane?

You would do that?


I guess the question is if allowed to carry a gun anywhere and kill people, would you?

I get the feeling almost nobody who is posting here has read the ruling.

The fifth circuit ( aka home of Attila the Hun and Ghengis Khan for you right leaning folks)
Made a similar ruling in 2001. It turns out the right to bear arms has limits.

And in 2008 the ninth circuit ( aka those pinkos) actually came down with a more permissive gun toting ruling than the Fifth.

The Supremes declined to review either ruling.

Jun 10, 2016 - 01:25pm PT
My pops carried, he owned a pharmacy in Lamont CA(if ever there was a place for open carry, this is place is at the top of the list) that was broken into fairly often. He worked late hours and whatnot, not knowing what might be outside the back door when he was leaving. He was buddies with the local sheriff who would would sometimes hangout in the parking lot by my pops truck. He had confrontations/attempted robberies/ambushed out the back door and never once pulled the trigger. He was an amazing marksman and a calm head. We shot up to 3x a week as we hunted year-round and he always wanted to be a good shot with the python. He had respect for firearms in ways I do not see or hear about these days and that is what scares me about open carry.

Ice climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 02:13pm PT
Apparently breathing and plenty of places to conceal a couple or a few.


Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jun 10, 2016 - 05:08pm PT

"A well-schooled electorate, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and read Books, shall not be infringed."

Jun 10, 2016 - 06:10pm PT
 He had respect for firearms in ways I do not see or hear about these days and that is what scares me about open carry.

Don't be scared you'll be ok. Just because you don't hear about it or see it it doesn't exist?

And that dude in the picture above has way more problems than his finger on the trigger

Trad climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 07:30pm PT
What if the government required every book to have a serial number? What if it were a felony for any person to sell a book at a profit without a federal license? What if anyone (except government agents) who bought a book from a federally-licensed book dealer had to fill out a federal form listing his name, address, and the book's serial number, then wait five days before taking possession? What if anyone (except government agents) who wanted a book under a certain size had to pay a $200 federal tax, get fingerprinted and photographed, and wait months for government approval, and the penalty for non-compliance was 10 years and $10,000? What if it were a felony for anyone (except government agents) to buy or sell books whose pages were made out of anything other than a specific type of paper? What if some states made it a felony (except for government agents) to buy more than one book a month, and banned outright (except to government agents) books with more than a certain number of pages? What if it was a common occurrence for government agents to destroy someone's house, seize all his property, and imprison him for suspected violations of these book laws? What if government agents planted banned books in people's homes and shot the citizens or burned them alive? You may think this comparison is crazy, and that is your privilege. Like it or not, however, millions of intelligent, rational people think guns are exactly the same as books.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Jun 10, 2016 - 07:47pm PT
you won't even be allowed to collect rain water

It was not legal to do so in Colorado until recently.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jun 10, 2016 - 07:57pm PT

Jun 10, 2016 - 07:30pm PT
What if the government required every book to have a serial number?
Well, for commercial purposes books require an ISBN and you have to send 2 copies to the Library of Congress..

What if it were a felony for any person to sell a book at a profit without a federal license?

have you read the Millenium copyright act?

What if it was a common occurrence for government agents to destroy someone's house, seize all his property, and imprison him for suspected violations of these book laws?
See previous question

What if government agents planted banned books in people's homes and shot the citizens or burned them alive?

Portland Police have shot people at traffic stops for going through a stop sign. They have also shot people for reaching into their glove compartment for the car registration when asked to do so.
You may think this comparison is crazy, and that is your privilege. Like it or not, however, millions of intelligent, rational people think guns are exactly the same as books.

I'll be right with you if as many people a year are killed by people carrying concealed books.

( does Skousen's Constitution count?)

I apologize. The last response was stupid.

Way more people have been killed by people carrying the Bible and Quran than By Handguns.

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jun 10, 2016 - 08:19pm PT
lemonade stands

The county where I used to live required a business permit to open a lemonade stand. They shut down kids doing so.

Don't think some folks concerns aren't tomorrow's reality.

Jun 10, 2016 - 08:28pm PT
Why would the government care about or pay attention to a bunch of paranoid dingbats?

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jun 10, 2016 - 08:28pm PT
I'll be right with you if as many people a year are killed by people carrying concealed books.

The business about an educated electorate is intended to show the structure of the wording of the amendment. But of course an educated electorate would be a good thing in our world of Trump and Hillary...

Trad climber
Jun 10, 2016 - 09:04pm PT
Way more people have been killed by people carrying the Bible and Quran than By Handguns.

Especially since no one in history has ever been killed by a handgun.
dee ee

Mountain climber
Of THIS World (Planet Earth)
Jun 10, 2016 - 09:47pm PT
Wow, I forgot how great "All In The Family" was!

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jun 11, 2016 - 12:28pm PT
( does Skousen's Constitution count?)

An interesting clan - I know one of Cleo's nephews. Never really been sure with them what's belief vs just what sells - or whether the more it sells, the more they believe it themselves. Bright folks though; very hard to believe that they are serious about the bulk of it. But conspiracy is the family business and disavowing any of it would lead to financial ruin and social ostracizing.

Ice climber
Jun 11, 2016 - 12:50pm PT

you won't even be allowed to collect rain water

It was not legal to do so in Colorado until recently.

Did that get overturned? How can you take away a rancher's god given right to the rain?
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jun 11, 2016 - 01:11pm PT
Didn't Obama take all your guns away years ago? What's the Issue?
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