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Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Jun 6, 2017 - 09:15pm PT
Ann Coulter should be allowed to speak...

state of being
Jun 6, 2017 - 09:29pm PT
She should but the repub club organizing the event jumped the gun before the venue was approved. She was given another date, but didn't like it because not all the students would be there. She was going to go the the plaza anyway, but her conservative sponsors backed out and she would not be paid.

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Jun 6, 2017 - 09:52pm PT
Let Coulter speak. She doesn't have anything new to say anyway, she just rehashes the same tireless, racist crap over and over.

Jun 6, 2017 - 10:00pm PT
She doesn't have anything new to say anyway,

Just like you, same old tireless crap.

You must be twins .....

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 6, 2017 - 10:18pm PT

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it's possible to have different views and be a sincere human being.

Consultants in my business have an adage they live by: "I may be wrong, but I am never be in doubt."

Be well.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jun 6, 2017 - 10:39pm PT
Top o' the morning y'all! Love me some fried knickers for brekky! I'm off to Stonehenge, where at least people did something.

Jun 7, 2017 - 01:48am PT
for those who were trying to sort out what chainsaw was referring to a day or so ago...

he's almost certainly referring to bill 89 passed by the ontario government on june 1. as chainsaw alluded to, the bill, in part, apparently endeavours to protect the rights of children in determining their own gender identities, including the claimed possible ability of social services to take kids away from parents who don't respect those rights.

this story appears to have made the circles of the right wing media in the u.s. [the blaze, breitbart, etc.] which is why it's being brought up by americans on the ole taco...

but to correct a couple points of apparent confusion:
1. this is an ontario bill. so it is not canada wide.
2. while i haven't read the bill, i can virtually guarantee that the ontario govt is not forcing any gender on any kid, rather it is likely intending to protect the ability of a kid to self-identify.

not sure if chainsaw is still following this thread but in case he is, i have a few questions for him, if he's interested in some honest dialogue...

1. from your world view, if a traditional christian family adopted a kid previously raised in a home with more traditional north american indigenous world views [almost all of which traditionally had "third" gendered constructs of one form or another] and the kid identified as two-spirit, would the christian family, by your logic, have the right to punish the kid for not identifying as male=man or female=woman?

2. if a kid identifies as gay, does a family have the right, if they believe that being gay is a sin, to punish their kid? and in case your answer is no, my follow up would be then why can kids be self aware as to their sexual preference but not their gender identity?

3. you say you don't like the state enforcing gender on kids. yet, that is what has been done in western bureaucratic civilization in almost all of its multitudinous assemblages. the irony is there are hundreds of cultures that have and currently exist throughout the world [including on north american soil] who identify often three, but in some cases as many as four or more, societally accepted genders. if you are an advocate of individual rights, as you seem, why are you seeming to advocate for a parent's right to enforce traditional "western bureaucratic" or even "fundamentalist christian" gender constructs onto kid's own identifications? i know you recognized this anomaly and said you'd prob be called out on it. i'm not calling you out so much as i'm trying to understand if there is a consistency to what you are saying or if this just comes down to "my home, my kids, my world view... even if that is regarding a kid's ability to identify their own gender or sexuality"

anyway, this is admittedly a rocky subject. gov'ts potentially taking kids away from parents is a rough subject at the "best" of times... and given a conversation matter like the one above, i have to admit even i have some conflicting feelings.

flip side is anyone who thinks that kid's self identification is simple in the other direction, probably hasn't seen first hand the often long term damage that, even if well intended, attempted parental control and rejection results in for those kids who grow up identifying as queer [relative to traditional western cis/het constructs].

regardless of whether you're interested in dialogue or not, all the best chainsaw... i have no doubt that you are a warrior when it comes to the defence of your family...

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Jun 7, 2017 - 06:19am PT
Just like you, same old tireless crap.

You must be twins ..
Ha! What a riot coming from you, the transcendental polemicist. Down periscope.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 7, 2017 - 06:52am PT
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it's possible to have different views and be a sincere human being.

Yes, Hitler and his Nazi Party believed they were very sincere people
and that God was on their side
Just like Ann Coulter and the GOP

I never said you couldn't say untrue things, I just said I will challenge it if it's a lie
If you have to lie to make a point, you have already lost
if you don't know it's a lie, maybe you should wake up when you find out it is

if you always stay on the side of truth, the Golden Rule and what science would advocate, then you can be assured that you are on the right side
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 7, 2017 - 06:58am PT
This is all besides the point
Looks like the 2016 election was fraudulent
Votes were changed or not counted in favor of Republicans almost Nation Wide

Stand By for the Hearings that will drip drip tib bits of info slowly

They may never tell us the whole truth, it may start a civil war
One thing for certain, Russia was successful of destabilizing our Country

Russia gave Trump a full Congress so he could get the sanctions lifted and the oil flowing, too bad it may not work for him so well.

Leaked NSA Docs Show Vote Hacking Issues Raised by the Green Party's 2016 Presidential Recount Were Real

The Greens were right during 2016’s presidential recounts when they pressed states to allow computer security experts to examine their election computing systems for evidence of possible hacking.

That is one of the top takeaways from leaked National Security Agency documents that describe how Russian intelligence services targeted and infiltrated e-mails and computers of a private contractor servicing state voter registration databases in eight states and also sent phishing e-mails to 100-plus local election officials before Election Day.

Jun 7, 2017 - 07:02am PT
if you always stay on the side of truth

You have no ultimate clue to what the truth is.

You are constantly guessing ......

One thing for certain, Russia was successful of destabilizing our Country

You have no clue. The only certainty is you are a brainwashed fool ....

Jun 7, 2017 - 07:18am PT
No individual has ever died.

The illusion of death (cessation of the gross material body) is NOT and never the individual ......

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Jun 7, 2017 - 08:49am PT
Craig: if you always stay on the side of truth, the Golden Rule and what science would advocate, then you can be assured that you are on the right side

Tell me: what makes you think you’re so right?

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2017 - 09:12am PT
Hello nah000, Thankyou for your input and tone of civility. As for adoption, its a very tough road. My brother and sister were adopted and my father never really understood where they came from. We had good and bad times. I believe that adoptive parents have to figure it out with their families. I recall what Ghandi said to a Hindu man who admitted that he killed a muslim child in the riots during Indias independence movement. "Adopt a muslim child and raise him as a muslim." Words of great wisdom from the great father of India, whom I look to for insight in matters of leadership.

Sorry if I came off sounding angry. I have been thrice the victim of irresponsible ignorant government regulation and meddling. My doctoral thesis was sold to a foreign government by corrupt beaurocrats. My music festival was shut down by competition from Ironstone amphitheater owners who were on the county board of supervisors. My climbing program was taken over by the US National team coach, and my way of life has been scorned by the mainstream for most of my life. So I dont trust captured governments. They do things that destroy many lives and take no responsibility. I lost my home in Davis as home prices skyrocketed due to government monopolies on development. And my trade was devaluated by illegal immigration. Please don't misunderstand, I have come to respect and admire those immigrants who seek a better life. But the cost to me has been very dear. I was assulted by BLM activists for being a white man in a classroom. I have no animosity towards those of different color or culture. On the contrary, I prefer the wonder of experiencing the great diversity of Gods creation. But I have been the victim of arbitrary hate against whites.

I can say hello to my students in ten different languages and use that as a warmup lesson plan when entering a new classroom. But I dont even want to enter a classroom anymore after I was viciously attacked by ignorant youth who saught to earn street cred by thrashing a white guy. They didnt even know me. We had never met. I believe that the government has empowered this kind of violence, perhaps on both sides. Social justice and cultural harmony are hard to come by. True harmony cannot be achieved by force. It takes a long time and alot of patience. I wish the politicos would butt out and let people find their own equilibrium. No amount of force can make people change the way they think. In fact, force seems to begat an equal and opposite reaction. This is certainly what is happening globally and here at home. I wish greedy selfish ignorant politicians would go away and let people learn lifes lessons on our own.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 7, 2017 - 09:33am PT
Tell me: what makes you think you’re so right?
Prove me wrong on an issue then I will change to the right side

No one can offer any proof to the contrary that say's I'm not right, and I actively search it out.

I'm a Member of the Skeptical Society, we study issues so we are on the right side, and expose issues that are based on untruths, with science being the basis of final word.
It's not so hard to change your position on what you believe if you realize change is good, to be wrong is not good and will not cut it in an intellectual debate.

You really need to take up skepticism Mike, it would help you immensely

Take evolution, you can tell me you believe that God created everything,
I will say your wrong, you won't be able to prove your side, and to believe that evolution is untrue makes you a science denier, on the wrong side of the truth

Who's right about evolution?
I am

Jun 7, 2017 - 10:05am PT
God created everything

And it has been proven since day one.

You are 10000% wrong always Fry .....

Jun 7, 2017 - 10:09am PT


your response helps me understand where you are coming from better than if you'd given point by point answers to my questions.

so thanks.

i think everything you just said, is important to say, and given what you've gone through, kudos for your being as lucid as you were.

in short on the bill 89 front: i don't actually have a personal opinion one way or the other, as without reading the wording of the bill itself, i don't know exactly where they precisely are trying to draw the line.

and the line between a child's ability to adopt a worldview as espoused by a government and/or adopt their own worldview vs a parent's ability to teach their kids in a way that they see fit, [esp. when it is with regards to something as important, complicated, personal, and early developing - relative to the somewhat arbitrary 18 y.o.s cut off line that society currently subscribes to - as sexual preference and gender identity are] is, seemingly to me, as fUck.

and if not done with care to potential governmental misuse and abuse, the intrinsic violence that is inherent to a kid being separated from their parents, is one that we all need to be very cognizant of. otoh, i also firmly believe in the right and importance to the collective of an individual self-identifying as they deem necessary, and i think the 18 y.o legal cutoff is way too late with regards to this question, as these issues of identity and sexual preference don't start to exist only after someone turns 18. so i don't actually have an opinion on what/where the line should be, or whether there should even necessarily be a line as current lines regarding "abuse" maybe sufficient.

i'll prob read the bill at a later date, so until then that's all i've got. thanks again for your most recent response. as a canuck living in a different province, i hadn't even heard of this bill, so if nothing else, it has given me pause to consider what is happening in my own country... all the best.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 7, 2017 - 10:37am PT
Prove me wrong on an issue then I will change to the right side

There is no right side. Nuances, shades of grey, complex systems involving more enlightened sociopaths twisting or completely fabricating the images we see on our cave wall.

While the shadows you watch are filled with Russian hacking nonsense over which puppet 'won' this last time, the seeds of yet another bloody conflict with Iran are being cultivated in the ME right now. The US MIC cares not who sits in the Oval office, as long as they sign the checks. The Orange one seems to have folded like a cheap suit in this regard, either out of ignorance or fear.

Our Israeli and Saudi 'ally' terrorists are continuing to ravage and destabilize the region, with full financing from our paychecks.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:07am PT
Our Israeli and Saudi 'ally' terrorists are continuing to ravage and destabilize the region, with full financing from our paychecks
This is a Conservative issue, they built this
and they continue to lie about what these countries do
it's on the Wrong side

and it won't get better until we get the money out of our elections
a Liberal issue


Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:40am PT
Still stuck on the two teams thing eh? Well... at least you're consistent!

Right/left. Red/Blue.

Sheer perfection in marketing the propaganda.
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