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Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Original Post - Dec 1, 2009 - 09:39pm PT
My first encounter was in 1996 in the daytime at the Skaha bluffs up in BC, in the farthest back canyon.
I know a lot of people have had encounters, and are afraid of the ridicule so they clam up.
Sometimes a bigfoot encounter is not an actual sighting, but consists of more subtle clues. A wet dog smell. Or foot falls around your tent at night even though no one is near for miles. Rocks being clacked together. Glowing eyes in the forest at night.
Perhaps a low humming sound pervades your headspace in the wilderness when nothing but silence should be heard.
There is a Canadian whom is releasing the definitive Sasquatch evidence next year. Close up footage of a sleeping Sasquatch in kentucky, and some physical evidence too I believe.
They are a form of human, not ape. Some bigfoot have the ability to transcend geometric space, time and even probe into your mind. The real puzzle of the essence of Sasquatch's elusiveness will be solved by physicists, not biologists.
I am curious if anyone here dares to fess up to an encounter with one, or a sighting.
Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
I'll fess up in general but I can't bring myself to elucidate
without provoking a bout of PTSD. I will say it occurred very close
to the scene of one of history's most infamous encounters at the Ape Cave
near Mt St Helens. My fingers are already getting too moist to type further.
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:01pm PT
Wicked Reilly ... thanks.
Geographic place names are a dead give away you are in a trouble zone.
I am surveying the number of climbers affected. The stories are to be told in other forums.
Thanks for responding !
Trad climber
Currently in San Diego
I know there was a thread around here about some weird and wild stuff...much of which I think had to do with Sonora Pass and nighttime oddities. I have not had a personal encounter but I would love to hear some stories about it. I feel like most people don't completely discount it, or at least those who spend enough time in the wild to have seen how much of it there is and how little we know of it.
Edit: which forums? I want to read the stories.
Trad climber
New York, NY
I think I would consider what the OP describes to be a hell of a lot scarier than seeing a ghost, any day. Except the low-frequency humming sound; that doesn't sound scary(unless it's more like a growl, I guess).
Mountain climber
Monrovia, CA
I was going to add that a good friend of mine had very
convinceing encounter in the Trinity Alps in the early 70's.
He was a geologist and no pie-in-the-skyer but he was pretty
Captain...or Skully
Social climber
Mare Infinitum
Thought I did, but it was just the Radon............
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:24pm PT
I actually got sponsorship to the tune of about 50k to finance me going out and getting footage in 2007/08. The guy who financed me was the friend I travelled to Mongolia with in 2005.
I learned a lot about Bigfoot and did get some footage at night, very poor quality. Used a PVS-14 GEN III night vision monocular and video camera.
I guess the starting source for info would be Bobbie Shorts http://www.bigfootencounters.com/ website.
Most of the BF forums are a nightmare to participate in, I dont reccomend it. Bobbies website has the classic stories laid out for easy consumption.
The low frequency humming was how I was once rendered unconscious by two huge Sasquatch in 2006.
Trad climber
Montreal, Quebec
I know it's not the point of the thread ... but doesn't it strike anyone as odd that in a world where for the last 5 years, pretty much everyone has a camera on them, the only pictures that crop up are still the same 2 from the 70's ... I mean, if this were so common (we've got something 5 right here on the thread) ...
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:30pm PT
Jim, I think I am now retired from Sasquatch research ... there is considerable mental stress involved. Enough to make one reconsider that the relatively relaxing sport of climbing wasn't so bad after all.
All of BC is a bigfoot zone ....
Ensonik, the answer to your question lies in the mental abilities of Sasquatch. They know when someone is after a photo or video. you can't defeat your opponent if he is telepathic and aware of the capabilities of cameras.
Trad climber
Been all over the backcountry in Washington and never seen Bigfoot, but had a very strange encounter near the same place Reilly mentioned near Mt St Helens back in 1977. We were climbing the remote Shoestring Glacier on St Helens and had bivyed at the base of that climb on the far side of the mountain when the strangest and wildest noises we had ever heard came up to us from down below. Still gives me the shivers, it was so bizarre. We all slept pretty close to each other that night.
Ray Olson
Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
my first thought when you mentioned the "humming"
was a communication frequency of some sort...
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:40pm PT
LEB because they know better than we do, that modern man and Sasquatch does not mix. Humans are dangerous.
Imagine how disturbing it would be to be certain of the knowledge that massive interdimensional humanoids inhabit the forests of north america.
That fact bothers me now, sub alpine camping is a different deal now for me. It's better for all parties that Sasquatch remain Elusive.
The interdiensional thing is real, I have had enough close quarters experiments to know its part of the deal.
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:51pm PT
LEB I am glad you asked.
The term dimension is a good one, but I think it has been inadeqautely assigned it's defintition. The current defintion is purely spatial.
I would call the first dimension a geometric one. Where you are in physical space.
The next one would of course be time.
A third is one which I believe to be purely a mental state realm, which enables telepathy, out of body experiences, a medium for just the soul.
Let me also add telekineiss to the mix, I have observed rocks dropping out of the sky in slow motion during a Bigfoot contact.
Lastly there is this issue of invisibility, which is a big factor. I actually have video evidence of that on video too. If you are invisible you cannot see because you do not recieve light. In order to see you must poke two holes in your shield to observe the geometric world. An observer would just see a pair of eyes, or eye like signatures.
i am told that bigfoot can go to another version of reality, which they (bigfoot) call the "sometime place". Wierd huh ?
This year the major research breakthru was made by a US military crypotolinguist, Scott Nelson, whom analyzed the Sierra tapes, of bigfoot chatter, using military software and found all the components of a complex language.
Climbing dropout
British Columbia
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 1, 2009 - 10:58pm PT
LEB I dont know and I would be wary of anyone whom has too many answers
My videos indicate something electrical is going on which enables the transdimensional capabilities. Sasqautch can generate electrical fields that unlock some components of nature we have not yet even observed scientifically.
nothing vibrational in my opinion
It's an Ed Hartouni type problem for sure
Trad climber
Currently in San Diego
Please keep in mind that I am not attempting to cast dispersions here... but where are these videos of which you speak? They seem like they might be able to answer more questions faster than the written word.
Trad climber
Montreal, Quebec
Ensonik, the answer to your question lies in the mental abilities of Sasquatch. They know when someone is after a photo or video. you can't defeat your opponent if he is telepathic and aware of the capabilities of cameras.
I see what you did there.
Trad climber
Butte, America
I always kinda reckoned that Bigfoot's genetic skill/trait was that of ninja stealth. Some critters self camoflauge, some run fast, etc...--Sasquatch seems to have no curiousity about humans, and seems to have defenses to deal with them/us. FWIWIMO
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