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Mountain climber
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 5, 2010 - 12:28pm PT
Am wondering if there anyone out there with the time and Javascript knowledge to write a Greasemonkey script that will remove posts by a certain user, in this case LEB?
I have a script that hides any LEB started threads (written by an ST climber, whose name I won't mention), but it won't remove LEB posts on other threads.
I'll donate $50 for such a script. If others are interested, it could become a larger effort. Would be great if a scripter/coder (nature?) could write up something fast and give any/all donations to Jim Bridwell.
Greasemonkey is a Firefox addon, here:
Hangin' by a thread and lookin' for my wings
She'd just morph into her alter ego HowWeirdDean, so you'd have to "fix" that avatar, too.
Otherwise, you'd find each thread with a 1001 lengthy posts from an "old male trad climber (with strangely female attributes) who never climbs any more (but occasionally lifts a golf club) and only talks about healthcare, nursing, the latest thing LEB and her emasculated husband are doing/thinking/pretending to do and, of course, Palin's brilliance and Obama's ignorance.
Sigh...it would be a herculean effort...
Although this would probably get you beers for life from BVB and three dozen or more other Topians...;-)
Social climber
So Cal
Roger Breedlove
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Lois' first post:
In 1987, while camping in Yosemite, I saw a presentation given by a man who was apparently retained by the park service to speak about climbing. He was an experienced a climber who was allegedly also a film producer making climbing documentaries. This man showed the most incredible slides I have ever seen in my entire life. In the almost 20 years since I viewed them, his slides have made an indelible impression. I wish to either purchase his film or some of his slides if they are still available but I cannot remember this man's name nor the name of any of his film(s). Any help would be most appreciated.
The man was in his 30s or 40s in the late 1980s, spoke with a mild foreign accent and I think he was blondish but I am not sure of this latter fact. He showed slides of his climbs with his various friends/colleagues. This man was clearly a very experienced climber - the sort who spends the night in a sleeping bag suspended over the cliff of a monolith on climbs which spanned several days. In fact, he showed several slides of exactly that. His numerous slides of his various climbs were so dramatic as to be almost surrealistic. He also showed several slides of people climbing huge frozen water falls. Overall this man's slides were unbelievable. I would like to see them again or else buy his video if it is still around, anywhere.
Is this information sufficient for anyone to identify this person and provide me with a name? I would like to "google it" and see if his slides or videos are still around. I am also somewhat curious what happened to him. Is he still around? Does he still climb? It is not many slide shows which one remembers vividly for 20 years. I remember this one as though it was yesterday. Thanks for any help offered.
Friday, 24 June 2005.
1715 days ago and the start of 16065 posts. 9.4 per day.
Trad climber
Kennewick wa
"cat fight, cat fight. quick throw water on them!!!"
BTW I am against any atttempt to remove people unless Chris Mac approves.
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
TGT... You must have been at the recent T-shirt shoot!
Trad climber
Hollywood, CA
C'mon TGT, if you've met L you know she's far hotter than either of those rough chicks.
And whipsmart enough to let her words do her takedowns for her. :)
Trad climber
New York, NY
I would probably not erase Lois from my Supertopo experience. But I FULLY support the Greasemonkey project, and am ALSO willing to kick in to the one who writes the script. One disclaimer(though I will support the project, nonetheless): The script should allow us to hide ANY other user we feel the desire to, and not be targeted at one specifically.
Lois doesn't care, but her behavior here absolutely does impinge on the experience of others here on the site. The innapropriate image post to the Yabo t-shirt thread really did show me that. On most other forums, one has the ability to hide another - it HELPS to keep the forum a saner place. Sure, one can "not click on" certain threads created by a user, but when it is a topic you HAVE interest in, in a thread that seems innocuous enough, it is pretty pathetic to have to wade through the seemingly intentional topic-redirect posts and the upset such posts cause.
While I would not erase the Leb, I am confident many others absolutely would. And many who get "upset" at her behavior would then NOT be posting about their upset, which would cause threads - even those WITH redirect-topic posts - to run smoother and stay closer to topic.
The one thing that would still be an issue, though, would be the "upset ones" who can't restrain themselves from interacting negatively to/with Lois' posts and refuse to hide them. They will still be crap up the works. Of course, I believe a bit of pressure from others to "hide or STFU" would solve most of that problem.
I am in for $50 for an "any user" script, and $10 for a "single, particular user" script.
Trad climber
New York, NY
Pate - I don't think you are the only one who would refuse to hide/continue to act out, that's what you are suggesting. It's a common part of the internet discussion forum dynamic.
But with the reduced noise to signal ratio that a "hide user" enables, it quickly becomes apparent where the problems still lie. Most likely, people would also add those who continue to bash Lois to the "hide user" as well.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Not entirely true, Pate.
I proudly believe Lois would put me at the top of her "most nasty' list.
I base this upon her following comments:
"I am out of here, guys, for a while. The "nasties" like Bob and Norton are getting on my nerves. Why hang out with such negative energy? It comes through even through the internet. I'll come back some other time when the pit vipers are not quite so prevalent and the nicer people can hold constructive discussion. Such bile an poison some of you spew forth. I don't like to hang around in places where such blackness prevails."
I don't want to participate any more this evening the way the "nasties" are spewing bile. This forum is getting very ugly, of late, and it is beginning to exceed my tolerance of negativity and vileness. The problem with negativity and hate is that it generates so much negative energy that it can overpower anything else.
I came back to once again hang out with so many really great people here who I truly like - and from whom I learn so much. The nasty people here who spew forth hate are really making me question whether it is worth it. I love some of you guys but I just cannot immerse myself in this kind of negativity. It is like a poison. "
Lois has had a long and brilliant career on this very special forum
that allows anyone with no interest in climbing to post, and an open
policy of never banning anyone unless extremely vulgar.
Therefore, her trolling needs are met, she gets what she wants here, attention. Any kind will do.
Jim E
L, I'm half tempted to give you beers for life just for that post.
Hangin' by a thread and lookin' for my wings
Yes, I can see you have a husband, Lois. (And what a 1950's Stepford Wives' thing to say, btw...but it's to be expected, I suppose.)
And from this photo of yours, I can't quite tell who looks more stuffed--you or your "husband". (Certainly not the bear. He's obviously already been talked to death and is happily in the Great Bear Beyond...)
Meeeeeeooooooowwwwwww HowWeirdLEB-Baby...meeeeeeeeeeeeoooooowwwww! ;-)
Bob D'A
Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Why does everyone continue to talk about LEB like it a woman or a real person?
It (LEB) is a known troll/trolls.
Lois...your old man not much to look at but then again look who is married too...LOL
Jim E
It would relieve huge burdens of guilt wherein I ruin people's entire day if not their whole online lives.
You give yourself far too much credit. You ruin the day no more than a fly in the soup. However, I would prefer my soup without flies.
Trad climber
An 'ignore user' button is soooo piss ez to implement. Its kind of a shame it's not already done.
LEB start posting your OT drivel on the beloved gear review threads. I dare you.
Trad climber
Lee, NH
Although this would probably get you beers for life from BVB and three dozen or more other Topians...;-)
Umm, yeah, I'd buy a few. There's not much satisfaction in my own policy of refusing to be one of her enablers, because she's got enough others. Even Lois wouldn't have reached 16,000 posts if it brought her no attention.
Trad climber
How many times has she stomped out of the room in a huff like that?
Another question (perhaps it's come up before):
Has anyone named any climbs after LEB yet?
Perhaps there's yet some untouched formation off the beaten-path in JTree that could be named the LEB wall. Coming up with names for the lines could be fun...
Lois is an, ahem, unique part of the ST Forums, no doubt, and she evokes as polarizing a reaction as someone like Palin. I, too, find an excess of OT threads annoying and disrespectful to other users, and Lois can be a significant source of them.
However, I am more uncomfortable about the prospect of excluding or silencing anyone in this group, unless they create clear threats or harm to others. That just strikes me as a little too much 'big brother', even if it is as simple as a 'ignore user' function. If someone writes a script that is outside of ST, well, I guess that's your choice to use it or not.
Ultimately, though, the decision to create an 'ignore user' function is CMac's, and he obviously has a rationale for having not created it- since he has created this website and Forum that I gratefully participate in, I leave it to his judgement as to what he wants to do with it.
There is one reason why Lois's OT threads, or anyone else's OT threads, grow and repeat themselves: because people respond to them. Attention-seeking behavior is easily altered by not giving those people what they seek: attention. It really is that simple.
A long way from where I started
Well, as I said previously, you do truly outdo yourself in cattiness
Cattiness? Maybe Tom-cattiness is more appropriate, given that L has finally posted a true picture of her/himself.
And on that subject, those of you who haven't done so already should check out her/his recent Queen of the Desert thread at http://www.supertopo.com/climbers-forum/1107525/EDZILLA_Queen_of_the_High_Desert_OW_OW_not_OT
And then compare what you thought of that single post to all 16,000 of LEB's.
Which, I guess, is my way of saying that if a few beers or a few bucks will help, I'm in.
Not trying to kick anyone out, but it sure would be nice to be able to block some posters from sight.
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