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Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Original Post - Nov 15, 2009 - 12:16pm PT
TMOAA/ET/EBE Threads = The Mother Of All Alien/Extra-terrstrial/Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity Threads . . .
I know I have posted much about this over the years, but it would be nice to consolidate it all into one huge thread overtime. Many great threads and info has been shared on ST regarding this topic(s) and it would be good to pull it all together into one.
I will start it off with something new . . .
I would like to hear from those of you who have actually seen the movie. You really can't say much until then . . .
The Hollywood Movie -- "The Fourth Kind"
Does anyone want to discuss this movie? I went and watched it at the theater yesterday. I'm glad I'm a Christian and know the truth about Aliens = Fallen Angels, Nephalim, and/or Demons.
The story is true with real video footage at times juxaposed along acted scenes. They give a very strong warning at the beginning of the film that many scenes are very disturbing and the actual names of many of the prominent people involved have been changed to keep their privacy.
In truth, these scenes are disturbing with an incredible sense of evil and foreboding. I think this is an important film but I wouldn't advise anyone to go see it that doesn't know the truth. They will either dismiss it as a massive hoax, or be so scared they will not know what to think. The fact that Aliens = Fallen Angels, Nephalim, and/or Demons, makes perfect sense. This is demonstrated very well in the movie for those who know the truth.
What the Christian community has feared about "Aliens" and how the end game fraud will occur is happening now. The Aliens (Fallen Angels, Nephalim, and/or Demons) speak in ancient Sumarian, and claim to be God.
Abduction and possession are also intermixed. I'm not so sure about the professional technique of psychologists using hypnosis. It seems to override a person's natural ability to guard against unnatural intrussions into their own private and personal pschy. I think that Lucifer can use that as an opportunity to barge in and take over when an individual has no control. That is incredibly dangerous. Yet at the same time, now the truth of the matter in this bizarre and evil story can now be known.
It is an important film. Pray and hold the hand of Jesus tightly, and be guarded before you go see it. To get to sleep last night I prayed in bed and asked for God's protection for me and my family, and friends always (and The Lord's Prayer).
We know what we are up against and our Lord and Savior will protect us. Resist all evil. Amen.
The Fourth Kind
'The Fourth Kind' Trailer HD
Chuck Missler - Return Of The Nephilim
I would like to hear from anyone who has actually seen the movie, and then try to debunk it. I do not think you can if you are being honest.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2009 - 12:21pm PT
By the way, I don't think the above movie is going to do much for the tourism of Nome, Alaska.
Also, there are some fine scenes from a plane flying in the region that show quality rock near Nome and the glaciated areas nearby. Those scenes were brief but spectacular. Definately some great climbing to be done.
Just make sure you have on the full armor of Christ. Something weird is definately happening in the area.
Trad climber
electric lady land
Nov 15, 2009 - 12:27pm PT
take me to your dealer.
Nov 15, 2009 - 12:32pm PT
Ho man, you should see these aliens that showed up here this weekend ......
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Nov 15, 2009 - 12:41pm PT
Klimmer, You sound pretty emotional. Did you cry during the movie?
Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2009 - 01:15pm PT
Nothing but ad hominem attacks as usually. How about some substance? Don't you all ever get tired of childish antics?
Let me answer my own question -- apparently not.
I suppose that is what makes ST so popular and enjoyable for some, but for others it is just tiresome.
Nov 15, 2009 - 01:31pm PT
Just look at this particular line you put into your original post above.
I'm glad I'm a Christian and know the truth about Aliens = Fallen Angels, Nephalim, and/or Demons.
I personally have no problem with you. Do what you want here, I don't own this place nor really care what kind of threads people start.
Your threads in general reek with controversial subject matters on the fringe extremes therefore you do have to expect extreme reactions at times along with certain amount of crazy smart ass remarks and pictures thrown in for the mix in the name of "fun".
Why would "I'm a Christian" have anything to do with the truth about aliens to begin with.
Just saying that alone sets yourself for a certain amount of tomatoes and eggs your way on this forum if you're even vaguely conscious of past reactions here towards religion and aliens in general.
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Nov 15, 2009 - 01:51pm PT
Yo Klimmer Bro!, Your Devils and Aliens want you to be afraid of them. Imagine the power you give to them and lose from yourself. When I was about five or six I had a nightmare where a mannequin was coming after me.
I woke terrified and vowed to fight back. I dream like crazy and lucidly and now nothing scares me in my dreams. I've been around to see a stack of crazy things in life, lost my brother, friends and many old beliefs along the way. I can/could tell you stories that might even scare you too but, it seems that you are already living in fear.
I wish you all the best in life, clarity, peace, love and prosperity.
Oh yeah, courage as well. May your Angels be there for you.
Peace and Goodwill, Weenis
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Nov 15, 2009 - 02:02pm PT
Stich, Uuuh... I forgot to offer one other thing to Klimmer:
A sense of humor. My father always told us to never leave home without it, that and a 9mm.
Nov 15, 2009 - 02:03pm PT
that and a 9mm.
Yeah that's a good size for a lead line.
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C. Small wall climber.
Nov 15, 2009 - 02:13pm PT
To get to sleep last night I prayed in bed and asked for God's protection for me and my family, and friends always (and The Lord's Prayer).
With my friend Klimmer on the case, I know there's nothing I need to worry about.
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Nov 15, 2009 - 02:20pm PT
Werner, It depends on how you pronounce the word. Lead.
Peace and love and all cool things.
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Nov 15, 2009 - 02:49pm PT
"I'm glad I'm a Christian and know the truth about Aliens = Fallen Angels, Nephalim, and/or Demons."
What's the difference between an Angel and an Alien? Both don't live full time on this planet eh?
Painting the entire rest of the universe in such broad strokes like likely to be mistaken just as lumping all the "immigrants" in this country into one pot is bound to be wrong.
GOP joke "At least the aliens are providing medical care when they come while the illegal immigrants only use it'
Matt M
Trad climber
Nov 15, 2009 - 03:05pm PT
Man, Google is YOUR FRIEND
From wikipedia (go search if you want the citations...) Emphasis mine.
"The Fourth Kind is a science fiction/thriller/horror[1] film directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi, and starring Milla Jovovich. The filmmakers claimed the movie was a documentary reenactment set in Nome, Alaska. Universal Studios has since admitted that the "actual events" and back-story were part of a guerilla marketing campaign. [2] The movie concerns alien abductions. The title is derived from J. Allen Hynek's classification of close encounters with aliens, in which the fourth kind denotes an alien abduction.
The film's trailer states that the story is based on "actual case studies," but did not specify any cases. As a result, much speculation has arisen regarding the search for documented evidence from the actual cases and whether Dr. Abigail Tyler is a real person or a fictional character for use in an internet viral marketing campaign.[12]
On September 1, 2009, an investigation by the Anchorage Daily News examined the validity of the film's premise, and its relation to actual disappearances that have occurred in and around the town of Nome. The investigation found no specific events to back up the claims in the film and also revealed that unsolved deaths in Nome are no more frequent than any other small Alaskan town. The consensus is that the high rate of alcoholism combined with the harsh landscape surrounding Nome accounts for a majority of disappearances (just as in other remote areas).[13]
On November 12th, 2009 Universal Pictures agreed to a $20,000 settlement with the Alaska Press Club "to settle complaints about fake news archives used to promote the movie." Universal acknowledged that they created fake online news articles and obituaries to make it appear that the movie had a basis in real events. [14]"
Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2009 - 03:22pm PT
Yes, I suppose I do ask for it at times. I know these issues are contraversial. Life is contraversial. Seeking the truth of the matter is always contraversial. Perhaps I should just plug in and turn off just like the rest of the World? . . .
Nope. Not gonna happen. Life is too short.
Any who, here is some real "meat" for those of you who want to know the truth:
Any secret government entity willing to do the following to hide the truth of the matter is beyond evil and doing as the Father of all lies (Lucifer)would want them to do. That can not be good. Complete and Full Disclosure has not happened yet because the lies and deceit are incredibly wrong and evil. They do not want anyone to know how involved they really are. A relationship and agreements with Aliens/ETs/EBEs is a relationship with the Devil himself. Evil is as evil does.
About Disclosure . . .
I keep going back and forth on this. It does seem like disclosure might be close at hand, because of statements by . . .
John Podesta UFO Disclosure
The Disclosure Project
Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent
October 21, 12:27 AMHonolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.
And the fact that President Obama spent 2 full days at Nellis Airforce base in Nevada, which is also the infamous home of Area 51, Groom Lake, S-4, Papoose Lake. What did he do there for 2 days besides giving a short speech?
President Obama Speaks at Nellis Air Force Base on Energy Policy
CQ Transcripts Wire
Wednesday, May 27, 2009; 3:40 PM
And the Catholic Church and the Pope is coming forward and asking questions and saying it is ok to believe in Aliens and even sponsoring studies and meetings looking into it:
It could be that disclosure is upon us. But then I run into the deep, dark secret stories about what is really going on, and I think how can they let the cat out of the bag with all the massive cover-up they have been doing since 1947 (at least)? And all the high crimes, murders, assissinations that go along with the massive cover-up? How can they allow the treason that they have been performing for so long and abussing the World with, how can they possibly let it out and be known? The UFO secret and their in-bed relationship with them (a relationship with Lucifer himself, whether they know it or not) and secret agreements and the the technology they have acquired, and back-engineered to essentially dominate the World with, how can they possibly allow all of these secrets to come out? The moment they admit to UFOs/ETs, is also the moment they will expose the entire massive cover-up. No one will believe that they have been hiding all of this to protect the World and that they were just following the guidelines laid down by the Brookings Report: http://www.darkmission.net/fear.htm
Here are a long series of video clips all in order to watch.
The truth of what has been happening behind closed doors and with a secret unlawful Cabal at the highest levels of our government, that does not answer to the President or to Congress, and that continues to operate perpetually from one administration to another is unbelievable scary, evil, and Satanic. They are in bed and controlled by the NWO rich, powerful, elite of the World. How can they let this be fully discovered and disclosed?
Testimony of CIA assassin recruited from Navy SEALs goes online with documents
July 16, 9:19 AMHonolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.
S4 Informers Volume One
The long-awaited release of the 1991 "Connor O'Ryan" testimony. Featuring Wendelle C. Stevens, Robert O. Dean, Gem Cox and many others. We let you know it all...
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (01 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (02 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (03 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (04 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (05 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (06 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (07 of 12)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (08 of 12)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (09 of 12)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (10 of 12)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (11 of 12) august edition
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume One (12 of 12) august edition
S4 Informers Volume Two
S4 Informers Volume Two. Takes up where the first volume leaves off. Things just get more and more interesting.
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (01 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (02 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (03 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (04 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (05 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (06 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (07 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (08 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (09 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (10 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (11 of 12) final cut
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Two (12 of 12) final cut
S4 Informers Volume Three
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (01 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (02 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (03 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (04 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (05 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (06 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (07 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (08 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (09 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (10 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (11 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (12 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (13 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (14 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (15 of 17 )
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (16 of 17)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (17 of 17)
Testimony of CIA assassin recruited from Navy SEALs goes online with documents
July 16, 9:19 AMHonolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.
Slide show of Evidence regarding CIA assassin/S4 Area 51 sentry:
UFO Hypotheses Channel:
President Kennedy’s UFO involvement led to assassination order
June 15, 7:02 AMHonolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.
Bill O'Reilly Reports On CIA Connection to JFK Assassination (this must have been when O'Reilly had a Soul and wasn't such a tool for the radical right)
The Majestic Documents:
Part I. Was President Kennedy given ET UFO message about Cuba?
Part II. Did President Kennedy meet extraterrestrials?
Part III. Kennedy linked US-USSR space missions with classified UFO files
Part IV - Kennedy assassination linked to UFOs and CIA
Part V - CIA Director issued secret directive denying President Kennedy access to UFO files
I realize that is a lot of homework to do and watch, but if you are at all interested in knowing the truth, it is out there as they say.
I have fixed most of the links, a few more are needing fixing. I'm on it. Some links are just too long. Cut and paste them into the browser to view them.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2009 - 04:39pm PT
Yes I know about David I. I even have his video tapes called "Revelations of a Mother Goddess," Arizona Wilder interviewed by David Icke.
I do not know what to think of it. I do know there is an incredibly evil underground Satanic worship/religion that goes on Worldwide and the rich powerful elite NWO is definatley directly dialed in and connected to it. She clearly brings this out. I don't doubt that for a minute. Lucifer is the King and he is in power for a short time on this Earth, and those in World government and positions of power he has great influence over. Just read Jesus's temptation in the wilderness for 40 days in the Bible. It explains this.
But it is only for a short season. God is in control and allows this, but only for a short time out of all eternity. The day of judgement is coming. God wins in the end. I look forward to the World of Peace to come and the 1000 year millenium rule by GOD, before the great day of judgement. Lord knows we have screwed up the natural World real bad and it needs to be healed. We need God's intervention big time. I look forward to that day of Peace and I can go and visit Jesus and worship him and hear all about the mysteries of the Universe that we do not know. Can't wait to see him face to face. I hope he wants to see me as well. And I only have that opportunity to see him because of the gift of grace he has given me, that he has given all of us.
Now about the shape-shifting she describes and these evil spirits changing and manfesting as reptilians, I'm not so sure about. The good book does say the Lucifer can appear as an Angel of Light, so who knows?
I do not know what to think about it, only that there is great evil in the World and it rules the Earth at this time.
Trad climber
Tel Aviv
Nov 15, 2009 - 04:43pm PT
Klimmer, Did you go to church this morning?
Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 15, 2009 - 04:52pm PT
Last Sunday I did. My family did go today, though without me. Working on projects around the house in between ST sessions.
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