1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Social climber
Jan 14, 2012 - 07:53pm PT

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Jan 14, 2012 - 08:24pm PT
We can only pray that this Old Folk's Home does not have WiFi.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 24, 2012 - 10:42pm PT
bvb...I'll be booking speaking engagements at all of the retirement homes.Only thing is that it'll be for free

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 9, 2012 - 08:52pm PT
The Contrarian Cometh
Is Lickme or any of his psycho sycophants ready to again swallow his bile or are you finding the logical hemisphere in your brains and ready to admit that this exercise is a joke? The joke, albeit not one with much mirth, is on all of you suckers who think Lickster is a prophet, as opposed to a mere seeker of profit. Where’s the needle on this thread? Have the like-minded toadies on this site that attacked me with such venom and fervor disappeared, or has Lickme herded his flock to another location to avoid those pesky opinionators who refuse to drink his koolaid? A new thread stiched into an undisclosed location would certainly cull the unconvinced, and Licky would be free to preach his subjective but inexperienced sermons on the granite mount(ain) to his bleating flock. The thought of Schlossy surrounded by yes-men is humorous, as you all line up to kiss his royal ass on line. Why wasn’t I invited? Because Licky can’t handle the truth. Challenge his pre-concieved notions of Yosemite life in the seventies and you open yourself to biased criticism from the dear leader and his mere readers. While true academics reach out to informed people representing several opposing and sometimes conjoined opinions on the relative topics, Licky has decided unilaterally what the true story should be to suit his non-academic purposes and simultaneously schmoozes his minions while demonizing his detractors (or anyone who deigns to defy the accepted version of history.)
Why do I care? Great question. Perhaps I hate posers, or just think people who try to squeeze into a subculture in order to write opinionated drivel that slates the masses but does little to advance the cause of informed knowledge. Such was the case when the Hell’s Angels allowed the writer Hunter S. Thompson into their world to ride and party with the outlaw motorcyclists. Things were fine until the story came out, and the writer’s sources claimed to be misunderstood and misquoted in a journalistic hack job called Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga. According to the Angels’ president Sonny Barger in his autobiography, when Thompson took one last run with the bikers after publication he ran afoul of a scary-looking beard of a man named Junkie George who “polaxed Hunter while a couple of us kicked him around.” Many think the future purveyor of “gonzo journalism” was an opportunist who wrote more for effect than enlightenment. Sounds like what is likely forthcoming from Licky, but his product would more aptly be referred to as "Bozo Journalism." Barger continues whining about the literary treatment his club was victimized by. “I read the book . . . when it came out in 1967. It was junk. . . . There was a lot of writer’s exaggeration along with a writer’s dream-and-drug-induced commentary . . . stupid mythology came right out of Hunter’s book.” Is that what the climbing community in general, and the veterans of 1970s Yosemite in particular want as our enduring published legacy? Are we not to learn from the mistakes of the Oakland Hells Angels and question this manuscript before its mistakes and outrageously erroneous assumptions cement the inaccuracies Licky’s story is most certainly going to perpetuate in word to the rails in front of the train wreck of subjective opinion? If we allow Licky to rewrite history in a book that goes unchallenged he will be the gatekeeper of the facts and secrets of the plane story. Subsequent generations will assume that what is in print must be true, and those of us who were actually there and involved will lose our informed voices . . . except those who would enable a fanboy like Licky to achieve a status that he neither deserves nor exemplifies – that of an unbiased and holistic chronicler of events that he was not a party to. Lickme may be many things (gutless groupie comes to mind) but a journalist he is not. Unfortunately, that distinction will not be enough to keep him from becoming a writer. Anyone with two index fingers and a word processor these days can pretend to be informed . . . and to inform. Verify your sources and you’ll find that Mr. Schloss is, as I have described him before, a poser and not a player.


Social climber
Feb 9, 2012 - 09:52pm PT
those of us who were actually there and involved will lose our informed voices . . .

If your claim to being there and "involved" is even half of the truth, I doubt your memory would be too swift? Ganja affected memory and all that.

Trad climber
surfing the galactic plane
Feb 10, 2012 - 11:41am PT

wtf difference does it make one way or another(book or nada book)?

or if licky/ricky had any ulterior motives, is the heat, or whaddevah.

most likely(as he has stated)he has gotten a bit bogged down with the techn. aspects of the aircraft, etc. & a book will eventually surface.

if he' the heat, then the only crime that would still be of interest(IMO)would be Murder One(1st degree)...does that make you squirm, keep you up at night...wake you up in a panic? then turn yerself in. if not, why do you give a damn?

he(Rick)stated that he was life long friends with the pilot & his wife & was interested in writing a story about the plane & its ultimate demise.

everyone here freely shared their experiences, and it resulted in an interesting thread. if it may or may not ultimately contribute to the finished product in some small or large way, so be it.

Move on & Get a life!

edit: (2/13 5:01)okay sidmo, that's one way to look at it. maybe he adopted that attitude because otherwise he would be overwhelmed with the hundreds of peeps he's interviewed & their repetitious questions & emails...no wonder he hasn't finished. just guessing, but put yourself in his shoes & cut him some slack...

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 13, 2012 - 07:46pm PT
yeah, i can dig that - actually i have a life - i figured most of you get it, that i just bust ricknie's balls once in a while just so he'll feel some pressure to publish - y'all don't do him any favors by telling him it's ok to delay, he's sure to take forever if he's not prodded - look, i don't really care, but i would like to read it before i go blind or die - in some ways he seems opportunistic to write about such a sensitive topic, but i admit that the connection to the pilot certainly legitimizes his motivation to some degree - i only think that he's being unprofessional in his approach and response to some of the posters, myself included - but would my animosity towards licknie keep me from buying a copy of his book? hell no! i'm still a fanboy who would eagerly read this book and i reserve judgement on the product until it's printed - but i still think he needs to treat everyone respectfully even if he disagrees - the lame attempt to paint me as someone who wasn't there is ludicrous - i can state with all certainty that he was NOT there so how would he know? and as far as me being chainsaw, that just shows how unprofessional he is to let a source get under his skin like that - there's nothing wrong with being unprofessional as long as you're trying to improve, but i can't say that licker is or isn't doing that - i don't really care, i only check this site occasionally as a pastime - but i would like for him to finish already

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 19, 2012 - 03:37pm PT
So what? So you talked to DG and “warned” him – sounds like you are the one who needs to get a life . . . or a grip. So I use “high falutin lingo” – something wrong with being literate? Should I dumb it down for you and jocko? Has it ever crossed your feeble mind that perhaps I’m just busting Licky’s balls some to spur him to glory? The guy needs a kickstart so we can see what he’s got. i look on here about twice a week and enjoy seeing the discord. As for being a BT hustler, actually my range extended to the Terrace, Tecoya dorms, Ahwahnee dorms and NPS housing – even Foresta before it burned. I never cheated anyone nor snitched on anybody. And the others whose lives intertwined with the plane . . . are they all “hustlers” too? Am I to be ashamed because you disapprove? You need an ego check Timid, or is it messic? I cant figure you out, but not really interested enough to pursue it. You were too timid to lead a pitch I suppose – that makes you a pussy in my book. As for stealing my gal, the only time that happened was with the “Hand” and only after I dumped her for being psycho. Good riddance to her and him – if Hand is your friend then ask him why he can’t find his own girls. I’ve never stooped so low as to steal a friend’s gal, there’s just too many fish in the sea for that. And for the record, I have a life . . . a great one in fact, thank you very much. Go play with your Boystown boys. Oh, and VW's were pussy cars for chicks so, no, I never owned one.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Feb 19, 2012 - 05:08pm PT
Against all odds, this 7-year old thread suddenly got interesting again.

Carry on...

Social climber
chica de chico, I don't claim to be a daisy.
Feb 19, 2012 - 07:40pm PT
sKidmo, Timid is off sailing, fishing, and birding...........

I lived in the park back then, and beyond..
I actually find Timid's description of you - extremely kind.


Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 19, 2012 - 09:24pm PT
For me to come clean I’d need permission from others with whom I may have been associated at the time – it might sound like an excuse, but of course it is just that. As much as I’d like to read licky’s book and contribute stories, I see no need to do so. Nothing to gain even if there is nothing to lose. It’s not about statutes or snitches, at this point it’s a matter of both trusting licky and wanting him to succeed. Neither applies to me. And despite the flattery of being insulted by a beautiful girl (as opposed to a bunch of jocked-out climber ustabees) I still don’t care if any of you like what I write, not even you, cutiepie.


Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 19, 2012 - 11:15pm PT
I think we are talking about different jacks, jox – and as for your ability to read betwixt the lines, don’t play the market – your esp ain’t hitting on all the cylinders. I don’t want to hurt licky, get even with whichever jack you choose, or impress you or anyone else here. You got it all wrong dude, but no surprise there. How and where did you dry your stash? I’d rather not involve anyone who’s not on the thread willingly. Some people may have good reasons to avoid notoriety that have nothing at all to do with statutes of limitations or legal fears. Sorry if that don’t satisfy your curious curiosity.

Social climber
Feb 20, 2012 - 01:43pm PT
So is that you don’t care or really don’t care or you do care but don’t. Could it be you really, really don’t care or really I am serious “I don’t care” about being “I don’t care or “I do not care”.

Maybe change it to don’t give a Sh#t? Or do really care but do not want to admit it.

Interesting about your second to last posting:

“For me to come clean I’d need permission from others with whom I may have been associated at the time – it might sound like an excuse, but of course it is just that. As much as I’d like to read licky’s book and contribute stories, I see no need to do so. Nothing to gain even if there is nothing to lose. It’s not about statutes or snitches, at this point it’s a matter of both trusting licky and wanting him to succeed. Neither applies to me. And despite the flattery of being insulted by a beautiful girl (as opposed to a bunch of jocked-out climber ustabees) I still don’t care if any of you like what I write, not even you, cutiepie”

“For me to come clean I’d need permission from others with whom I may have been associated at the time – it might sound like an excuse, but of course it is just that.”

Come clean and needing permission? I do not get that and could you explain that better? Oh! wait I see just the above again as I always see you write “I still don’t care if any of you like what I write”.

You criticized Licky for not having journalistic credentials, no biggie don’t need to be an academia to write a book or paper on any just about anything. But you suggest that you have if I am correct and please correct me if I am wrong. What is/was your subject line, did you write a couple: one for the Rolling Stones maybe Playboy or more towards Readers Digest. Books on what?

Something you also wrote a few posts back;” The feds were bullies and tyrants in Yosemite, believe it”. So you are wrong on that. They were stupid and that was just a start, so you are incorrect. Are your initials: GP, might explain things, rumor went in witness protection program?

Thought for a while and was sure just a communication to “spook’ from the Feds but again thought maybe just one/two person could be involved. Is it you Sidmo did the Feds make you a deal that scared the sh#t out of you and you helped them with this but you have to get permission to come clean to tell or did it alone.

So what part did you play with this or know about it. Just enough setback footage to look in the widow to make sure it was clear to proceed. Then again you could not tell or respond anyway: who would in the right mind. Still part of this history and needs resolution to the story.

Looks to me you just want to be a wannabe so give us some titalizing info like Rokjox suggests. I think you blew it and never had the chance to go real big like some did and just a cry baby because you were too stupid. Just a con.

Off/on the subject wonder if you knew four guys that gave a blanket party to one of MCA’ security guard. Great if you did or were involved. Those wonderful guys that ran around and would go in the dorms rooms while the workers were out of their rooms to collect information on them. What was your work qualifications while working for them?


Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 20, 2012 - 08:06pm PT
yeah, whatever dude - everyone has an opinion and an as#@&%e, keep fantasizing if it turns you on – I think we all had unique experiences, but I haven’t challenged anyone’s stories or tried to discredit anybody – again, why would I bother? You guys hate when I say it but I don’t care what you think – why should I?

Trad climber
Hodad surfing the galactic plane
Feb 20, 2012 - 09:35pm PT
since sidmo, not only seems to have a fixation on rick, but seems to also have one on all the chickies in the ditch bitd, i was jus wonderin, did anyone here about a dorm known as 'no man's land'. think it was some where over by the awannee..although i could be wrong on the location since it was dark upon arrival and exit.

edit: and btw, jack d wasn't the type a guy that needed ta, nor would fer that matter, steal nobodies chickie...jus' sayin.

edit edit: well, none of his friends women is what i was alluding to.

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 21, 2012 - 10:42am PT
Okay rox, I stand corrected – you seem like a stand-up guy after all – glad you’re a family man, wish I had a son to take climbing – I’ll propose a truce again, but this is always the point where lick rises from the dead to blast me – I think he digs the acrimony, maybe it’ll help him sell the book – I’m still gonna buy one. I don’t hate the dude, I just think he acts like a bozo

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Feb 24, 2012 - 06:07pm PT
Well I had never heard of any of this, but it seems kinda small time when compared with say The Brotherhood of Eternal Love (Laguna Beach - think: the large size pineapple juice cans full of hash oil by the pallet) or The Coronado Company (where else? Coronado - think freighter loads of Thai Stick) which I'm pretty familiar with and are from the same era, before drug dealing became a much scarier proposition.

The Brotherhood got a Rolling Stone article and a book:


Coronado Company made it all the way to "60 Minutes".

What's the story here? Is it necessary to read some 1200 messages to find out?.

And this has been going on since 2005? Where's the book?

Did folks climb on acid, like they rode the Pipeline (Coronado boy) and the Wedge (Laguna Beach professor)?

Will they pursue you after 30-40 years? Sure 'nuff. How hard? Who knows? Whose face did you get into? (2009)

On Sept. 26, the last remaining member of the Brotherhood was captured after four decades on the run, when he returned to the United States using his own passport which he obtained using his real name. Brenice Lee Smith, who grew up in Anaheim and was one of the Brotherhood's founding members, was arrested by U.S. Customs agents at San Francisco International Airport just minutes after arriving from Hong Kong on the second leg of a trip that started a day earlier in Kathmandu, Nepal, where he'd lived since the late 1970s. He was immediately jailed on two 40-year-old charges of smuggling hash.


Feb 26, 2012 - 10:55am PT
Word on the street is they're not looking for anybody except some guy named sidmo .....

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 26, 2012 - 12:45pm PT
well thank you ZB - I’ve been pilloried here for merely suggesting that the statute of limitations might be . . . well, limited - often rights are limited to those who can afford to lawyerup - the plane, while a bonanza at the time, didn't produce any zillionaires, and with inflation it is unlikely that any of those involved could afford exorbitant legal fees now - this story may involve, and probably does, current or ex-smugglers who are well-funded, but licky has sought out the climbing community for info without adequately assuring us that he is certain of the safety of coming clean now - and the mere statement of doubt raised the hackles of many on the thread . . . why, i don't know - armchair attorneys love to diss paranoids as ignorant of the SOLs, without really knowing themselves if they apply or not - i find the discord on this thread to be juvenile at best, and imbecilic at worst - none of us knows for sure, but you certainly raise suspicion and thankfully return the thread to a saner place - thanks again

Sport climber
general delivery
Feb 26, 2012 - 05:47pm PT
Wow, W Brautwurst is back, and as eloquent and well-spoken as always – where ya been sausagedog, walking the beat on narc street? I’m shakin’ in my EBs dude – finally this guy pops up with some relevant info, and you revert back to the old time-tested technique of talking shyt for whatever childish reason you have –take licky’s pud out of your mouth, grow up and learn something dumbass – your energy should be put to better use than attacking knowledge – makes you look dumber than dirt
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