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Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Oct 29, 2012 - 12:44pm PT
"New thread for the other side, have at it."
It's been done.
Over and over and over and over and over. Yawn.
Doesn't do anything but piss people off as it bumps more TR's and climbing-related material down.
Have at it.
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Oct 29, 2012 - 12:47pm PT
I'm guessing you're an expert on "Average."
Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Oct 29, 2012 - 12:49pm PT
That's it..! I'm voting for Romney...How could Obama trick us into thinking that he is liberal...?
Sierra Ledge Rat
Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Oct 29, 2012 - 12:57pm PT
Speaking of a typical Repugnican....
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2012 - 01:48pm PT
Hey, they got yer picture here:
Wade Icey
Trad climber
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:41pm PT
shut the f*#k up . you racist . lying , hater....
Sport climber
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:41pm PT
SLR, I guarantee that guy has enough food and supplies to last a year. He probably doesn't give a sh*t about FEMA. He lives out on property because he likes privacy.
That's the worst meme ever, if that's how Libtards think, then they hold the name truly well.
Sport climber
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:48pm PT
Bring out the pepper-spray. I hear them liberal type don't like it.
Fat Dad
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:48pm PT
Nice role model there Michaeld. Chubby probably lives out on there by himself because he's an anti-social paranoid who's incapable of getting along with others not like himself. No wonder he's a Republican.
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:50pm PT
Wait a second here. First of all not "everyone" in "each party" is such a fanatic idiot.
I am a Democrat married to a Republican. We agree not to agree and... We actually do agree on a few things.
We are both...
Pro gun.
Believe in the right to choose when it comes to abortion.
Anti death penalty because it actually cost the state more to have folks in death row, (appeals, etc.)
We both hate Obama care. It does not regulate insurance companies and they are the one's making health care so outrageously expensive in the first place.
We both agree we need a better health system that provides to all, just not this one.
etc. etc.
In the end, we just want a better life and we are all Americans.
Sport climber
Oct 29, 2012 - 02:58pm PT
Anastasia, what if Death Row meant they had 1 year to appeal their case before Execution?
Nice role model there Michaeld. Chubby probably lives out on there by himself because he's an anti-social paranoid who's incapable of getting along with others not like himself. No wonder he's a Republican.
Role Model? No. Just a person who believes in his rights. Do you? Probably not. You only care when they affect you directly.
Fat Dad, do you only climb at the gym because there are people there so you can be social? He probably lives out there because he lives in a small community and they have a lot of land per house. What's wrong with owning land?
Your fat, I take it, because your name.
Paranoid? Because he has an American flag? Or a Shotgun?
This country is failing because morons like you. No pride in anything but what you want as a (ignorant) person, not the principles on which this country was founded on.
Fat Dad
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:09pm PT
I must have hit a nerve Michael because you seem very butt hurt over a caustic response to your caustic posting. If you can't cope with rebuttals to your contributions, sarcastic or not, you may want to get some thicker skin or stay away from the keyboard.
A couple of quick points: not fat, dislike the gym and know my rights (as described in the Constitution and Bills of Rights) very well (better than most), and believe that people can more or less live wherever they want, though the choice of where to live can tell alot more about you then you might think. Sorry, but fat dude screaming while waving the flag and a shotgun while someone takes his pictures says nothing about "rights". It's only a poseur moment for the fat dude with a shotgun who believes he's making some statement that clearly brought a tear to your eye. If you believe there's content there then I suggest you're the one in need of study, not me. Sorry you're so guillable.
BTW, Anatasia, nice post. We should all respond as intelligently as you.
mouse from merced
Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:15pm PT
I can't remembeer a harder belly laugh than I just had, except for some Friday night drunken posting sh#t, which is never as funny, really, as lampooning political asswipes.
My name's Rollie Finger-pointer, and I am voting on the Athletic ticket. You do not remember me. You do not remember me. You do not remember me. You do not remember me. You do not remember me.
"OK, I know when my finger's licked."--Mouse said that
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:31pm PT
Sadly there have been a few folks on death row that after years of waiting to die, were later proven to be innocent. Our system is set up to prevent innocent men from dying and in theory would rather let a criminal be free. We want those folks wrongly jailed to have every chance to prove that. Yes, it does cost us way too much but imagine if you were that person, the one that actually was put away wrongly... This is the moral dilemma we try to rectify by allowing appeals. Goes by the motto, "innocent until proven guilty without doubt."
Good or bad, it's part of who we are.
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2012 - 03:44pm PT
The people claiming to be democrats on that other thread give democrats a bad name.
Hey dumbasses. Did you look at the US debt when Obama took office? under 10 trillion. It's over 16 trillion currently and on a trajectory that withstands understanding by any rational soul. Watch it for 20 seconds or so to see yer guy at work and understand that you are dooming the country's future.
Yeah, I know your response: "IT'S BUSHES FAULT"....it would be funny if it wasn't so painful.
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:49pm PT
Personally, I would not mind that. But alas... I respect the law above most things... I say most things because if I catch anyone hurting my son, abusing him in any way... I will not be sane. Nope... These are some powerful instincts.
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:53pm PT
You're right, Anastasia. It's a part of who we are.
There was a time when every felony was punishable (and punished) by hanging. I thank God that is no longer true, because my date with the gallows would have taken place several years ago.
Now, in contrast, we have such a revulsion against intentional killing that we bend over backwards to make sure that we, as a society, don't do it to our prisoners. Even then, we still can get it wrong.
I sometimes wonder which is the greater number: those wrongly on death row, or those killed because a prisoner who, in earlier years, would have been executed was released. It could well be the latter, but I think that most members of society are more appalled at the prospect of the former.
Fat Dad
Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Oct 29, 2012 - 03:55pm PT
Re the debt increase, here's some commentary from Politicfact.org. In short, over 50% of the debt increase is the result of Bush era tax cuts, the same policy that Romney will continue:
First, the bottom-line number on the debt: Yes, it has grown by $5 trillion during Obama’s tenure. Total debt has increased by $5.5 trillion since January 20, 2009, while the share of that debt held by the public has increased by $5 trillion.
But it’s not entirely correct to hang that increase on "Obama’s spending" alone.
In our previous item, we looked at calculations by the Treasury Department based on data from the Congressional Budget Office, the independent number-crunching arm of Congress.
To figure out what caused the accumulation of deficits over the past decade, CBO tracked the surplus it had projected back in 2001 and compared it with the actual cumulative deficits that resulted instead. CBO specifically broke out how much several laws contributed to the deficit, some of which started under Bush and some under Obama.
Because American Crossroads was only referring to the debt added during Obama’s tenure, we only looked at fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011. And because the American Crossroads ad does not reference how much the deficits fell below the surpluses that had been forecast by CBO, we’re going to exclude from our calculations a category CBO called its own "failures to predict economic conditions accurately."
We added up the lost revenue and additional spending each year and then calculated their percentage of the deficits over those three years.
Spending initiated by Bush policies: 4 percent of total deficits in 2009, 2010 and 2011
Spending initiated by Obama policies: 11 percent
Other increases in discretionary spending: 32 percent
Other increases in mandatory spending: 6 percent
Revenue reductions
Revenue reductions initiated by Bush policies: 11 percent
Revenue reductions initiated by Obama policies: 13 percent
Other unclassified revenue reductions: 5 percent
Net interest: 19 percent
The spending increases traceable to programs clearly attributable to Obama, combined with the increase in discretionary spending on his watch, account for about 43 percent of the three years worth of deficits.
So if you’re talking about what "drove us $5 trillion deeper in debt," then a clear majority stemmed from sources other than "Obama’s spending."
If you expand the definition from "Obama’s spending" to "Obama’s spending and tax cuts," you get to a total of 56 percent. Throw in 13 percentage points for the added interest costs of Obama’s policies and you’re at 69 percent.
Our ruling
The American Crossroads ad claims that "Obama’s spending drove us $5 trillion deeper in debt."
But not all of the $5 trillion can be attributed to Obama's spending. Much of it can be attributed to his tax cuts and the policies of President Bush. On balance, we rate the claim Half True. Be careful what you wish for.
State of Mine
Oct 29, 2012 - 04:01pm PT
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