Watch for a "Reichstag Fire"


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Jun 8, 2017 - 06:30pm PT
Oh for Frying out loud.

Quit yer incessant internet whining ......


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 8, 2017 - 06:48pm PT
Pizza Man... He delivers...!
the Fet

Jun 8, 2017 - 07:58pm PT
Sure NWO I'll offer an apology is P gets added, which it won't. But to even suggest that would happen very offensive to LGTBQ people.

That's like saying you are anti-illuminati. So you must be into beastiality. One thing has nothing to do with the other. And it's insulting and prejudiced to say it does.

If you look at the people who commit this heinous crime it's not LGBTBQ people at any higher rate than regular people, it's often people in positions of power, as you mention.

P will NEVER be legal anywhere in the USA.

There's plenty of real life corruption (e.g. quid pro quo for campaign contributions) that leads to unfair treatment of average people. Why don't you focus on that and make real contributions to making the world a better place instead of being like Don Quixote and railing against conspiracy theories and unrealistic scenarios?

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jun 8, 2017 - 08:32pm PT
^^^^ This.

A long way from where I started
Jun 8, 2017 - 08:39pm PT
That's like saying you are anti-illuminati. So you must be into beastiality

Which reminds me of something that's always bothered me about the whole anti-gay mentality. There have often been calls to ban gay teachers. Why? Because gay (or lesbian) teachers can't be trusted not to have sexual relations with our children of the same sex.

Well, yeah, but if banning teachers who might want to engage in sexual relations with our children is important, shouldn't we also be concerned with the 90% of teachers who might want to have sexual relations with our children of the opposite sex?

Face it. Your daughter is in far more danger of being raped by a heterosexual teacher than your son is of being raped by a homosexual teacher. Therefore we should ban heterosexuals from teaching, right?

Oh, and an apology to Fossil Climber for contributing to the destruction of what started out as a pretty interesting thread.

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 8, 2017 - 09:29pm PT
Dingus: "Sun came out" is not the same as "sun came up."

Gosh, I didn’t know it was in the closet. (I am in right thread, aren’t I?)

Craig Fry: It's a war on reality. . . .

This piece of writing took me over the top. Poor writing often comes from poor or sloppy thinking. God help us if you work in the sciences.

(BTW, I’m betting on reality.)

Trad climber
Jun 9, 2017 - 12:58am PT
Somebodyanybody, once again you are presumptuous. You say my PhD was "unrelated." My doctoral thesis work was in Plant Pathology, specializing in diseases of trees, nuts and vine crops. In addition, I worked on strategic technology related to horizontal gene transfer by Agrobacterium and how host immune systems are downregulated (damaged) by that. That was the intellectual property which was stolen by foreign nationals who worked at UCDavis as Post-docs. Furthermore, to say that tree service is a simple skillset is balderdash. And if you said that around most tree trimmers you would get harshly schooled. It is one of the most dangerous professions a person can work in. Nearly 50% of lifetime practitioners get severely injured doing it. Approximately ten times as dangerous as rock climbing by the per participant injury ratings. Have you ever false crotched a hundred twenty foot tree in pieces between million dollar homes into a four foot space? That is what I do. Can you run a forty horsepower chainsaw a hundred feet off the ground while tied in? Are you able to sharpen a six foot chain by hand with files in five minutes? Simple skill set anyone can do my ass. As for "entitlement," when the city creates wealth for certain special people at everyone elses expense that is entitlement. I helped build that city, I helped build that university. I taught thousands of undergraduates and some graduate students at Davis. I wrote letters of recommendation that got my students into medical schools and pharmacology. I graduated highschool there and I wanted to stay. Calling it entitlement is BS. I guess you are good at trolling me. Steve Martin described you well: dull, boring and omnipresent, speak of things you dont know about, be oblong and have your nose removed. Sorry that was not very civil. I appreciate your well wishes. If I get pissed off its because this isnt an academic or intellectual discussion for me. These things are real. And for the record, Im moving out of California next week and I probably wont come back except perhaps for vacation.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 07:09am PT
Craig: It's a war on reality by spreading bad info
This was my description of the Alex Jones' Info Wars Radio show

I guess you never listened to Alex Jones Info Wars, so obviously your assessment is more than sloppy, it's incorrect

please come back after you listen to Info Wars, below

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
His Top Intro is "There's a war on for your mind!"

and you have not proven that my facts are not facts, so I guess you just gave up and thought insults would work better for you

and by the way, I'm not an English scholar, I'm a scientist, I think fast and write fast

and it's not worth anyone's effort to write a wall of text to make sure you cover all aspects thoroughly to satisfy one person that wants to take you down, and that no one will care about next week
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 08:26am PT
Thanks Dingus

Here is some recommended reading for the searchers,
There is a little bit of something for everybody

NWO can read the article debunking Chemtrails, then he won't have to parrot the idiotic conspiracy nutcase anti-scientific BS about Chemtrails anymore.

There were no UFOs at Area 51, so you can check that off the list.

AI won't destroy us is the take away from AI experts.

There was a good article on the invalidity of a realty based on nihilism and solipsism several years ago, maybe Mike can dig it up.

The Rise of the Alt-Right describes the impact of the Republican Party embracing racism and Nationalism, and the implication is that both sides are not the same, these Alt-Righters are not sincere people and we should not be OK with their perspective.


Jun 9, 2017 - 08:44am PT
Could artificial super intelligence destroy us?

This shows by saying "artificial super intelligence" that there is a "true super intelligence".

Otherwise, there would not be the word "artificial" there.

This also proves that modern science tries to synthesize the natural in their quest to "play God".

In that quest, (playing God), they have a huge track record of fuking everything up and then needing to "fix" it later and in that process breaking even more.

Just like their software they control their so called "AI" .......
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 08:56am PT

Artificial Intelligence is computer driven intelligence
Super means super computers

Biological Intelligence is what we do
there is no true super intelligence in the dictionary

maybe you can explain

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Jun 9, 2017 - 10:26am PT
realty based on nihilism

Is that a euphemism for mortgage-backed securities?
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 02:43pm PT
Such BS
I'm just showing people where you get your info to foment on

I don't talk about him, I use him as an example of pure evil masquerading as a prophet
Only a small population of people are stupid enough to listen to him
everything he says is BS and can be debunked with a smallest amount of brain power

NWO, You a Trump supporter ?
Most conspiracy loons are right wingers, they support the very people that they rant about pulling the strings behind the scenes, the billionaires and deep state, Republicans
I guess their eyes are closed, they need to wake up, open their minds!!
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Jun 9, 2017 - 03:09pm PT
I will stand firm as to pedophilia being made legal.....someday.
Why do you think so many children go missing?
You know the term from way back in sacrifice? That was just code for pedophilia.

So Murder is also going to be made legal someday? I mean homicides keep showing up day after day...

Jun 9, 2017 - 05:35pm PT
Maybe Fry is really a closet Alex Jones devotee ..... :-)

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 9, 2017 - 05:44pm PT

I don't believe that you are a practicing scientist. Not with these kinds of comments. What kind of scientist are you?
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 05:47pm PT
Political Scientist
Mike, are you at all informed on current political or popular culture in the least bit?
I would have to say No

Jun 9, 2017 - 05:56pm PT
Fry will always ask you a question and then answer it for you.

Because he's experienced it ALL ......

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 9, 2017 - 06:16pm PT

I guess that makes this an easy thread to participate in, Werner.

Craig: Mike, are you at all informed on current political or popular culture in the least bit?

Not really. It’s all media events / entertainment from my point of view. I would say what Wittgenstein said: it is impossible to understand the culture one currently lives in. One has to get some distance, usually time, before one begins to see anything remotely clearly.

Furthermore, I don’t think any of it matters. I suppose if someone invaded my area of the country, I might pick up a gun again, but who knows?

I guess I find popular culture “interesting,” sort of.

Craig, I don’t see right and wrong as you seem to. I can’t think of a single thing that I could say is undeniably bad, good, or correct. I can imagine that stuns you because I’d bet you could pick out a hundred, a thousand, things that are undeniably bad, good, or appropriate. I guess that’s fine for you. I hope it’s fine for me to assume my perspectives.

If you want to correct me or show me the truth, I would hope that you would do so with some consideration, civility, and circumspection—as if I too had a brain and a heart.

Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 9, 2017 - 06:26pm PT
Actually I am a Biologist
But I work as a Senior Scientist in Air Pollution

My life's mission since I was 18 was spiritual truth, I evolved since then to this point
I'm also a political junkie
I spend many hours a day learning about the current political news

You were the one that insulted me
I just want to debate the issues

so you need to respond with consideration, civility, and circumspection—

The hysteria is telling

right or wrong
Is it OK for White Supremist groups to harass American Muslims?
Politics affects all aspects of life, if you are privileged, then you have many opportunities to question our existence and how we can incorrectly think that we can do it w/o the privileges that our liberal society has provided us.

it's not so hard to debate w/o insults Mike, try it
This isn't a game of gotcha after a word or 2 is misconstrued.
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