NEWSFLASH: Gays got married, and God didn't smite CA


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Topic Author's Original Post - Jun 19, 2008 - 04:24pm PT
Much to the chagrin of some Idahoans.

People gay and straight can now get married, life goes on, ho-hum.

Social climber
Davis, CA
Jun 19, 2008 - 04:30pm PT
I'm not so sure about that dirtbag.

I was out at Mickey's on Sunday and I got smited by a rogue wave. Totally doused with seawater.

I repented my ways with a beer at the 2 am Club in mill valley.

Topic Author's Reply - Jun 19, 2008 - 04:36pm PT
The next Cali-quake will be on your shoulders, my friend.

Social climber
Davis, CA
Jun 19, 2008 - 04:36pm PT
Forgive me lawd!

I know not what I did?

I sure didn't send though. Damn. Pumped off the last move.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Jun 19, 2008 - 05:02pm PT
God sees the truth and waits....

hold on to something. (dirt, these trolls are really tired, couldn't you just re-awaken a fag thread or something?)

Mocking God isn't smart either CI and dirtbag...what if?

Social climber
Davis, CA
Jun 19, 2008 - 05:04pm PT
forgive me lawd!
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Jun 19, 2008 - 05:05pm PT
Now they can become as miserable as the rest of us.


Topic Author's Reply - Jun 19, 2008 - 05:11pm PT
"Mocking God isn't smart either CI and dirtbag...what if? "

I'm mocking all the haters. The ones who are so obsessed with how other tax paying, law abiding citizens lead their lives that they will scream, threaten, and pass laws to make sure others can't enjoy the same rights and privileges they do.

Santa Monica, CA
Jun 19, 2008 - 05:15pm PT

For some reason those uptight midwesterners are getting it...

Jun 19, 2008 - 05:15pm PT
all i have to say to those gays getting married: "careful what you wish for, you might get it . . ."
james Colborn

Trad climber
Truckee, Ca
Jun 19, 2008 - 06:15pm PT
Bluering, "What if" your kid comes to you in sixteen years and says dad I'm gay. Really, I don't just like snowboarding I like boys/girls.

Would you reject your son/daughter. Would you want your god to smite them down and all that fire and brimstone stuff?

I see you christians as phony, shallow and as far from Christs image and action as can be. You and your "god Bless...." What a bunch of crap. I want no blessing from your god of hate. Jesus Christ was no hater. He accepted.

"What if?"

Trad climber
Idaho Falls
Jun 20, 2008 - 01:28am PT
"Gays got married, and God didn't smite California. Much to the chagrin of some Idahoans."

Where do you live, Dirtbag? You used to work in the Centennial Mountain range. Was it on the Idaho or Montana side?

If you're living in Idaho, now, you'll know residents are more mindful of the price of gasoline and local weather than the social politics in the Golden state. California may be the major trend setting state in the west, but most Idahoans don't pay attention unless the effects hit home.

We have homosexuals in Idaho, too, and they seem to get along fine without parades, gay festivals and special holidays. Marriage is essentially a covenant between two people. Couples, married or unmarried, tend to have their own discrete understandings and covenants. Does state recognition, in effect, solidify such unions? Or are gays just rejoicing in the attention and illusion of credibility, the changes in gay marriage laws bring?

Jun 20, 2008 - 05:06am PT
Jennie wrote: “We have homosexuals in Idaho, too,

You want a ribbon or a cookie?

Jennie wrote “and they seem to get along fine without parades, gay festivals and special holidays.

There are no holidays that I know of, and if it were not for the parades, for example, then awareness about the current inequality and denial of rights to people simply because of their sexual orientation would not be as high.

Once all states recognize the principal of equal rights with regard to marriage, those parades the so bother you will probably disappear.

Jennie wrote:” Marriage is essentially a covenant between two people.

Glad we agree. So why all the hub bub by GWB, for example, about pushing through and amendment of the US Constitution – a supposed beacon of equality and Democracy – to ban marriage between people of the same sex?

Jennie wrote: “Does state recognition, in effect, solidify such unions?

Probably not, but then why have state recognized heterosexual unions?

Equality under the law, it’s a simple concept to understand.

Jennie wrote: Or are gays just rejoicing in the attention and illusion of credibility, the changes in gay marriage laws bring?

This question is so f’ed up I don’t know where to begin. Credibility? For what? Seriously, what business is it of yours?

In any case, I think it’s great to rejoice in moments where we as a society move forward socially, you know, like when women finally obtained the right to vote, the civil rights laws and amendments, the fact that the democratic front runners were a woman and an African-American.

When that stuff becomes old hat, just the normal way things are, than the rejoicing that seems to so bother you subsides.

Santa Monica, CA
Jun 20, 2008 - 10:29am PT
Jennie, really, shut up. You know those are not honest, intelligent questions but simply provocations.

If you don't like the gay culture or gay people being afforded the legal protections (and honors) of being married, then don't do it yourself.

Otherwise butt out of other peoples' lives - they're not doing you any harm.

Social climber
Oakland, CA.
Jun 20, 2008 - 10:58am PT
hey it'll be good business for divorce attny's

Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2008 - 11:46am PT
"Where do you live, Dirtbag? You used to work in the Centennial Mountain range. Was it on the Idaho or Montana side? "

Idaho side. I lived in Island Park for 5 months several years ago and probably spent a month total working in the Centennials. The Montana side is lovely too--more of a remote feel, as I recall. I'd love to go back some day.

And my dig was not directed at you, but a certain other Idaohan who frequently bashes California on this forum.

chica from chico, I don't claim to be a daisy
Jun 20, 2008 - 12:19pm PT
"We have homosexuals in Idaho, too"....

That line and post....
Yep, I was raised a Christian, and still believe in God, But... the hypocrisy of religious folks -saddens me.

It's none of our business, or the governments business.

Live and let live.... probably delete this to stay out of the fray.


Jun 20, 2008 - 12:19pm PT
ron i tried your statement out on my wife last night. she was not impressed.

the flatness
Jun 20, 2008 - 02:13pm PT
"We have homosexuals in Idaho, too, and they seem to get along fine without parades, gay festivals and special holidays."

Weird, all of the pictures and web sites that come up on the first page of google results for "Boise pride parade" must be fake. Personally I think giving an often-marginalized group in society their day in the sun is a hell of a lot better reason to have a parade than most of the crap that brings out the VFW and the high school marching band in our cities and towns, but if Spud Day is more your thing then to each his own.

Bluering, these are all God's children. He doesn't make any trash, and judgment is his, not ours.

"I don't mind straight people as long as they act gay in public"

Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2008 - 02:27pm PT
"We have homosexuals in Idaho, too"

They even have closeted US Senators in Idaho.
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