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Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Topic Author's Original Post - Jul 19, 2010 - 06:11pm PT
So it appears that Sarah Palin is headed into Denai National Park to climb "Sweettooth" with Todd and Willow. Problem is that Sweet Tooth Spire is a prominent gendarme on the South Ridge Sugar Tooth and is rated 5.10+ A2. Best of luck to you, Sarah.
Here's a link to her announcement on Twitter: http://www.themudflats.net/2010/07/14/palins-sweettooth-coffee-spit/
Here's a photo of the South Ridge of Sugar Tooth (Eye Tooth behind and above) with Sweet Tooth Spire the small gendarme below the summit.
Sarah, We all expect a full trip report upon your return. Best of luck to you.
Climb safe,
Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 19, 2010 - 06:19pm PT
Now why did you bring up that things name Mal? The dirtbag climbers on ST are so hard up they actually think she's hot- can you believe it?. I can just see all the titillating patter coming up.
Captain...or Skully
Big Wall climber
Transporter Room 2
Jul 19, 2010 - 06:20pm PT
Naw, can't see it. She's a quitter.
She'll bail.
And no, I wouldn't touch that with a 10 ft cheaterstick.
Social climber
Jul 19, 2010 - 06:30pm PT
I hear there's a fantastic view of Russia from there.
Social climber
Davis, CA
Jul 19, 2010 - 06:35pm PT
I think I'm running a semi-chub.
dee ee
Mountain climber
citizen of planet Earth
Jul 19, 2010 - 06:40pm PT
Is she bringing that red, white and blue bikini?
Jul 19, 2010 - 07:10pm PT
Classic! I read the Twitter link...from the photo and name of "CelticDiva" I imagine her reply to any of Palin's comments would include the words "You Idiot".
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jul 19, 2010 - 07:11pm PT
Carrying on the long and honourable tradition of mountaineer politicians. Teddy Roosevelt. Robert Kennedy. The Udalls.
Oh wait, they were all Democrats, or independents.
Ricky D
Trad climber
Sierra Westside
Jul 19, 2010 - 07:35pm PT
Forgive me Father for I am sinning - I keep picturing a well placed rockfall.
Trad climber
Bay Area
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:00pm PT
Carrying on the long and honourable tradition of mountaineer politicians. Teddy Roosevelt. Robert Kennedy. The Udalls.
At least two of them made significant contributions to the conservation movement. Other than "drill baby drill"
If Sarah does it nekkid she'll get my attention.
Otherwise HumBug
Trad climber
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:06pm PT
Holy crap her Twitter page is a gold mine.
The Charge of Racism: It’s Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past
And of course like 9/10 of the previous page of "tweets" are divisive garbage and plenty of playing off of the NAACP. Keep on healing the divide, Sarah.
Trad climber
Hagerman, ID
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:07pm PT
Mighty Hiker: Teddy Roosevelt was first a Republican politician, then Republican vice-president, then Republican president 1901-1908.
I think the Republicans are still recovering from all his progressive ideas---but then from the 1860’s to the Teddy era, the Republicans were the more progressive party, and the Democrats were mostly farmers, southerners, or racists (often all three.)
Amazing how U.S. politics have changed in 100 years.
Only after failing to be nominated for President at the 1912 Republican convention, did Teddy become independent.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:11pm PT
Yes, Teddy was a BullMoose Republican, a president of a kind not seen since, although there were some parallels with Lincoln, and his cousin Frank. Teddy wouldn't fit well into either modern party, so I characterize him as an independent.
Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:16pm PT
Republicans used to come in all stripes- no more. Have you been following the recent Senate votes?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jul 19, 2010 - 08:56pm PT
I notice that Mal's OP said that "that Sarah Palin is headed into Denai National Park".
Does that mean she'll be in Denai-al? It would seem apropos.
Jul 19, 2010 - 09:09pm PT
Ricky D, It could just be a maverick rock.
Jul 19, 2010 - 09:15pm PT
Hi Mighty Hiker, are you a Canadian or are you a U.S. citizen? Just curious.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Jul 19, 2010 - 09:18pm PT
Canadian, but with one grandmother born in the US, and many second and more distant cousins there. And a few friends.
Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
Jul 19, 2010 - 09:24pm PT
who's the best trundler here besides me?
i can hit an acorn on the si9de of a ranger truck from 3000 feet, jus sayin,
Trad climber
Hagerman, ID
Jul 19, 2010 - 09:39pm PT
Dr. Sprock: Are you going to Alaska this summer? I know a great place to practice trundling.
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