Ten Most Influential Films


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right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 9, 2005 - 06:59pm PT
3.RAD (this movie cemented the idea that I was to be a rad biker when I watched it at about 5 years old...)
4.Army of Darkness
5.Spinal Tapp
6.Any John Candy movie (I loved that guy-wish he was still around)
7. The Trial (an indy film version of Franz Kafka's classic with Anthony Hopkins as the judge. Mind-blowingly good if you're into Kafka)
8.The Day the Earth Stood Still
9.The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
10.Unforgiven (a sucker for Clint Eastwood movies. A tough call, Pink Cadillac had some Mariposa footage (where I was raised) and Bernadette Peters...
There was another, a seventies western with a pseudo-Steve McQueen character, SO DAMN FUNNY! I think it may be the best movie I've ever seen, but I'm drawing a blank on the title...
I think it was something like, "they call him __" . Not they call him trinity...
Anyway, there's hundreds on that there list, those are just the first ten I came up with..
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 07:10pm PT
THIS IS spinal tap (but in truth I keep it in the Ss too). Hilarious!

One of my runners up was another Robert Wise film with the same theme. The Sand Pebbles has a battle scene with McQueen and a BAR that outdoes most stuff tried since. And watch the way Richard Crenna chambers a round into his 1911 then transfers it to his LEFT hand and draws his cutlass. Real gunboat diplomacy.

But of course, "We dun need no steenking batches!"

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 07:10pm PT
There is no real Jena dilema, just wanted to use a well known porn star to get the point across.

Porn in general rules!!

Trad climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 07:35pm PT

Had Bill Gibson and Neal Stevenson give guest lectures for a creative scifi/cyberpunk writing class that I took @ UT Austin. Both of them were very adament that neither Neuromancer nor Snowcrash would ever made, and thus butchered, into hollywood movies. Gibson even said the lowest point in his creative life was wathcing Johnny Mnuemonic knowing he wrote the screenplay.

Anyway, since I chimed in, my list, in no particular order:
1)Die Hard (#1 only)

2)Life is Beautiful (subtitled version, great movie on self sacrifice)

3)Pappilion (steve mcqueen was a god)

4)Fandango (movie is a lot better if you actually lived in Tx)

5)Indiana Jones Trilogy (mostly 1 and 3)

6)The Sting (Good to show people that well planned vengence is better than just decking someone)

7)Shawshank Redemption (same reason)

8) Apocolapse Now

9) ANYTHING by Stanley Kubrick, except eyes wide shut

10)Cliffhanger/Vertical Limit (because I always have to explain to people the difference between hollywood and real like)



Big Wall climber
San Diego
Oct 9, 2005 - 07:42pm PT
Films that haven't been mentioned.

Innocent Voices, Saw a preview, it will be it theatres soon. MUST SEE.

The Return, rented recently, a Russian film. Very good.

Touching the Void
Forrest Gump
The Manchurian Candidate, old or new one
The Candidate (a sequel coming soon)
Jeddidia Smith? the Robert Redford movie
the mini series Centenial
Paint You Wagon, bad musical but historiacally good
Taxi Driver
Far and Away
Water World
The Outlaw Josse Wales (spelling?)

Already Mentioned That might have been on my list
Star Wars
The Princess Bride
Army Of Darkness
Road Warrior
Napolean Dynamite
Shawshank Redemption

I don't like Full Metal Jacket, it's historically inaccurate. A Vietnam vet summed it up with one word, stupid.

Same for A Few Good Men, I watch it while killing time with about 20 other Marines and found it hysterical. They would say something and we all look at each other like, you ever heard of that, and start cracking up.

I reaaly like Starship Troopers but very suprised it made others list. Most people thing it's silly or dumb or making fun of the military. I think it's a better portrail of life in the Marine Corps than the previous two I just mentioned

Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 07:42pm PT
The term "porn" is a misnomer. I prefer erotica.

Porn comes from the greek pornos, female slaves kept for sexual purposes (OK wise asses no sexual porpoises) so while I'm not going to decry a little dom/sub depiction there is just so so much more.

From what little I know as a producer if your talent doesn't go for a good money shot......

Ahem, where were we?
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 07:53pm PT
HO! just cross posted with a heretic, an antiKubrick!

I don't think you appreciated his message in FMJ but then you obviously didn't get Starship Troopers. Here's a hint; the humans are fascist villains.

Sounds like your appraisal of A Few Good Men suffers a similar "forest for the trees" weakness.

Damn Woody! There must be a few more people on this forum you can rile...

An Oil Field
Oct 9, 2005 - 07:53pm PT
Yeah, I like Lawrence of Arabia. Those long shots of specks in the desert are amazing.

Yes yes. Seven Pillars of Wisdom is a must read for ANYBODY who knows how to read. Best line is in the intro:

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did."


Seventh Seal. Go play chess with death.

Apocalypse Now...read Heart of Darkness, then T.S. Eliot's The Hollow Men. Then trip on Kurtz reading The Hollow Men to Dennis Hopper and Martin Sheen near the end. Never get out of the f@#^#ing boat.

The Naked Lunch; They tried very hard, but it is not possible to put on film how twisted that book is.

Doctor Strangelove. Or almost anything by Kubrick.

Starship Troopers is a very interesting book. I didn't think the movie did it justice. Fun, though.

Cool Hand Luke is right up there, for sure, with Papillon.

True Grit is filled with good lines. The script is almost verbatim from the book. Not the best movie on earth, but the lines are endless, like Little Big Man. Plus you can enjoy the snow capped mountains of SE Oklahoma and watch Glen Campbell act.

"Ned, I aim to kill you in one minute or see you hang in Fort Smith at Judge Parker's convenience."

Ned was played by a young Robert Duvall.

Edit: For the F bomb

Social climber
The West
Oct 9, 2005 - 08:06pm PT
Thanks for that, Zetedog, I've wondered about that for a long time and have to say that's a relief!
Man, I would have liked to have that class, or at least sat in on those lectures, though.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 08:27pm PT
BASE104, Starship Troopers the movie simply bought the rights to the title. Still Voerhoven made an iconoclastic film.

Dr. Strangelove was another runner up. "You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"

Zetedog, I've never spent more than 5 hours in Texas and Fandango is still a favorite. Must be the Blind Faith finish.

NOT Fresno
Oct 9, 2005 - 08:37pm PT
"What about the big board?!" Another Strangelove quote. Top three on my list.

The problem with this thread is by the time you get to the bottom you've been reminded of forty amazing movies. Some that've been missed:

Chinatown is the best movie ever made, with the best ending ever made. Nicholson and Dunaway at their peaks, John Huston, best script ever written.

Gosford Park (how many speaking roles?)

Raising Arizona ("I don't know, they're pajamas--they got Yodas and sh#t on em!")

The Pianist

Return of the Jedi (ditched school in the third grade to see this opening day, first row...a movie-going experience that will nevery be surpassed)

I like Pulp Fiction as well and I'll give you one reason, Ron: Christopher Walken's watch speech. Need more?

Trad climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 08:49pm PT
Seventh Seal, Natural Born Killer, Dr. Strangelove, great movies.
Damn so is Chinatown.

Though Lazarus Long is one of the coolest characters in his books, I was always partial to Mike the Computer.

and Jaybro, couldve been I was driving a pinto-bean colored station wagon last time I was in the valley, except it lacked plates completely.

Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 09:06pm PT
Ah yo there are so MANY lines from Strangelove. I suggest you start a dedicated thread!
Raising AZ hell! Just about any scene from any Cohn Bros film. Love the way they emerge from the mud though.
Watch speech ! I don't need more than Walken!!
Anybody see The Rundown ? I'm no wrestling fan but this movie is a riot and sometimes Walken plays it on two levels. (Don't worry no wrestling, just a wrestler.) Extra bonus in the second minute the Governator walks past the Rock and hands him the A/A King title by barely grunting,
"Have fun."

I don't think he'll be back but it would make a great saying on his headstone when the time comes.

Jay, could be Jaybro was refering to someone else...

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 09:09pm PT
Forgot about Fargo, one of my fav's

An Oil Field
Oct 9, 2005 - 09:15pm PT
Open the pod bay door, Hal.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 09:16pm PT
Fargo is terrific but I think that their retelling of Homer in Oh Brother' was even better.

If people tell me they don't like remakes I tell them to check that one out.

Damn! Its getting dark and I gotta rack up.
mark miller

Social climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 09:17pm PT
Being There ( Peter Sellers )
The Blues Borthers
Soylent Green
Apacalypse Now ( Still see the reruns on TV and am amazed at how serious that was for 25 + years ago)
It's a wonderful Life ( gotta see it once a year)
Eiger Sanction ( classic Clint, yeah funky on the climbing but there are some good shots of the Eiger and "George")
Holiday (Ah Kate Hepburn)
Pulp Fiction
Lock, Stock and two smoking Barrels
The Razors Edge

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 09:20pm PT
What is the name of that film with Peter Sellers as the butler who ends up as an advisor for the Pres.?
mark miller

Social climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 09:28pm PT
Being there " I like to watch".
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 09:34pm PT
Wasn't Being There based on a Jerzy Kosinski book? I just can't read them ALL. I started Blind Date but my daypack was stolen with it, a bottle of water, and some really bad goggles.

Hope he drank the water. Had to pee. And tripped while wearing the goggles.
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