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jack herer
Sport climber
Veneta, Oregon
Topic Author's Original Post - Jul 10, 2011 - 12:22pm PT
I don't normally choose to post stuff like this. But this really kinda bothers me. A climber was critically injured and luckily not killed as a result of another "climber" in a totally different party attempting to do the Monkey Face "Swing" on a crowded Saturday in the park.
Monkey Face over the past year or so has been turing into an amusement park with all this slackling, and wanting to be the next DanO. Now I love that these guys are psyched and am friends with lots of them, but it seems like maybe you have to draw the line somewhere. Smith Rock is especially unique in the fact that there are no imposed climbing regualtions in a state park. Its stuff like this that changes that though. Anyways I'd be curious to hear what other peoples thoughts are, but please keep the spray out of here, there is a woman laying in a hosptal bed in criticall condition right now this is'nt a joke.
Johnny K.
Southern California
Jul 10, 2011 - 12:34pm PT
Best wishes and prayers for the girl in critical condition.
This type of accident is ridiculous!Hard to even comment or reply on such actions.It just shouldnt happen.
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Jul 10, 2011 - 12:55pm PT
Social climber
Jul 10, 2011 - 01:19pm PT
hey there say, jack herer....
this is very sad... sadly, too, it reminds me of how if folks would just teach young kids to be more observant for others when they are very young, and trainable, perhaps a third, or even half of these type of adult-accidents would not happen to the others, in their action-wake, :(
my on-going prayers for elizabeth...
thanks for sharing... any bit of awareness, can help someone else farther down the line...
Trad climber
Jul 10, 2011 - 01:42pm PT
What rope swing on MonkeyFace? Seems if someone setup something like that it should be no where near where anyone is climbing. You grab someone elses rope and cause them to be injured when you are swinging, be prepared to have your ass sued up the yinyang.
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
Jul 10, 2011 - 01:46pm PT
I've never been to Smith. I assumed the Monkey Swing was a pendulum traverse, or something.
It's not.
What are you guys doing up there? Six Flags Over Oregon?
Social climber
So Cal
Jul 10, 2011 - 01:46pm PT
At what point does stupidity become criminal?
Seems like this is pretty damn close to crossing that threshold.
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
Jul 10, 2011 - 01:54pm PT
In 96 I think a climber in MT was prosecuted for trundling rocks and killing another climber. fwiw
Sport climber
Boulder, Colorado!
Jul 10, 2011 - 03:08pm PT
That swing will NEVER see the likes of me on it. Could barely watch the video. I shiver to think what that rope is connected to. Blargh.
Best wishes to the two injured.
Trad climber
Jul 10, 2011 - 03:12pm PT
that is some mind-numbingly stupid ass sh#t
dance of the f*#ktards
Trad climber
Millbrae, CA
Jul 10, 2011 - 04:12pm PT
It's terribly sad that these two people were injured and especially upsetting that the woman was so seriously injured. I hope that she has a full recovery.
Smith Rocks is a wonderful and special place, particularly so because the authorities have often been so climber -friendly. It would be a real shame to see that change. IMHO climbers insure the best access to the rock for themselves when they keep a relatively low profile. Before this, I had never heard about "the monkey swing" but it seems pretty high-profile.
Trad climber
Upper Leftish
Jul 10, 2011 - 06:44pm PT
Had a sneaking suspicion the monkey swing was involved in this. Lame. I watched the evac go down yesterday and heard someone had gotten "clothes-lined" over around the Monkey. Huge bummer. Best wishes to the injured. Here's hoping for a full recovery.
Without knowing the details or who's involved...I won't pass judgement here. But jeez! This crap shouldn't happen! Be smart folks.
Sport climber
Vacaville, CA
Jul 10, 2011 - 07:10pm PT
Unbelievably retarded. NorCals Auburn SRA is closed because of a rope swing/jump fatality. Honestly, if it wasn't a slippery slope to the eventual banning of climbing, I would be 100% comfortable with a perma-ban of pre-setup rope swings. Seems to attract the retarded and irresponsible :(
Jul 10, 2011 - 10:33pm PT
You'll never completely avoid accidents in a place as crowded as Smith Jack. Many more callouts happen for hikers, than for climbers. It tends to be noobs that are doing things to get hurt (generally), and it won't stop. I don't even think it's too bad given the amount of folks there. What is the state going to do: close the entire park to the public (hikers, tourists, and climbers)? Then close all public parks (and this one in particular, unlike some others, is a money maker), then close everything that can create an issue or accident anywhere? Skateparks? Public restrooms? What else? Nope, won't happen, it's a public park, and anywhere you have the public you'll have stuff crop up. Folks tossing girlfriends off of cliffs, putting a shotgun to there heads and pulling the trigger rather than jump, etc etc.
These kinds of things are all over the place. I was doing the El Cap swing not too long ago (thanks Ritche!!! Woot!!!!) There's 2 on the Captain and the traverse off Lost Arrow is about the same kind of gig. Fun.
Hope it all works out for the injured climber. Another reminder (that we didn't need) to be heads up.
Take care all!
Matt Leonard
Trad climber
San Francisco, CA
Jul 11, 2011 - 08:00pm PT
They did - it's Liz Redman. She's a regular Touchstone climber - and a fairly regular climbing buddy of mine.
Shitty situation, especially for an accident that involved no poor judgement on her part.
Dick Erb
June Lake, CA
Jul 11, 2011 - 08:12pm PT
There was an accident on EB Middle Cathedral Rock quite a few years ago, after a party speed climbed around a friend of mine and his partner, then knocked of a large rock which hit my friends partner in the head. This was a serious event with significant after effects. There was a law suit and the climbers above who knocked off the rock lost.
ron gomez
Trad climber
Jul 11, 2011 - 08:42pm PT
The "rope swingers" at least in this case are as Kerwin put it...phucktards! They should be charged for reckless endangerment at the very least. completely clueless.
Jul 11, 2011 - 08:44pm PT
Was the rope swinger identified, or was it 'hit & rap'?
Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Jul 11, 2011 - 08:45pm PT
Ack! I never liked how them local hippies rig the swing. I did it a year ago, but we used a single line to swing and rap on (attached with grigri, coils tied off). Having to "catch" the rap line and transfer weight always seemed like an unnecessary complication to me. Not to mention this is a bad idea on a busy weekend. Done right, I think its safe and pretty darn fun.
Social climber
Jul 11, 2011 - 09:03pm PT
What a mess - glad the climbers are seemingly OK.
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