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Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Jan 17, 2011 - 04:29pm PT
I had a dog bite me as I was riding a motorcycle slowly.
I sped up.
Took out a .22.
Fired into the ground as the dog approached.
It stopped but continued to menace.
The owner paid for my jeans (holed and bloodied).
Mouse guns are cool, and sometimes well worth having.
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Jan 17, 2011 - 05:11pm PT
Right on Rox...you forgot about rabies being transmitted..good reason to kill the dog before it bites you....The latest scourge are the So. Cal yuppies taking their poochs skiing with them at groomed x-country areas...Even though there are signs prohibiting dogs on groomed trail , the LA weekend warriors don't think it applies to them....it's all about me...Besides wrecking the tracks , the dogs crap leaving delightful wet piles ....I informed this guy skiing with his dog that dogs were not allowed on the trails..Of course he knows the rules better than I do and tells me that it's okay for dogs to be on the tracks.... i call him a f-ing moron...his wife goes ballistic and demands to know what i called her husband...I called her a f-ing biotch and ski away...I've been attacked several times now by leashed dogs while minding my own business...go figure?
Boulder climber
Jan 17, 2011 - 05:25pm PT
I took my dog to the Happies/Sads this weekend, where there were lots of people and lots of dogs. The dogs were all very well behaved. The people sure did suck though.
I never thought I would say it, but the BLM should close the Tablelands or charge for access, and regulate the mess that is Bishop Bouldering.
Jan 17, 2011 - 05:32pm PT
Someone pointed out that the dog owners who were not unpleasant to deal with did not call us. That's a good point. However, we get a hell of a lot more people calling about themselves, their children, friends, etc. and the lage majority of them do not fit my initial description of the pet owners we talk to. Most of the pet people do.
Trad climber
Claremont, CA
Jan 17, 2011 - 05:51pm PT
I don't know if this would work at the crags.
On occasion, I would encounter an unleashed dog on one of my favorite bike loops. He would come after me like a bat out of hell. The next day, to discourage the monster from chasing me, I squirted him with my water bottle — filled with my urine.He never ran after me again. BTW vinegar works too.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 17, 2011 - 05:56pm PT
I've had good experiences with dogs at crags and in the hills, and bad experiences. Many more good, or non-significant, experiences than bad ones. But some of the bad ones have been doozies - off leash dogs barking, snapping, growling, chasing me, you name it.
Not to mention the impacts such animals have on the local environment and wildlife. Though sometimes the impact is a deservedly negative one for the dog.
I've had worse experiences with dogs while cycling and running. Though a bicycle pump is pretty reasonable for self-defence, especially if you don't mind bending it. And a visible handful of rocks, and standing one's ground, tend to cause dogs to think twice. Those that can think, of course - a few dogs are even dumber than their owners.
Trad climber
the flat water trails...
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 17, 2011 - 06:23pm PT
best I can do until I can get someone to take a shot from a better angle...
No punctures, just the big scrape and a really big bruise.
I love dogs (I have a dog), but I'm glad I got a knee to it's chest. I was too stunned to do anything else, but the thought of packin' heat certainly did cross my mind more than once!! I DID throw my bear mace in my pack when I got home and I GLADLY use it on that dog when I see it again. Self defense, of course.
to discourage the monster from chasing me, I squirted him with my water bottle — filled with my urine.He never ran after me again ROTFLMA!!!
...a few dogs are even dumber than their owners. I dunno... I've known some pretty dumb animal owners...
As for potential rabies, yup, thought about that one. Of course, the owner said the dog was up on all it's shots. hmmm... ggrrrrrrrrrrrr.
OH yeah, and Jeremy, leaving Fido and/or Bowzer at home would make absolutely too much sense. WAY too logical. (maybe it's that whole guilty comscience thing that was mentioned...)
The dogs are there not of their own volition, and may or may not be happy/hungry/scared/bored/over it all/whatever, I get that. That being said, know the animal, know that it IS an animal, and be fully prepared to deal with any negative repercussions of it's actions (i.e.: getting whacked on the head with a sawed off broom handle or shot or stuck on a spit and eaten for dinner or ... The list goes on.)
Of course, there will always be those for whom the rules and regs don't apply and for whom this whole conversation will be a moot point because their animals are perfect and are friendly...
oh, and Al, my name's Samantha, not Sue!! :)
Big Wall climber
Land of the Lahar
Jan 17, 2011 - 06:52pm PT
OK, here is my dog bite story.
I was walking on a trail; two hikers and an unleashed german shep. pup. are hiking towards me; I walk by the dog, as I approach it, I put my hand down, palm towards nose, and let him sniff me; Dog sniffs hand, then bites me right in the soft skin of the kneecap.
I walk about 50 feet away, and then yell at the owners (two girls) "your friggin dog just bit me in the kneecap!" They respond: "He has never bitten anyone BEFORE!" I said, well, he has NOW!
I then demanded they compensate me for my insurance deductible of $50, since I would have to go to the doctor. I needed a tetnus boster, anyways so they wipped out two $20 and gave it to me, and they apologized.
PLEASE LEAVE YOUR FIGGIN POOCH AT HOME; I would not hesitate to put down a dog right if front of its' owner if they are not responsible owners.
A RESPONSIBLE OWNER, leaves their dogs at home; I have as much right to not hear your friggin dog barking and not having it at "my crags" as you do bringing it there.
DO US ALL A FAVOR, leave Rover at HOME!
end of story
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 06:56pm PT
A RESPONSIBLE OWNER, leaves their dogs at home
That is way too broad of a statement, and you know it.
Big Wall climber
Land of the Lahar
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:00pm PT
Says WHO?
Leave the dog at home, or face the wrath of having them being killed in front of you if they bite someone.
What part of that don't you understand? Leave them at home!
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:06pm PT
Listen as#@&%e, I don't bring my dogs to the crag due to the density of climbers, it's rude and a PITA.
However, when I hike, my friendly dogs run off leash, and will until they're old and can no longer run.
You make a generalization that all dogs are bad and should be kept in the house or the yard. Not so.
A well socialized dog has every right to run and be a dog.
Saying that all dogs should be left at home is just plain stupid.
Touch my dog as it comes up to you, tail wagging and see what happens. You'll rue the day.
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:12pm PT
What I'm getting at is that there are mean dogs and then there are good, well behaved dogs. I take my dogs out and about because they fall into the latter category. You seem to be a little predisposed to disliking dogs, I'm sorry for you.
Big Wall climber
Land of the Lahar
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:12pm PT
Why risk it, BTW, (you called me Ahole??) really? Not very nice!
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:13pm PT
Risk what? Having my dogs wag there tails at you? I'll take my chances, hater.
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:14pm PT
Sorry I called you A-hole. I was being reactionary and I apologize.
Big Wall climber
Land of the Lahar
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:19pm PT
Your right, I don't like dogs. That is a choice. But I and all other climbers have the right to not have to deal with your dog on public property, so you push the issue, laws get passed, dogs get outlawed.
I know people are emotional when it comes to their dogs, as a mother bear protects its cub.
Not every person (climber) likes dogs, it's just a fact. People do a disservice to their pets by puting them is situations they can't control.
There is not a "bad dog", however there are owners that are bad (not responsible)
Ricardo, I do not attack you personally over this, it is JMO.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:20pm PT
Do you super tough dog killers ever think about what will happen to you if you threaten the wrong dog/dog owner? My eyesight isn't so bad yet that I can't figure out which dog is/has attacked me - assuming that there is more than one dog. Now just hand me my walker and I'll teach that mutt a lesson it'll never forget.
Toker Villain
Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:25pm PT
Hey stinkhole, how many times have you been bitten?
(Didn't think so.)
Ricardo Cabeza
All Over.
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:26pm PT
I and all other climbers have the right to not have to deal with your dog on public property
Really? You have to deal with me as I pass you on a trail. You may not like me, but you have no grounds to complain about it. Same goes for my dog, as far as I'm concerned. You may not like him, but as long as he's not doing you any harm or harassing you, you have no grounds for complaint.
I'm guessing you're one of those city types.
Sorry about your luck
Stay at the crowded crags and I'll stay in the forest.
Edit, Ron, I'm not Stinkhole, but I've been bitten a few times by A-hole dogs and they got the living daylights beat out of them.
Big Wall climber
Land of the Lahar
Jan 17, 2011 - 07:34pm PT
I regularly hike on trails with leash laws, I see about 1 out of 10 dog owners complying, it's just the facts. Fortunately, I have not been bitten more than once, but I will not be so civil about it next time. So bring your dog, if your responsible, fine; just don't expect me to sing in elation about it!
Who cares where you live, it's who you are and what you do as a person that matters?!
FYI - pets on trails, and in areas other than like campgrounds, in National Parks is outlawed.
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