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'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Original Post - Sep 7, 2005 - 11:59pm PT
Like, how’s it goin’, eh?
I decided to try something new for me, and post a photo essay trip report of our recent ascent of Tribal Rite on El Capitan. It seems like there is precious little climbing stuff on this forum these days, so maybe this will rekindle a bit of interest, and encourage others to do the same.
I wasn’t really sure the best way to present it, so here’s what I’ve done. I’ve split up the photos into ten posts, each post with about five photos hotlinked. You can just scroll down and read the story as you look at the photos. For me, this was the easiest and most effective way to present the story, since I can’t be bothered trying to learn how to set up web pages. Less pointing and clicking, just scroll down the page. However if anyone would volunteer to HTML-ize this thing for me so I could load it on a website, that would be most swell.
I apologize in advance to those of you still labouring under a dial-up connection – unfortunately it may take a bit of time for the photos to download. However if you have a faster connection, it should work OK as I made each of the photos about 200K, and I sized them 700 pixels wide as that seems to be the maximum width that will fit in the McTopo forum without making the post look too wide. I use 768 x 1024 pixels on my screen, so you might want to resize to this size if you are currently using 600 x 800. This is my first try at this, so I would welcome some constructive comments, and HELP. I'm going climbing, OK? I don't want to fart around with this thing too much! Sheesh.
And yeah, I'm aware that maybe I could have made the images a bit smaller, but I didn't want to, OK? I am tired of looking at crappy images on the internet all the time, and I wanted to present something of a higher quality than what you usually see. It might take a bit longer if you have dialup, and a bit more pointing and clicking, but I hope that isn't too much to ask.
1. The post is in ten parts – this is the instruction page, and the photo essay follows in pages one to ten.
2. May I request that if you have any comments [or flames] to offer, that you please reply to this post only. This way we don’t have everything split into eleven different places. Fair enough?
3. Before you flame me for flames, would you please read what I have written about it? I am prepared to modify this behaviour in the future if there are justifiable grounds. I am quite aware I am walking the line on this one, and look forward to your constructive criticism if you think I’ve done something terribly wrong. The converse is also true.
4. If you want to flame me about something else, may I suggest you find the appropriate pre-existing post and use that instead? I would really like to keep this as an on-topic climbing-related post, and hope this request isn’t too much to ask. Thanks.
5. If you enjoy this photo essay – it was an enormous amount of work – and would like to see more, then please say so, as I need some positive reinforcement to repeat the effort.
6. There is no rule 6.
7. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of beer [depending on whether you are reading this before or after Changeover Time] and enjoy! I’m warning you it’s going to take you a while to read, so make sure your vessel is fully topped up. And now that you know what I look like, if you see me in Yosemite, introduce yourself, and if there’s time, then like we’ll have a beer, eh?
You can click here to begin the Tribal Rite photo essay.
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
jeeze dude just post the damn pics, it doesn't need to be a doctoral thesis...
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
Yeah, really. And what's with the "under construction" crap?
(you really did wanna get flamed, eh?)
Ha ha ha Lol I just can't stop laughing hardman it's too funny.
Just try and give it a go though Pete.
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 12:27am PT
Frig. Two big problems.
1. HTML coding doesn't want to work for me.
Doing [url=""]tag[/url] isn't working! Arg. Trying to link the pages and put in interesting stuff. I seriously don't get it. Suggestions?
2. It would appear my webmaster has shut down my website where I had the photos posted. Anyone got a website I can upload the things? They are about 200 KB each and there are 47 or so I think.
I might just give up tonight and delete everything if I can't get the webspace sussed. Not worth the bother, even though I spent like twelve hours doing the damn thing. I am, after all, about to leave for El Cap. Priorities.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
How many times to I have to tell you, wanker?
Turn off the !@#$%^& hockey game and pay attention!
Werner beat me to the punch, but image shack works great for images
up to 1024 KB (or approx 1 MB). They will stay active there indefinitely,
as long as they get clicked at least one time in a one-year period.
Still waiting...
Oh, and 200 KB each? Why so big? Personally, pixel-wise I think 400X600
is an optimum size for the forum, and many monitors out there are running
800 X 600 screen resolution (or even less) so that size will fill the browser window nicely.
So for a pic @ 400 X 600, it really shouldn't need to be much over 70 KB or so.
In my Squamton series, most of those shots were 60 KB or less and they looked alright.
Some were as small as 22 KB! And yes, at least half of us are on dial-up, and some of us
are on really slow dial-up. I just did a speed test at speakeasy.net, and I got
24 kbps down and 28 kbps up. That's about as slow as it gets!
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 12:42am PT
OK, I get the link problem. I typed the thing out on Word Perfect, and its quotation marks copy and paste into the forum differently than the ones on the keyboard. I think if I fix those, the links work.
Stand by.
I don't even frickin' watch hockey. I know, I know, disgraceful for a Hoser.
And get this - I'm drinking California chardonnay, it's not even BEER for cryin' out loud! What's my problem????
Sorry, Hardmann, I ain't resizing all the photos a second time. I'm sticking with 700 pixels width. I can send you the text and you could HTML-ize it if you like.....
Damn, I should have asked you first, then. I had NO IDEA so many were on slow dialup. I thought most of us were in the New Millennium. Sorry.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
700 is probably ok –– those with lower screen resolutions might have to scroll.
However, I think the bigger issue is the file size; you might want to compress them a bit more...
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 12:57am PT
OK, I think I get it. See page 2.
I think what I'll do is upload all these images to the Image Shack, and then fix them in Word Perfect, then redo everything.
Thanks for your help!
It looks pretty awesome at 700 pixels wide! Have a quick look, Dave, before I upload too many more.....
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
The pixel size looks good, but then I'm running 1600 X 1200 resolution on a 20",
so nothing is too big. However, I can see 2 images downloading are over 200 KB each;
I really don't know long people will wait to have a bunch of images of that file size downloading...
I would compress them smaller –– or post less pictures in each section.
Add up the total KB for each section, and you might be dealing with several MB!
On mine, I took great pains to make the totals 1.2 MB and 1.4 MB, respectively.
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 01:18am PT
OK, I am unprepared to resize the photos. I spent too much time photoshopping them to get the exposures perfect, and then resizing them. It is simply too much work to redo, at least this time. Next time I do a photo essay, I will consider doing this.
I am now uploading onto the Image Shack, so thanks for the tip.
How about I make it 5 images per page, and make it 1 + 10 pages then? Would that be better? Please advise asap. I'd rather do more links. Honest, dude, it took me frickin' HOURS to doctor the images.
I'm on the learning curve, but I'm a fast learner. Look how fast I'm fixing what appeared to be an hour ago insurmountable problems.
I'd like to tell you your photo essays from Squamish were an inspiration, so I will. However it is untrue. I have been working on this thing for several weeks now....
[but I *did* love your photos....]
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
(check your e-mail re: above post)
Pete wrote:
And get this - I'm drinking California chardonnay, it's not even BEER for cryin' out loud! What's my problem????
I hate to say this, but your beer up there seriously sucks.
And we only get to bring in a 12-pack of the good stuff across the border?
Social climber
The Deli
OK, like um, er, ermm, eh?
OK, like, blah, blah, blah…
OK, eh? …blah, blah, blah…
OK, like dude, are you in Fresno yet, or what, like, eh?
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Straight Outta Squamton
LOL. good one. Guilty as charged...
Let's quickly get back to the fascinating political stuff, eh?
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 02:01am PT
This thread is soooooooo getting nuked soon.
Frig! I forgot I owe you the $ for the heads, mate. I can mail money order, or bring to you. Will be in Fresno Monday, Valley Monday night or Tuesday morning latest. Lemme know what you prefer, eh?
Sorry for the delay - got buggered up with my caving trip to Kentucky.
You can always tell a Merrican trying to act like a Hoser, because they say "eh" too loudly, eh?
And our beer is good, it's just WAY too expensive! About double what yous guys pay down there, for the most part.
Trad climber
All over
Pete! Great photos and story... Thank you for all the hard work on this. Got me totally psyched for the season! Glad you guys had a safe fun trip!
'Pass the Pitons' Pete
Big Wall climber
like Oakville, Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 8, 2005 - 04:24am PT
Thanks, Kate. This is proving to be an all-nighter just posting it, and that's after spending like a week writing the thing. Glad it gets you psyched - we can all use a little more of that, eh?
I still haven't met you face to face yet, so look me up if you're around, eh?
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