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Jun 26, 2009 - 06:11pm PT
it's a gang thing.
Jun 26, 2009 - 06:37pm PT
Life in the dog patch. Mr Q. Me and Tillie,at home.
Just takin' the long way home...
Jun 26, 2009 - 07:07pm PT
That's amazing, Chil. Jack doesn't look like he's aged a day since you started this thread eons ago. Not even a fleck of gray in his muzzle (OK...maybe a little...makes him look "distinguished"). What a cutie!
What's his secret...açaí juice in his water? Goji berry bones?
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 26, 2009 - 07:33pm PT
What's his secret...açaí juice in his water? Goji berry bones?
That and a young female companion.
Jun 26, 2009 - 09:15pm PT
The two criminals at Reynolds’s ( Vedauwoo )
Just takin' the long way home...
Jun 27, 2009 - 12:40am PT
Well, it's one of the greatest truths in this life that love will keep you young...and here's more proof.
Cute "criminals", Dogtown. Fess up--what did those two do to be labeled such? Pee on the wrong outcropping? ;-)
Jun 27, 2009 - 05:42am PT
That’s about it, they piss all over the place ! Oh and they will beg, barrow, still and do trick’s for food also. ( The two criminals) I love them.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jun 27, 2009 - 05:46am PT
I am so jonseing that sherman granite.... time for a new dog, too....
Mark Hudon
Trad climber
Hood River, OR
Jun 27, 2009 - 11:33am PT
Ozzy on Mt Hood.
I can't believe how much we all love Ozzy, it's really quite wonderful.
Social climber
Jun 27, 2009 - 06:29pm PT
hey there say, chiloe.... wow, sure wish i was ... oh my... (seems i am more "shooting my mouth off" as i dont have the pics to back it all up, oh my! ).... ;)
well, i really love to take pics... ever since i was young.. got married early though and never had money to do so...
i got a little returnable walgreens camera... you take it back and they refilm-it-up for you... :)
then, you start shooting... oh my, as we all know, PAYING for it, is another matter...
SAY---i saw the pictures and they are really neat... i may just take my last bit of money and get them out... to share here...
*i wish i had a neat camera, as i really do take neat pics... would have like to use them ol' zoom-in lenses, too... i saw some neat birds the other day...
wellllllll, here i go... if i have enough so i dont have a zero bank account, i will get them... (i am not that neglegent, folks, i balance what little bits of money that i have, well... i just dont got any, as i dont have a job any more... sadly)...
and my leg still hurts...
oh my, but my heart is HAPPY... and all cause of the good lord and my cats, grandkids, and:
I LOVE MY NEW DOG... (waited far too many years to have one again, and after far too many sad times)...
Social climber
Jun 27, 2009 - 06:34pm PT
hey there, say dogtown...
wow, sure love that "green contacts" eye-color look, in the ol' pup-dog...
(is he going for his cat-imitation) ... :)
*oops, or her... not sure which it is...
and say, rocjox... (hope i remembered to spell that right)...
say, there is nothing like a good ol' dog bringing itself a book to read, while you climb....
(ooops, oh my... or is THAT your book....?)
*won't be for long, if you aint careful...
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 27, 2009 - 08:18pm PT
Mighty Hiker:
I've noticed that a fair number of outdoorsy dogs have bandannas tied around their necks, in place of or sometimes in addition to collars. I was wondering why?
We useta be hippies?
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 27, 2009 - 08:19pm PT
eKat might someday have a new doggie not to ever forget the old one, but to pass the love on.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 27, 2009 - 08:25pm PT
neebee, I think ya need to go digital. Perhaps the taco can help you.
Elevation 285 ft
Jun 27, 2009 - 08:25pm PT
Friday, June 12, 2009
Laney Wu Dec 1996 - June 12, 2009
Laney was brought to the end of her life last Friday.
Laney was a dog's dog. In fact, she was Baobei's dog (the tricolored bagle - beagle/basset above). She followed BB & me home in March 1997 when we were on the campus of the University of Georgia. She was 16 pounds & had been dumpster diving. She grew into the quintessential lab, always playful, loved to fetch anything thrown & loved to swim. Her coat was much softer than a labs. Running my hands through it was like petting a giant mink; so soft, silky & shiny. Though at times she was not the most vocal of dogs, she loved barking at the moon & into the night sky. She was a stealthy thief & loved taking big finds back to her kennel so she could fully indulge herself uninterruptedly. She was overflowing with love & affection. There are many lab muttts out there but only one Laney. We love you & miss you dearly.
Elevation 285 ft
Jun 27, 2009 - 08:35pm PT
eKat, thanks for your kind words. we are still very sad. Laney would want me to eat a few (boxes of) donuts for her...
Jun 27, 2009 - 08:38pm PT
"She was a stealthy thief & loved taking big finds back to her kennel so she could fully indulge herself uninterruptedly."
With those eyes, she probably was forgiven everything.
Sorry for your (and BB's) loss.
Jun 27, 2009 - 09:03pm PT
Since NE started channelling Seattle's weather, sparse climbing but lots of dog walks.
Mooch and Ghillie surveying their kingdom.
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Jun 27, 2009 - 11:27pm PT
Laney wu, thanks for being there for Reddirt and Baobei, all those years. Good luck, all.
Social climber
Jun 28, 2009 - 01:24am PT
hey there, say all... okay, i am back! ...
i slept all day, cause my leg hurt...
then, i actually took ol' pup-dog to the store and go the pics!
i took out some that were no good, and i still got a 18 bucks left in the bank... good little gal that i am... :)
(but not sure if it is right to get the pics the out, but i needed some good cheer, here)...
so then, i went for a short walk with the neighbors... leg didnt hurt til i got home...
then---i worked on scanning the pics and all the etc...
and TAADAA... here we go!
i will post them in sets...
first this one:
*Note--the neighbor's yard, for Patty to run in (but the indoor pics, are at my little home)...
IT'S THAT OL' TAIL that gives her away, huh? ;)
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