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Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 1, 2010 - 11:11pm PT
Trad climber
Nor Cal
.............Never Mind....................
Trad climber
New York, NY
Okay - this guy actually lives in my neighborhood. I first noticed him a couple years ago at the corner deli. His face wasn't quite so inked back then, and was very much looking like he had an Eddy Munster hairdo tattoo.
His name is Tim Dax, and he's a performer. Here's one link on him, which has more photos: http://www.modelmayhem.com/portfolio/1048765
I see him all the time, just walking around, running errands and such. He certainly has tats, that's for sure!
Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 2, 2010 - 12:01am PT
This guy use to live in our neighborhood
Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 2, 2010 - 12:01am PT
anybody have any climbing related tats?
Tan Slacks
Joshua Tree
Paul Turecki did this one for me last year. Turning 50, it seemed like a good time to document the first half of my life. I guess it's a climbing tattoo... I grew up in Venice, in the water... the waves... moved to Idyllwild and then to Europe, with all the mountains in between... the mountains and then ended up in JT (hard to see because of the picture angle) Two Joshua trees. The other images are ... they just are.
BTW. Paul is an amazing tattoo artist and human being. He lives just up the street and I would highly recommend him. I guess I will see what comes in the next 50 years
Trad climber
Nor Cal
The Puzzle guy went by "The Enigma", he was an original member of Jim Rose Circus, the first of the modern circus sideshows. Yes he was on X- files as the "The Conundrum" . Very cool episode
Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 2, 2010 - 12:56am PT
Great back story Tan Slacks!
Trad climber
Santa Cruz/New Zealand/South Pacific
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Ohhh that last one is pure class!
Guido, middle photo.....Tommy Chong has face tats?
Trad climber
Modesto, CA
Interesting stuff. I always find it amusing to see peoples reactions when they find out I have a few/lot of tatts (depends on your point of view- wife says I have a lot, I think I have a few- 10) some people automatically judge you.
Mine are all straight from the Good Book.
Tattooed 1
Trad climber
Sebastopol, Ca
I got my first tattoo when I was 16. At the time I thought they were cool. My dad had some, my grandfather and my uncles all had tattoos. Some of them were servicemen but my dad was just a hoodum when he was a kid. It didn't matter I just thought they were cool and I wanted one. Later I got a few more to commemorate events in my life like the birth of my kids. The few tattoos I had were all concealed under short sleeves. When I was 36 I got a large tattoo by a very talented artist and I was hooked. Getting tattoed can be very addictive if you are bent that way. I am 45 now and have full sleeves and few large tattoos on my legs none of which are offensive,IMHO. I didn't tattoo my torso because my wife ( of 27 years ) claimed dibs on that real estate. I haven't been tattoed for a few years now but I have no regrets. I own a sucessful construction company and I have no problems meeting with clients while wearing short sleeves although I sometimes wear long sleeves if meeting someone for the first time. I have no issues with insecurity or self confidence. In hind sight I don't think it showed any lack of foresight, IMHO.
Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Reply - Mar 2, 2010 - 07:08pm PT
climbing related! sharma signature
Sep 30, 2010 - 12:13am PT
I'm under the needle right now. Will be here for hours.
All across my upper back.
Starting with an abstract of the valley, nataraj in the sky, om shanti in Sanskrit and hanuman lurking in there somewhere.
Good thing I'm doped up. Ouch
A long way from where I started
Sep 30, 2010 - 12:22am PT
Somebody sent this to me a couple of years ago. I don't know anything about it, other than that it's beautiful. I can't even remember who sent it to me.
Sep 30, 2010 - 12:27am PT
Tina's work by the same person who is currently spearing me.
Sport climber
Austin, Texas
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 30, 2010 - 01:01am PT
Nice, way to dig up an old thread!
Pass the Chongo, Chongo
Social climber
in cave
Sep 30, 2010 - 02:48am PT
Woah don't get Tina pregnant, the fruit may begin to turn!
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