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Sport climber
Venice, Ca
Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 5, 2005 - 08:05pm PT
From another threaqd:
"Recently, at an experts meeting in Toledo/Spain, the chief of the NASA research program Mike Kaplan stated that '...we will discover extraterrestrial life in the next 25 years.' Thus, it might soon happen that we are able to take a look at our cosmic neighbours."
Wonder what folks think about this? And if Kaplan's prediction proves true, how would that effect your views on doctrine, God, science, our "place" in the universe, etc.
Russ Walling
Social climber
Can't wait...but I ain't holdiing my breath. We were all supposed to be putting around in personal space vehicles™ by now anyway. Those futurists seem to be off by eons. Side note: I thought God was an Alien?
Trad climber
Gunks end of country
Aliens - Unless you know where they came from, they're booty.
Big Wall climber
So. Cal.
You didn't get your Flying Car™ yet, Russ?
I thought those came out years ago...
Big Wall climber
We are constantly bombarded with signals from ET.
In the not to distant future, years, we will find the signal.
Its going to be in the form of laser light pulses.
"how would that effect your views on doctrine, God, science, our "place" in the universe, etc."
It will have no effect on my views. Unlike neocons and other fanatics, I try to keep an open mind about such things.
Like the young man who was about to be married. His bride to be told him she had something important to tell before the wedding.
"What?", he asked. "I'm a hermaphrodite", she answered. "Shucks", he said. "I'm Southern Baptist. You can go to your church and I'll go to mine."
Trad climber
the south
That's pretty bold talk for a one-eyed fat man.
If we do find aliens, or more likely they find us, I hope I am already dead, cause, when a more advanced technology meets a lower one, it is never good for the folks on the short end of the stick.
In other words, words that even LEB and Werner can understand, we'd be f*#ked.
To hell with aliens.
We're doing a great job of screwing up things all by ourselves, and we don't need any help.
Trad climber
"Aliens-what if we do find them?"....anal probe???
the Fet
Trad climber
Loomis, CA
If we do find them it will probably be just signals, too far away for any interstellar travel, no need to worry about an invasion.
I think it would be good for humanity. Give us some perspective. Maybe is isn't all about us...
The right wingers will come up with excuses, "God just gave us those signals to test us"...
The left wingers will expect them to take care of us...
I sometimes wonder what will become of humanity over the next 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 years plus. But it seems very few others do. Pretty much everyone who does is an environmentalist.
Will we die out here on Earth, or will we travel to nearby systems?
Sorry, off on a tangent. Aliens... I'll be waiting for the hybrids, those guys will kick ass. Maybe that's what all those anal probes are for.
Big Wall climber
I think I am a new species distinct from homosapien.
Social climber
So Cal
think I am a new species distinct from homosapien.
You may qualify as an
Bolt Cop
Social climber
Dolt Tower
Yet another supertopo topic with little to do with climbing posted by someone who rarely climbs (no matter how much he used to).
Let follow liberal amount of lame banter, psuedo-scientific/political banter, end with strange and uninteresting picture by another has been...
Big Wall climber
Whats with all the mean people?
It's that time of the month ........
Social climber
Joshua Tree, CA
I'd go! If only just to see what was out there!
Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
It IS that time of the month. Werner is good.
Anywho - well . . . a lot of what Gene Roddenbury came up with has become reality. Science fiction has a way of being fairly correct. We'll likely adopt the same kind of rationale that the Starfleet did - make contact when they're ready.
That is, unless we get attacked and eaten by giant insect aliens before that.
I'm sure we'll find life, intelligent or no.
" Dolt "
Explains a lot. Has been my ass. Werner has plowed more ground than you could harrow in 3 lifetimes. Still going strong.
Mountain climber
Central Texas
Lots of people bail from dolt tower.
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