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Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 28, 2011 - 02:52pm PT
American Alpine Club, Access Fund, Friends of Inyo and Inyo National Forest bring you, once again, a Fall Highball.
Work party at Buttermilk Country on Saturday, 19 Nov. 9:00 AM to noon.
We'll start at the parking lot East of the Peabodys. We'll have coffee and treats for the volunteers.
Plenty of time after working for playing.
Saturday evening: PARTY
At Mill Creek Station. 7:00 PM
John Long will give a slide show and talk.
$5 donation for admission including beer and refreshments.
Additional contributions will be gratefully accepted.
There will be a raffle.
18 and over only please. ID will be checked for beer.
Live music by the Core Shots
Designated Drivers are encouraged
all proceeds go to the AAC Buttermilk conservation fund.
Inyo National Forest is planning a proper toilet at the Buttermilks. This summer they published a project scoping proposal. AAC, Access Fund and FOI all responded positively to the proposal.
Come on out, work hard, climb hard and party to give back to Buttermilk Country.
Additional thanks to John Long, Manor Market, Black Sheep coffee, Great Basin Bakery and Mill Creek Station.
The Pit should be open for camping.
I'll post here again if I have more or corrected information.
HELP: you too can help. If you're able to distribute posters at climbing shops/gyms etc in your area contact me and I'll get you started.
Fred Glover
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 28, 2011 - 05:27pm PT
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 31, 2011 - 01:44pm PT
I put up posters at Priest Station Cafe and Camp 4 bulletin board this weekend.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
bishop bump!
beautiful, crisp, and cold at the grandpa peabody at sunset today. still could barely get off the ground on the V0s, but just happy to be there. see ya on the 19th
PS Why the need to exclude under 18s from the party? They're the future, we need those young 'uns
Trad climber
Lone Pine
Sounds like a ball - I'll plan on heading up!
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Looks great!
Designated Drivers are encouraged Make 'em mandatory.....
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 2, 2011 - 05:05pm PT
Make 'em mandatory..... Wish we could.
Em: your concern is noted. I'll see what we can do. And thanks so very much for your offer to help out. See you there for sure.
NEW, Improved, FINAL poster.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
hey Fred, the poster looks great, but could you maybe change the name to
Autumn Highball?
Somehow the words "Fall" and "Highball" next to each other don't seem right....
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
PS Why the need to exclude under 18s from the party? They're the future, we need those young 'uns
Completely agree, but it may be necessary for licencing, legal or insurance purposes to say no one under 18, or at least see that the advertising says it.
Way out there....
Plus the people who host the mill creek events don't like kids climbing on rocks...go figure....
We were asked to take our three children and leave last year because they were sitting on a rock watching the music. The owners were pretty lame people after they got baked or wined up or something.
I hope we can find a better place to host the event next year.
See you all at the boulders. Sierra Salve would like to donate some prizes or help out in some way.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 3, 2011 - 04:32pm PT
Bump for NEW, Improved, FINAL poster.
Please send me a private message regarding donations.
em kn0t
Trad climber
isle of wyde
Put up posters today in Bishop:
Mill Creek Statiion
Rubber Room
Wilson's Eastside
Mountain Light Gallery
Gear Exchange
Black Sheep/Spellbinder Books
Great Basin Bakery
Bishop Library
"The Zoo"
Manor Market already had a poster (someone beat me to it -- cool!)
It was 52 degrees and calm at Buttermilks main parking at 6:30 pm; some folks were still bouldering by headlamp. Sweet!
Trad climber
e350 / Bishop
Nice work em
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 4, 2011 - 05:12pm PT
shameless BUMP and corrections to my original post
Trad climber
Claremont, CA
Things are shaping up for a great weekend.
Thanks to the Access Fund, the Friends of the Inyo, Sierra and Southwest Sections of the American Alpine Club for putting this together.
Thanks particularly to Fred, Sarah, and Andrew!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 6, 2011 - 06:09pm PT
There'll be a raffle at the party.
Someone will take home the Metolious bouldering pad donated by Pacific Edge climbing gym in Santa Cruz.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 8, 2011 - 02:53pm PT
And the 2 person Intro To Climbing class at Berkeley Iron Works
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 11, 2011 - 12:37pm PT
BUMP for the weekend.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 12, 2011 - 04:56pm PT
BUMP for a gaggle of raffle prizes from Mammoth Mountaineering
Haul bag
Rope bag
2- $30 gift cards
Trad climber
Starlite, California
Nov 12, 2011 - 08:20pm PT
PLEASE stay away...
I do not like seeing 20-50 cars in the place I moved to from Berkeley 30 years ago...to have all to myself.
All those parking areas - did you know they did not used to be there? Rocks to define use trails...there were no use trails.
Toilets? How about a Westin?
Stay away...go somewhere else. Heavily overused area...I'll be talking with the Forest Service about the problem soon.
You know, my daughter and I always used to think someone should renovate those old power plants in the Gorge into like a B&B...maybe to have a rave.
Hey! How about City of Rocks? The 'Milks suck...nothing but choss.
Climbing is dangerous - better to stay home. Go away; go somewhere else.
I think ye olde Black Powder Club has their annual Turkey Shoot out there the same weekend.
PS: Using a pad is the same as using a rope in the 'Milks. I do not own a pad, nor do any of my local partners. So, respect local ethics, and leave your aid in your Toyota PU. Or your yuppymobile Audi.
Here's my challenge to all.
I've found Dale's 25 foot wall of crystals, after 18 years. My own solution: The Crystal Method. I think it might be .10d or so...B1 in other words, since I don't buy into the Vermin Grading System, bunch of BS.
Find it, climb it, post a picture.
Then, maybe, we'll welcome you into our Buttermilks.
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