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Jun 8, 2017 - 08:04am PT

ok. fair enough... helps me understand the concerns better...

is hard for me to consider "my two dads" being used in a textbook or some such, being problematic "propaganda", just like it's hard for me to consider a textbook that uses examples of a mixed race couple, as propaganda either. but that was a big concern for the right at one point, as well.

i don't know, by this line of thinking, how or if we can create a pluralistic society...

as an aside, so you know in the definitions in the bill, it says: (a) consider the child’s views and wishes, given due weight in accordance with the child’s age and maturity, prior to discussion of gender id and expression...

so, while there isn't a hard age limit listed, it's not like age isn't referenced as being an appropriate consideration... so, i have a hard time seeing that a three or four year olds gender id and expression will be the reason they are pulled out of their parent's home...

finally, while i haven't heard of the connecticut case that you referenced, i'm sure there are bad apple examples, given that in north america i'm sure there are hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of interactions between childcare workers and children.

and so for sure we should be vigilant regarding overreach.

that said, one or two examples of inevitable overreach, should not, imo, bring the whole system into question, or be reason to justify the idea, that "they have too much power".

it's a delicate balance, and i'm sure the vast, vast majority of thousands upon thousands of kids, who are aided in being protected from abusive home lives are, in time, grateful for the intervention of and protection by the state...

edit to add: nwo2... no words really. except to say, must suck to wake up every morning and see the world through your eyes. you might be surprised to know that i can guarantee that, at least the lgtbq community that i am familiar with, is never going to advocate for the bullshIt that you have typed above...

Jun 8, 2017 - 08:06am PT

Jun 8, 2017 - 07:54am PT
^^^I wonder how long it will be until the LGTBQ community (or the powers that be) add a *P* to the moniker.
Anyone here ok with that? You know...adding pedophile?
Think it will never happen? Pffft.....Clueless if you do.

Go away, you hateful, homophobic weirdo. provided him with much more of a response than he deserves.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jun 8, 2017 - 08:20am PT
New world order is a great handle.

He WANTS a fascist in charge. It's so much easier to actually execute gays, Muslims, and others, so we can return quickly to the pure bloods and the "real" Americans he believes in.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jun 8, 2017 - 08:49am PT
Lol, and along comes conspiracy boy.

I'm actually still active as a climber son, which you'd know if you looked at my trip reports. I'd sure like to see one of yours. Unlike you, I have actually provided climbing related content here, rather than just conspiracy drivel.

Mountain climber
Jun 8, 2017 - 08:50am PT
nah000, I agree that I was wrong by using "relentless propaganda" expression.
I should have used just "propaganda" without any qualifier instead.

As for two children captured by social workers:

Trad climber
Jun 8, 2017 - 09:20am PT
Somebodyanybody, you are mighty presumptuous. I rented in Davis for ten years while I worked my way through UCDavis. I never borrowed a cent. I paid my own way teaching and cutting trees. But my RENT nearly tripled and the tree business dropped in value precipitously as immigrant unlicensed "contractors" took over the trade. Lets do the math. Triple the rent and cut my wages in half. The housing crisis which drove many of us Davis natives out, I lived there thirty three years, was caused by Measure J, which put a moratorium on residential development. Of course cronys of mayor Dave Rosenberg, who became supervisor, all got special permits to build. Whitcomb and associates, Tandem properties etc. They had a government imposed monopoly. Housing costs skyrocketed and most locals were forced out unless they already owned homes. Meanwhile, jobs disappeared as construction came to a halt. I couldnt even get work pounding nails. Even with a masters degree, delivering pizzas and serving sandwiches was all that town could offer. The only industry in town was Beatrice Hunt Wesson food which closed. Davis smothered attempts to keep that site industrial and killed about 1000 jobs. They instead built a "farm to fork sustainable community " there. The homes are all over $1,000,000. Millionaires are not sustainable. The carbon footprint they create to make that kind of money is enormous. The electric vehicles they drive cause pollution in other states where coal is burned to meet ca electric grid shortage. NIMBYism in its worst most hypocritical form. I grew up in that town and watched it turn into an elite enclave for rich people only. The artists and musicians have been driven out. The VWs are gone (except for expensive Eurovans). The local community of low income residents were priced out. Now its all BMW, mercedes etc. Folks from Bay and LA. Hardly anybody I grew up with remains.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 8, 2017 - 09:34am PT
Pedophilia, or the fear of it is just another tool in the marketing arsenal. Anything involving children always is.

LGBT people or those similarly afflicted are no more likely to commit such a heinous crime than anyone else. Evil doesn't discriminate and never has.

Fearing the LGBTwhatever crowd makes no more sense than scary Muslims or the Irish, tall people, or those with brown hair.

Another distraction that works every time.


Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 8, 2017 - 10:01am PT
Wedge issues work best with propaganda when there is broad support both for and against. Both sides can be thus funded and vociferously debated ad naseum for distraction...

"Let's pass a another useless law to protect crimson sea monkeys from increased deadly EMF radiation from Trump's tweeting."

"The Wall"

etc... Mostly inane stuff with emotional barbed hooks.

Pedophilia is a moral crime and frequently used to demonize just about any targets. Check out the recent blurbs on Yemeni's "selling their baby girls". Dehumanize a new target and then it becomes more palatable to bomb and kill them (as we are right now).

It 'could' be spun into some kind of acceptance but it's value as a weapon of propaganda precludes that.... I hope anyway....


Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 8, 2017 - 11:38am PT
Craig: You really need to take up skepticism Mike, it would help you immensely

You’re a riot. I don’t think you’ve read (or perhaps remembered) anything that I’ve written here over the past 10-15 years.

Craig, no one can provide conclusive truth of *anything.* (That’s my level of nihilism and solipsism.) Read research journals, and try to make notice of how things are phrased. Nothing ever gets proven finally, accurately, or completely.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 11:42am PT
The sun came out today, FACT, True, proven finally, accurately, or completely

You can tell it's a lie if it is fabricated
It is true enough if it is experienced and collaborated

You Really need to go skeptical, one can follow your line of reasoning
Does is it provide you any benefit?
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 12:23pm PT
The sun came up, the earth turned, the wind blew, the ocean is deep,
the clouds are in the sky, the moon circles the earth

all FACTS that cannot be denied
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 12:28pm PT
The sun came out for me
and for everyone nearby
so it is a fact

so you're wrong just like Mike

It's dark someplace, big deal, that does not negate my experience

The sun came out for you as well, it was just cloudy so you couldn't feel it's rays, so you lied by fabricating a story that was not true

Was the sun out or not, if it was pitch black, then you can say the sun did not come out, it you could see without lights, then it came out, FACT

Jun 8, 2017 - 12:30pm PT
Fried is insane ......
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 01:05pm PT
I changed the word to you're before you even posted your correction


A long way from where I started
Jun 8, 2017 - 01:15pm PT
Craig, this thread, and all the other threads you pollute, is not about you. If you woke up to that, ST would be a better place.

You say the sun is shining where you are. So why not get out into that sunshine and actually climb something. Or even just go for a walk. Maybe, if you get a bit of exercise and sunshine, you won't feel the need to rant on ST all time about everyone else being unable to see just right you are about everything.

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Jun 8, 2017 - 01:45pm PT
What does concern me is, pedophilia being made legal. It will happen. Mark my words.
Heck, I'm sure there are a few people on this site who are totally ok with it,
and will label those who oppose it as "homophobic".

NWO, you seem to be missing an important difference here. First, homosexual does not equal pedophilia. Second, a child is not capable of giving consent to sex. Two adults, of whatever gender or inclination can have consensual sex.

This is an important difference and why pedophilia will never be legal.

Boulder climber
Jun 8, 2017 - 02:47pm PT
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 02:52pm PT
How about this DMT
I was wrong
The sun did not come out for you
It depends on how you use the word out

The sun came out for me, fact
The sun did not come out for you, fact
See how easy it is to be on the correct side


correction vv
The sun never comes out. The earth rotates on its axis. Fact.

it was dark and then light for me, and many others, fact
the Fet

Jun 8, 2017 - 04:10pm PT
No, you were called homophobic for lumping pedodphiles (criminals who victimize children) in with people who have different gender identities and sexual orientations (people who already deal with enough discrimination).

No it will never be legal. And no there is likely no one here who would want it so. To state otherwise shows how out of touch with reality you are.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 8, 2017 - 05:51pm PT
NWO is just parroting the newest paranoia campaign
from Alex Jones
Former CIA Operative: Trump Is Battling Pedophile Network

There is an ongoing war against elite pedophiles who have gotten away with heinous crimes for too long

The Alex Jones Show - February 17, 2017

goggle info wars and and you get all kinds of crazy BS

It's a war on reality by spreading bad info

But!!! don't forget about projection,
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