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hugs not drugs
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 19, 2007 - 08:49pm PT
The majority of the posts made in the “Joshua Tree Dogs” thread, the posts that were written by dog owners were in support of this skewed, narcissistic belief:
I own a dog. If I choose to bring MY dog into a prohibited area, that’s MY business. If you have a problem with that, approach me, politely, and tell me what my dog is doing that bothers you, and I may comply. If my dog has disturbed your peace or destroyed your property, well you should have just focused on climbing and protecting your things. If you have a problem with my dog, you can always leave. Chances are, I won’t get caught, so it’s worth risking the violation.
Well guess what?
I will simply entice or coerce your dog into my truck and drive it to an undisclosed pound…I'll tell them I found it wandering around in the Mojave desert…Think I’m kidding?
Peace and Love in Joshua Tree,
Hugs not Drugs
Trad climber
Butte, America
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:08pm PT
If a dog is struck by a vehicle and the driver leaves, the driver if/when caught will receive a hit and run citation--as dogs are considered "personal property" in the eyes of the law.
An unleashed dog in a National Park struck by a vehicle will get the owner of the pet a citation for having a dog unleashed in a NP--keep on bringing those "road targets" into the park, so that your ass can be fined AND your pet is dead, thanks to YOUR irresponsibility.
Have a nice day.
Cats are considered "free roaming" animals and do not fall under this law.
mars...it's near nevada...
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:21pm PT
ya know, as long as your dog doesn't eat my food out of my pack while i'm two pitches up (yeah...) or sh#t and you not bag and pack it out, i got no problem with the dog being there...
besides, one knee to the throat usually drops em pretty quick if they get in your face...
Trad climber
New York, NY
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:28pm PT
I always wanted to have Teddy get service-dog certified, as one of those dogs who goes to hospitals, old folks homes, etc., to help people out. When he was a pup, I knew I had to wait for him to mellow out a bit, but now he's at the age that he would be able to do the job well. I do need to get him to Stay/Come on command though(he will do them when he understands it's necessary, but not just because I ask him to.....smartypants).
He already does the "love dog" job informally, but it would be nice to have him get certified.
Then.... not only could he stroll around in any National Park he/I wanted, but I could take him to the movies with me.
You think I'm kidding?
hugs not drugs
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 19, 2007 - 09:29pm PT
Thanks for the tip, I'll revise my plan of action...
I will relocate your dog to an undisclosed area of the Greater Mojave Desert. Think I'm kidding?
Lost Arrow
Trad climber
The North Ridge of the San Fernando
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:37pm PT
Why take the dog to the pound, you probally could get some good money for it selling it to a University.
Big Wall climber
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:41pm PT
nps and businesses consider service dogs to be seeing eye and hearing dogs, and they need certification. =[
in fact, it gets abused so much now, they are thinking of making service dogs be nationally registered.
keep your mutt at home, he does not belong at the movies. or in national parks.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:42pm PT
I had free reign of the monument for decades and always had my dogs with me! No one ever saw me as I was in places that no one knew about. Now with all the nOObs, I'm gone and will take my pups elsewhere...Good luck coercing this one however!
hugs not drugs
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 19, 2007 - 09:44pm PT
Well, calling me a pussy, being that I'm female, is very confusing...does it mean that I'm not man enough to give my name on a post? I don't want to give my name, when I intend to relocate dogs...I think I will "put them to sleep" in a very humane way too...that way they won't repeat offend, or disturb nature. The buzzards can benefit, and so the circle of life continues...
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:45pm PT
My dog hangs out in my climbing gym everyday, all day. Everybody loves her. If they don't too freakin bad.
And yes she comes to the crags too, but here in So Oregon there is never anyone at the crags anyway, and if there is they already know my dog.
Lost Arrow
Trad climber
The North Ridge of the San Fernando
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:49pm PT
Anyone else ever use a Dog for Offwidth pro? They work way better than cats.
hugs not drugs
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 19, 2007 - 09:53pm PT
Why, I feel like my wonderful life is just about to get richer...for I've come to the conclusion that when dog owners willingly violate the rules...all bets of fairness and justice are off, narcissists need strong feedback to get the message.
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:56pm PT
LEB: There is something wrong with a system which seeks to protect people by banning all dogs...
Lois, dogs are barred from trails and backcountry in Joshua Tree National Park because they stress the bighorns. Those bighorns are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Can't we give them a break in their own home?
Handjam Belay
Gym climber
expat from the truth
Nov 19, 2007 - 09:56pm PT
I rescued a 150lb dog out of a chimney 300 feet down from the rim of the Black Canyon. Dog wedged in chimney lock a stopper
Mountain climber
Minkler, CA
Nov 19, 2007 - 10:06pm PT
So, you are a Vigilante? Really impressive. I have a dog but never bring him to a prohibited area, and I too despise it when dogs are there, particularly national parks. I didn’t go there to pet or see any dogs. So, I understand your frustration, but you should stay out of the business of the police unless your are signed up as such. Otherwise, you may find yourself in the pound too (or worse). Your arrogant stance threatening outright kidnapping does zero to these violators but humor them or enrage them more against “dog haters.” Get a real job away from the park if this angers you so much. It is really not that big of a deal.
Ice climber
canyon country,CA
Nov 19, 2007 - 10:06pm PT
If you're going to relocate them then take the dog to Korea Town. Heck, they'll even pay you for it! The place is called "Wok-in The Dog"
Even at JTree Sushifest someone brought what looked like a pitbull(dark brown/black) that immediately peed on the bands amp, then attacked Natures dog. I'm sure he was just playing. "He never does that". Dogs will be dogs.
PS Drugs lead to hugs. I am not kidding!!
mark miller
Social climber
Nov 19, 2007 - 10:09pm PT
Dawgs are a huge part of my family. I'm pretty mellow now that I'm older, I used to mess up 2 to 5 people a week. Don't mess with a mans family, I could really use some stress relief.... Hey Hide behind some phucking Huggy thread name and threaten good folks dawgs, I'll see you in hell, I've already got a condo reserved.
Trad climber
Nov 19, 2007 - 10:22pm PT
Here's the deal, anti-dog people. Dogs have been with man from the beginning of time! That's right, archaeologists have found dog remains just about everywhere they find human remains. Dogs are not descendant from wolves or anything else, they are their own line, seemingly always with man. (Controversial view, I know)
That being said, there are instances, like today, that I would consider doing what the OP said they would do, take dog to pound as a stray. Young German Shepard, always in a kennel, making me sick and sad that he would be treated that way. Well this morning, he somehow escaped, I saw him running the neighborhood, and cheered him on with a smile on my face. 2 hours later, he was back in his kennel. If this keeps up, I may just "disappear" him to a more loving place.
The creatures on this planet are our relations people.
I maintain that the biggest thing going wrong with society is this moving away from our relations. We are not alone! There are many other sentient beings on this planet besides us! HELLO!
If we treated our dogs like citizens instead of fluffy play things to stroke our egos, things would be so much different. Most people do not give their animals the credit they deserve. Just because they can't talk or don't have opposable thumbs does not mean they are brainless.
My dog goes almost everywhere with me. When I go climbing in a NP, he stays in the truck. It boils my blood to do so sometimes, but in the sake of not giving climbers any more of a bad rap with the NPS, I comply. Consequently, I have done very little hiking in YNP, 2 miles up the road.
I keep him out of the Sierra Nevada bighorn areas, he's big and dark, easy for them to spot from a distance. And living at TPR, that was no small feat! No Warren Canyon, no Dana Plateau, no Tioga Crest.
I have also raised him to be a citizen.He does not pee on tires, or anything man made. (Seriously!)He usually poops off trail. I can have him poop on command at the car if need be before setting out too. He does not step on gear, or ropes, and stays out from underfoot. Shoot, he gets up and moves when someone yells "Rope!" And I did not teach him that, and he has not had a rope dropped on him either.
He hates to fight, leaves people alone unless they call him to them and is a great bear dog.
In fact, I don't know what I am going to do without him when he is gone.
He's also my personal bodyguard and best friend. When I traveled to Spain without him, it was a shock to be traveling ALONE.
If you want to mentally ill, don't care for animals.
It's only been in past 100 years or so that people have stopped living side by side with and working with animals.
I have a plan for allowing dogs in national parks. I ran it by someone from Tuolumne, can't remember her name, and she thought it might fly. Problem is, I don't have enough faith in People to be honest enough not to screw the system, so I have not written it up and submitted it to the NPS.
Social climber
Newport, OR
Nov 19, 2007 - 10:23pm PT
Gary: Lois, dogs are barred from trails and backcountry in Joshua Tree National Park because they stress the bighorns. Those bighorns are hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Can't we give them a break in their own home?
Having seen families of Bighorn many times in the monument I can see a lot in wanting to protect them...does this mean that climbers will stay away? I think not.
hugs not drugs
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 19, 2007 - 10:36pm PT
I have a horse, 3 dogs and a cat. This is about dog owners who choose to break the rules, and expect others to adjust to that...well I'm adjusting. Don't like it, then don't do it.
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