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Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 25, 2007 - 08:25pm PT
It's been a rough month but life's OK today.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Nov 25, 2007 - 08:34pm PT
Now that's a happy pup! Was he/she ill or injured?
Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Nov 25, 2007 - 08:34pm PT
What's with the blue tongue?
Nov 25, 2007 - 08:38pm PT
awh, Jack! what happened?
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 25, 2007 - 08:50pm PT
The blue tongue he comes by naturally. Part chow, we guess -- he was found on the median strip of an interstate so we never met his parents. On-the-Road Jack has no trace of a chow disposition, though.
As for the leggings, he tore a hind-leg ligament and at the same time got real sick earlier this month -- we're not sure how or if those troubles are related. Ended up needing IVs in both forelegs for a bit. The flashy purple wrap is to keep those areas protected while healing.
The red bandana is his deer-season fashion.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Nov 25, 2007 - 08:52pm PT
Well certainly glad to see he's looking chipper!
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 25, 2007 - 09:57pm PT
Chipper enough I'm not lifting him into the car anymore!
Anyone else had experience with torn ligaments and how well they heal? We got an iffy description from the vet.
bob d'antonio
Trad climber
Taos, NM
Nov 25, 2007 - 10:15pm PT
Larry...looks like he is doing great. Good luck to him. My two last year on a winter ride.
Blinny...nice looking pup. If you need any info on Ecuador...drop me a line.
Trad climber
Davis, CA
Nov 26, 2007 - 01:29am PT
you guys should think about pet health insurance. we have it for our pup and it has paid for itself. she had pretty invasive stomach surgery, her colon/small intestine had adhered to the cavity wall due to IBD, we only paid a hundred or so if i recall correctly. we have our policy through VPI, ours doesn't do regular maintance type stuff. but covers virtually everything else
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 26, 2007 - 11:32am PT
eKat -- thanks for your note. Jack's ACL is only a partial tear, so he doesn't need surgery "yet." But the vet said it's likely he will tweak it again and need an operation in the future. Your costs are in line with what we were told, yow!
But on the bright side, looks like your doggies have gone on to enjoy life.
Trad climber
Davis, CA
Nov 26, 2007 - 12:20pm PT
not at all, my pup is a rescue and we have no idea what she is.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 26, 2007 - 01:02pm PT
DG, we thought about insurance for our mutt, but it seemed pretty expensive. You've found it cost-effective, though?
Guess we should watch out for "pre-existing condition" fine print too.
Nov 26, 2007 - 01:54pm PT
A dog's life is sweet. Hiking the Methuselah Grove trail at sunrise on t-day...
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 26, 2007 - 03:11pm PT
Bob, atchafalaya, eKat -- beautiful pictures of a climber dog's life. They're lucky to have us, and vice versa.
The Church of the FSM
Nov 26, 2007 - 04:55pm PT
Awwwwww...this is a great thread!
I haven't been able to have a dog for years because of apartment life, so I'm getting all my doggie-love from your many photos and stories.
Please, please, please keep 'em coming!
Muy thanks...arf..arf..arf!
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 4, 2007 - 06:18pm PT
This morning he went snuffling for varmints that live under the new snow.
Wes Allen
Boulder climber
So, this family living at the red took in a stray, who happened to be pregnant... And we ended up with two more puppies!
And the older dogs still love the dog park:
Trad climber
The Tilted World
Whoa... All of this talk about surgeries is making me nervous...
For those of you that posted saying your dog has had surgery on some ligament, how old was the dog?
I have a 7 yr old lab/hound mix that still cruises runs up to about half-marathons with me as long as it is not too hot. But I do wonder how much longer I will be able to do such runs with him.
Trail running without him will just not be the same.
Cheers to all the pups out there!
Aya K
Trad climber
New York
StellaBella LOVES it when it finally gets cold out!
Rocky loves it anytime, the silly goat!
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