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Trad climber
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 1, 2009 - 11:12pm PT
Hey all - just trying to get the word out early. On November 7-8, the American Alpine Club is going to host their "Fall Highball" weekend here in Bishop. Some details are still coming together, but here is what we are looking at -
Saturday morning Nov 7 - Adopt-a-Crag day at the Peabodies. From 9am-1pm, we will continue to work on protecting vegetation and habitat, and marking out a network of use trails, in the Peabodies in Buttermilk Country
Saturday evening Nov 7 - A gala evening of entertainment and friends, held at the Inyo Council for the Arts in the center of Bishop. Our main presenter for the evening will be Doug Robinson, with slides, stories, and maybe some video, all about the history of adventure on the Eastside. Your ticket will cover drinks and some light snacks. We will also be having a killer raffle. Proceeds will go towards the construction of a toilet out in Buttermilk Country, so no one else has to find a loaf back behind The Loaf.
Sunday morning Nov 8 - hopefully a "climber coffee" with representatives from the Forest Service, BLM and LA Dept of Water and Power. When climbing and camping around Bishop, we are dealing with those three agencies - this is a good chance to find out anything we can do to help maintain access to the resources we use around here.
More details to follow....here is a photo of the Buttermilks. Help me out by bumping this along and adding your own photos, and by planning to come out - it is going to be one great party.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, ca
bump for warm-up laps on the Solar Slab
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 2, 2009 - 03:26pm PT
seriously people, one bump?
We've got lots of drinking, killer bouldering, and one of the Taco's own, Doug Robinson, getting us all in the visionary climber groove....maybe this is nearly as important as skinny vs fat chix?
Maybe not.
See you in November, I hope. I don't want to have to drink all of the AAC's beer on my own.
Trad climber
I'll see if I can make it and of course help down some suds
The Wedge
Boulder climber
Bishop, CA
F*cken FIX the buttermilk rd. It normally gets graded twice a year. Once in the spring and once in the fall. It is LONG OVERDUE. WTF. The hell with the toilet. I want the road graded. Many locals have complained that it is the worse that they have ever seen it.
ohhh ya..I will be there helping out with the restoration too.
ALSO we need a sign at the upper and lower parking lots talking or stating some LOW impact ideas(maybe have it in multiple languages too....so the FRENCH do not leave there FRENCH POST CARDS) ie camping down next to the creek and not at the parking lot....where it more windy, more of visual impact and takes up prime parking.
ALL TOO often due we do restoration and some A-HOLE decides that they are going to GATHER wood and have a fire. While it is legal to have fires it does not help to place sticks and branches in the sand in hopes of keeping poeple on trail.
Trad climber
are tickets available in advance? bump
when does the Sat evening show start?
Trad climber
bump for a DR show. can't wait to see this. any Okies gonna make it?
Trad climber
Claremont, CA
I'll be there. It sounds great!
Boulder climber
santa cruz, CA
can't make it, but bumpers anyway cause i love this place.
Ice climber
the reticient boulder at the Happies
I will try and make this
Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
I may be there
Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 6, 2009 - 12:36am PT
just back from a little Monday Night Football at Lauria's house. That old fart got a dog since I last saw him.
Thanks to all of you for your help bumping this along....here is another bump, along with some questions and answers.
No doubt that Buttermilk Rd is in horrible shape. Oddly enough, when we had our restoration day out there in April, some young kids in a big old truck showed up towing three tractor tires behind them. I guess that counted as the Inyo County road crew or something. Anyhow, I am not sure who grades the road, whether it is the County or the Forest Service, but it absolutely needs to be done.
Other suggestions of signage to discourage leaving cigarette butts, camping at the parking area, and some of the other high-impact behavior is also a good idea. I did hear from the Forest Service today that they will have someone at our "Climber Coffee" on Sunday, Nov 8. That will be a great opportunity to get some of these ideas in front of the people who can make them happen, or at least remove roadblocks so they can happen. As climbers, we ought be be looking at opening some lines of communication with these agencies that will keep our favorite areas accessible and beautiful for decades to come. The more we work with them, even if it is frustrating at times, the better it will be for us in the long run.
And E., if you can help with some pre-restoration gathering of rocks and vertical mulch material, that would be pretty big. Get in touch with Andrew at our office, or maybe he will get in touch with you.
Other stuff....
Not sure about tickets in advance. Watch this space for updates! But I would guess that we will have them for sale at Wilson's for the week before the event.
Doors will open on Saturday for DR's show at 6:30pm. The show itself will have to wait for Doug to be in the right mood, stars aligned, moon in the right phase...probably around 7:15. We will have everything finished by 9pm, you can make it to the Crab Cooker by 10.
Link....great idea! Someone out there is working on getting something set up at the Alpine Club website. While these sorts of events might seem like a smooth easy ride, there is always some behind-the-scenes work to make it all happen. This time, that is all happening a little later than we would like - we will get you a link within a few days.
But the basics are all lined out, and it looks like this -
Sat Nov 7 - 9am - Restoration and trailwork at the Peabodies, and Access Fund Adopt-a-Crag day with support from the American Alpine Club, Friends of the Inyo, the Eastern Sierra Climbers Coalition, the East Willow Alpine Climbers Society and the cat from next door.
Sat Nov 7 6:30 pm - Doors open at the Inyo Council for the Arts for the Fall Highball party. Your $10 ticket includes drinks and light refreshments. Great raffle with lots of cool prizes, and a show from Doug Robinson tracing decades of adventure and exploration in the Sierra
Sun Nov 8 - Climber Coffee at the Peabodies, come and discuss climber access and issues with the Forest Service, and hopefully with LADWP and the BLM, too.
More questions? Keep 'em coming. More photos? I'll get out there and pose for one myself if I have to....
Sounds kick arse.
Trad climber
JackAssVille, Wyoming
My friend and mentor in his backyard. I wish I could attend! I would encourage everyone that can to do so.
Trad climber
Maybe I should pony up a batch or two of cookies for the refreshments? I'll take requests...and no fair requesting unless you're at least 60% sure you'll be there to eat them!
Big Pine, CA
Doug Robinson
Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Sweet photos, Bruce!
But now that you posted them here, what am I gonna put in the slideshow?
Okies? I don't gotta show you no stinkin' Okies... John, you've gotta come so we'll have us genuine Okies represented.
Actually, there are vintage Okie shots in the slide show, right after the part about how the Armadillos invented the Buttermilk. Which is sorta true, until it gets trumped by the true truth, which is even stranger.
Dogtown, I'm bummed you can't be there. But it's fair; I haven't gotten out to the Voo to see you, either.
Trad climber
I will be there. This should be SWEET.
Looking forward to seeing your amazing photos and narrative. This is something not to be missed.
Big Pine, CA
Sorry 'bout that. Only spilled the beans with the knowledge your words are sweeter than photos.
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