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Topic Author's Original Post - Jan 3, 2007 - 02:54pm PT
I figured we needed a thread about poop. Share anything that comes to mind.

Mountain climber
Ottawa, Canada
Jan 3, 2007 - 03:28pm PT
I think this thread should be eliminated.

Social climber
N. lake Tahoe
Jan 3, 2007 - 03:28pm PT
More like, it should be flushed.

Trad climber
portland, or
Jan 3, 2007 - 03:30pm PT
You guys are too cerebral. Can you just say "s&%t" and get on with it?

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jan 3, 2007 - 03:38pm PT
feelio Babar

Trad climber
Sneaking up behind you...
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:22pm PT
Don't like some one?

poop in their toilet tank.

the gift that keeps on giving.

that's all I have to say about poop.

Trad climber
Irvine, CA
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:24pm PT
poop toob!!!!!


Trad climber
Irvine, CA
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:25pm PT
Oh, and for some odd reason, I always seem to get the "moops" when I'm camping. Thats when the poop isn't poop but a slushy form of it. Many times I've come up with too little toilet paper, had to use leaves, or had to worry about splashing on my pants.

I think its the food I eat when I go camping/hiking.


Trad climber
New York, NY
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:40pm PT
Matter Out Of Place.....

That's the usual definiton or whatever of the acronym "moop." Big word on the Burning Man "I'm so cool because I know what "moop" means" circuit....

But, hey....I'm here to help. So, what can your "moop" mean????

Mushy Out Of Paper?

Gym climber
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:44pm PT
I learned, and am daily reminded of the fact that, sh#t goes downhill.

Big Wall climber
hiding in plain sight
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:48pm PT
Pitch 24, 6:32am.
Jimmy finally understands the expression "That sh#t won't fly"...

Much to the chagrin of Timmy, at the base.

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jan 3, 2007 - 04:48pm PT
"In cyber space, no one can smell your shit".....

Trad climber
Arlington, VA
Jan 3, 2007 - 05:27pm PT
I can't resist, the finest poop related post, nay, the finest post of any kind ever to appear on the tacostand, compliments of Slobmonster:

"Oh, the memories.

Fifth or sixth pitch of the Whitney-Gilman Ridge, on Cannon Cliff, NH. I'd been dating my girlfriend for only a short while, enough to become close, but still far enough apart that we hadn't yet shared *everything.* "Hurry up, honey," I pleaded, squeezing all those little Kiegels muscles like there wouldn't be a tomorrow. She (finally) gets up to the belay, and I have to ask the mortified lass to simply look the other way, as I lay waste to the barbarian at the gate. It was "one of those" poos, the big ones, fed on sardines and cheddar cheese, the kind that you look down upon in horror as it fills the toilet bowl in a coiled serpentine bomb. Finished (finally!) I picked up the rock I'd defiled, and tossed it straight into the Black Dike. In its complex airborne oscillations the poo strecthed to its full and horrible length before breaking apart due to the stresses of flight. "

Call me juvenile, but that may be the funniest stand alone paragraph I have ever read.

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jan 3, 2007 - 05:31pm PT
True that! I rmember the first time I read that story. I think I burst out in sponatneous laughter every half hour or so for the rest of the day. it is a fine piece of "poop lit."
pimp daddy wayne

Trad climber
ice cave
Jan 3, 2007 - 05:37pm PT


Trad climber
Durango, CO
Jan 3, 2007 - 05:39pm PT
Ut-oh. Bad memories of a poop bag landing on my bivy sack on Washington Column. But thank goodness for GoreTex. Yuk!

Trad climber
Irvine, CA
Jan 3, 2007 - 06:56pm PT
Fifth or sixth pitch of the Whitney-Gilman Ridge, on Cannon Cliff, NH. I'd been dating my girlfriend for only a short while, enough to become close, but still far enough apart that we hadn't yet shared *everything.* "Hurry up, honey," I pleaded, squeezing all those little Kiegels muscles like there wouldn't be a tomorrow. She (finally) gets up to the belay, and I have to ask the mortified lass to simply look the other way, as I lay waste to the barbarian at the gate. It was "one of those" poos, the big ones, fed on sardines and cheddar cheese, the kind that you look down upon in horror as it fills the toilet bowl in a coiled serpentine bomb. Finished (finally!) I picked up the rock I'd defiled, and tossed it straight into the Black Dike. In its complex airborne oscillations the poo strecthed to its full and horrible length before breaking apart due to the stresses of flight. "

That IS the funniest thing I have read here in a while


Social climber
No Ut
Jan 3, 2007 - 07:16pm PT
My partner sh#t on my head on El Cap, once. The story is on the Cloudwalker DVD on which I offered a discount to ST-ers last month. In honor of this thread, the discount will now go deeper - to $10 (about half-price). I want to spread the sh#t around! Just send me an e-mail and include your address.


Social climber
No Ut
Jan 3, 2007 - 07:25pm PT
Scott- it's jeplowe@netscape.com


Jan 3, 2007 - 07:27pm PT
Haustral churning, defecation, peristalsis, imminent evacuation
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