Ten Most Influential Films


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Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 9, 2005 - 02:09pm PT
Yesterday's film thread got waylaid by a subplot so here's a variation.

List the ten films that have most strongly influenced the way YOU view the world, not influenced the population, not "cultural influence", but you the climber. Not necessarily a 10 best list but more where your life resonates with this art.
Climbers look for challenges, adventure. How does that fit in with an evershrinking world?

my list in alphabetical order;

The Beast, a marvelous adaption of a stage play to Afgahnistan and a Soviet tank crew

Cool Hand Luke, a hard dose of reality

Enemy Of The State, asks some very timely questions almost picking up where Orwell left off

A Few Good Men, a film about a man attemting to escape the shadow of his famous father directed by a man attempting to escape the shadow of his famous father....(any wonder why it would be in MY pick...?)

The Misfits, (needs no explanation, megaclassic)

Network, every once in a while a film comes along that is SO great that it makes EVERYONE think

The Professionals, I wanted to become Bill Dolworth

Starship Troopers, listening to others as I walked out of the theater I thought I was the only person who understood what Verhoeven was saying. They were all acting like it was cool that the humans killed the bugs!
Not at all like the Heinlein but in a way, better.

Wag The Dog, if I didn't laugh so hard I'd have to cry

White Man's Burden, of course I'M NOT a rascist. I'M not a rascist. I'm not a. I'm not. i'm

All right now you can rip my list to shreds,... but post your own if you've got the stones.

right near the beach, boyeee (lord have mercy)
Oct 9, 2005 - 02:21pm PT
What, no Papillon?
Those are al good picks, Ron.
"alice to Nowhere" was a chilling australian flick...spooky.

Sport climber
Wartburg, TN
Oct 9, 2005 - 02:26pm PT
Cannot call these "most influential"..some are total pabulum; but my favorites.

Head Office:"When I first came to this city I had 42 million dollars, and look at me now!"

Enemy Of The State, I agree: asks some very timely questions almost picking up where Orwell left off

Blade Runner

Starship Troopers


Wag The Dog

Happy Gilmore

Usual Suspects

Big Lebowski

and I'd be remiss not to put up the LOTR trilogy...


Social climber
The West
Oct 9, 2005 - 02:43pm PT
10 most influential films, in the sense that they influenced my behavior or world view for significant periods of time.
Off the top of my head, a different day would bring some different choices. In no particular order;

Repoman- of Course
The Battleship Potemkin
Frankenstein (Boris Karloff)
Duck Soup
Monster in a Box
Road Warrior
True Stories
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 02:47pm PT
Compare Papillon to Cool Hand Luke. Like I said, a hard dose of reality. In real life, no one gets out alive.
Where's your list wildone?

426, Zoolander is a F-ing riot but hardly influential. Do we only share two (facetious question admittedly)?
Usual Suspects is a marvelous film, love it when Baldwin says,"Oswald was a pussy!", but after Pollack (who already has eerily similar facial features to me) started doing his "coiffure" the same while playing a maniac killer, well it made some problems. Lets just leave it at that.

Jaybro, good list. How we got from Karloff to Duck Soup is a marvel by itself. Have a great Karloff story for later.

C'mon wrack your brains, influential cinema.


Oct 9, 2005 - 04:16pm PT

Raging Bull

The Elephant Man


The Godfather

Midnight Cowboy


Indiana Jones (you did say "influential")



The Graduate


Sport climber
Wartburg, TN
Oct 9, 2005 - 04:18pm PT

Magnificent 7/Seven Samurai instead of ZL?

Citizen Kane instead of Happy Gilmore?

Hitchcock (your pick) over anything on my list?


Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 05:00pm PT
Dog town and the Z boys

Fight club

A lion in winter

Ken burns Jazz

Monty Python holy grail

vertical frontier

Any Jena Jamison film

pulp fiction

Animal house

Laurance of Arabia

Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 05:16pm PT
interesting! Did you read the Mario Puzo? My favorite was "I've got a stone in my shoe." They didn't use it until the third film (which was JUST as good as the 2 before).

426, there's a great story told by Coburn about his first meeting with Kurosawa in the deluxe Mag 7 dvd.
My pick huh? Tough one. Lifeboat? Rear Window? Psycho? Aw sh#t no fair!

Darnell, Lawrence of Arabia was a runner up, the only film over three hours I've memorized.
But Animal House rather than Blues Brothers? (There's a whole thread right there!)
And Jena's hot but she OBVIOUSLY isn't into facials. Don't you like happy endings?

Trad climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 05:21pm PT
Opps got it all wrong...
Fight Club
La Jetee
Dark City
13th Floor
He Died With A Felaffel in His Hand (great australian movie)
Donnie Darko
Little Big Man
True Romance
Fern Gully

If I had more space I would add:
The Bear
The Fox and THe Hound

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 05:28pm PT
I live in Chicago now so i had to have a good reason for picking Animal house over B. brothers, and i do.

M sophmore year in HIGH skoooll I got asked to go to what was called the switch dance, where the girl asks the guy to the dance.

So I agree to go, but me and my older brother talk the girls into skipping the dance for this new movie we heard was funny.

Was not long after that I was lisiting to Frank Zappa and skipping football practice.

Anyway, A.H. although listed last on my list was the most influential by far.

Read the 7 pillars of wisdom by T.E. Laurance, he lived a hard few years in the desert, and the decription of the rock walls at Wadi Rum, felt like I was there.

Big Wall climber
So. Cal.
Oct 9, 2005 - 05:35pm PT
In no particular order...



Apocalypse Now


Blazing Saddles

Pulp Fiction

Monty Python - Holy Grail


Kentucky Fried Movie

Animal House

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 05:41pm PT
JY--- you took out Fantasia, great film.

Easy rider is another.

Oct 9, 2005 - 05:46pm PT
Napolean Dynamite
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 05:55pm PT
Jy, quirky! I like Dark City as much as Sin City.
Like how Balsam gets whittled down in Little Big Man.

Darnell, I did say personal so the House it is.
What makes you think I haven't read the Seven Pillars? Remember how in the Valley of Sirhan 14% of his men were bitten by snakes with most of those fatal?
Read Lawrence and the Arabs by Robert Graves. Even mentions the '23 moslem on moslem massacre by followers of the prophet Wahab directed by ibn Saud (as in SAUDi Arabia) long before Al Qaeda.

Shack, if you like Midway (and what American wouldn't want to see the war in the Pacific turned around in 5 minutes?) then check out the chapter on Midway in the book Carnage and Culture by Victor Davis Hanson.
Do you mean First Blood or Wambo?
You also had a runner up, Apocalypse Now.

But.....Classic or Redux???

Big Wall climber
The climbing void
Oct 9, 2005 - 06:06pm PT
srry Ron, but most ppl have not read 7 pillars, my bad!

Trad climber
Oct 9, 2005 - 06:06pm PT
Yeah, I took those out, easy rider should maybe still be up there, great movie, but I was thinking, with that other list of Films that were Influential in general and not personally, thats why it changed.

I loved Starship Troopers too. When are they going to make more Helnlein Books into movies, that guys my favorite SciFi, writer... Cat Who Walked Through Walls, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, Time Enough For Love, Stranger in a Strange Land... why do they keep making crappier remakes of old movies...
Wag the Dog was awesome too. Hillarious.

Always wanted to read the Seven Pillars of Wisdom.


Social climber
The West
Oct 9, 2005 - 06:28pm PT
The question, as far as I'm concerned, is when are they going to make movies of Neuromancer and Snowcrash. And, will they hold off till the get it right?
-also Jay

... I have this vague memory of talking about some of those heinlein books you mentioned with some guy in Yosemite, he was in a pinto station wagon with Ny Plates Maybe a mirage ...
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 06:41pm PT
Darnell, tough conditions in the desert if you have no library.
You liked Fantasia. Some guy with SCUBA actually shot video of hippos in the water and pink petticoats wasn't far from the truth!
Speaking of pink petticoats what about the Jena dilema?

now you REALLY got my number. I quote Lazarus Long constantly and nobody recognizes it. (So much the better!) Liked him in Methuselah's Children and when Heinlein used him as the focus for his masterwork I reread it several times. Even better than Stranger.

Look for T.E.'s work at your local library, it might be out of print but its standard fare. I've seen 7 Pillars all over, but its a heavy read. I still recommend Graves and before he crashed so did Lawrence. Really.
The only authorized bio.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 9, 2005 - 06:55pm PT
Riley, cross posted. We have multiple Pulpers. Anybody want to post their reasons?
Just picked up Natural B Ks but haven't heard Stone's commentary yet.
Boy he caught a lot of crap. And all because he went after the WRONG vice president Johnson. I like Alexander. Hell how could you tell the whole story in one three and a half hour film? That stuff in infra-red in (supposedly) India was tripped out. That thai actor on the elephant was spooky.

Jaybro, that guy was probably reading plenty of Clark also. Those guys in pintos have to keep moving lest someone collide with their rears.

Lets see those lists, and maybe some brief explanations?
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