1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 30, 2011 - 01:35pm PT
Yeah, and braunsweiger is ST's #1 lickylicker - he seems unusually predisposed to psychoanalyzing others, maybe he's intimately familiar with the process - have you spent a little time on the couch braunswurst? or do you have a bromance going with the lickster? whatever it is, i sure seem to rattle your cage without trying - can you and the rest of licky's cult can take criticism without crying?

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 30, 2011 - 01:42pm PT
oh and to trango - i don't have to care what you think of me to have an interest in reading and writing on this thread - address licky if i bother you - i still think he's a phony and not because i care what you think about it or me - your cult is as delusional as he is, you shouldn't chug the kool-aid dudes
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Dec 30, 2011 - 02:40pm PT
Are you all just passionately convinced sycophants that cannot abide criticism of Licky for messianic reasons, or are you really trying to further the debate that we are so obviously engaged in? If the former is true then I’m out – you guys are more likely to be deranged than me or Licky.


Gotta admit, Sidmo does has a way with words, knott to mention a painfully obvious point.
As we approach the seventh year of this thread, he is hardly the only guy wondering WTF is up with the book.

Knott that there's any rush of course!

Dec 30, 2011 - 03:25pm PT
I have no problems with licky getting criticism and he's a big boy and can handle himself too.

It's you that's a stupid idiot.

And I love to keep pointing it out to you

Boulder climber
Dec 30, 2011 - 04:18pm PT
I've met Licky, and he is in Fact a Real Person who is/was working on a Book about the Event. He was upfront and very respectfull of those who chose to work with him on this project. . .As to how long he is taking to write/research his Book? How many of you have Published a Book? Do you have ANY idea,clue?

SkidMark on the other hand seems to be a faceless/nameless. . .troll, with little Class and no respect. . .df

Social climber
chica de chico, I don't claim to be a daisy.
Dec 30, 2011 - 04:31pm PT
James Joyce, took 17 years to write ~ Finnegans Wake.

Truman Capote, 4 years for ~ In Cold Blood.

The author of Van Morrison's Bio~ No Surrender, took 20 years to research and write his book.

Licky, Good luck on finishing your book..truly hope the book comes to fruition.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Dec 30, 2011 - 04:32pm PT
It's odd that no photos of what this bud actually looked like have surfaced on the interwebs. I remember it being almost black and shot through with red hairs, what I always imagined Punta Roja would look like.

EDIT: and lots of seeds.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Dec 30, 2011 - 05:08pm PT
Good point, Nita. This forum had its 10 year anniversary in September, so maybe the book will come out knott too long after this thread's 10 year anniversary?

Again, no rush!
corniss chopper

breaking the speed of gravity
Dec 30, 2011 - 06:22pm PT
Looking at this type of plane I'd bet a pilot would feel supremely
confident going where others would fear to go.

Close up video of a nicely renovated Lockheed Lodestar plus some low level


Dec 30, 2011 - 07:23pm PT
Maybe the movie will come out first. Could even have some gratuitous climbing scenes.
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Dec 30, 2011 - 07:35pm PT
It already did.

Social climber
Dec 30, 2011 - 09:31pm PT

It's circus time, sidmo. Who wants candy now?

Trad climber
All Up In Here
Dec 30, 2011 - 10:44pm PT

Watch the last 3 seconds of the clip after the girl falls. The guy in the helicopter is laughing his ass off.

And he seems to be getting off on it at 0:14.


Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Dec 31, 2011 - 12:50am PT
Gea Phipps did the stuntwork on that gag. 400 feet if I recall. Yikes. Doubt I could bring myself to do that.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 14, 2012 - 02:44am PT
Jack Dorn had been on a "Do Not Hire" list. He owed money to the Park and was on a posted list to not hire him until he paid what he owed. His family could not understand why the Park was not forth coming with more info on his death. They didn't know that he was under investigation for the plane crash as a potential player.

The family knew nothing about the plane crash, the black book, the investigation, and the dope.

The Park sent a letter to them explaining about the do not hire list. The family thought that the silence was due to a potential law suit regarding a wrongful death law suit.

You get this Sidmo? You have a grasp of what might be out there?

Jan 14, 2012 - 04:04am PT
Books about drug adventures is a well trod genre.

There have some excellent true drug books, Bruce Porter's 1993 book Blow: How a Small Town Boy Made $100 Million with the Medellín Cocaine Cartel and Lost It All that was made into an okay movie with Johnny Depp and a young Penelope Cruz, also Robert Sabbag's 1976 memoir Snowblind A Brief Careeer in the Cocaine Trade. Also Goodfellas ended up being a movie about drugs, based on the 1986 non-fiction book Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi, who co-wrote the screenplay with Scorsese.

One of the best drug books, and best written, was Mark Bowden's Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World's Greatest Outlaw, Pablo Escobar, Columbian drug lord. Bowden also wrote Blackhawk Down.

Publishers are very careful about what they publish these days, so it may be a good idea to talk to some book agents and publishers before writing the book. This is actually a genre that has a rich history, and that may affect the book's prospects as much as the actual story. Talk to Jeff Long about his 1987 book Angels Of Light, which was based on the plane crash incident near Yosemite.

The story also has parallels with the attempts made from 1965 to 1968 by the Central Intelligence Agency to place a nuclear-powered listening device on Nanda Devi in India to spy on China's H-bomb tests. Some top notch American climbers were involved with that caper. Crime or spying, mixed with climbing has been done. Plus see Eastwood's Eiger Sanction, and the recent Tom Cruise Mission Impossible flicks, they are all part of that genre. Even the 1991 K2 movie (and even a minor 1983 play K2 by Patrick Meyer) was loosely based on the 1978 first American ascent of K2 by some excellent American climbers.

Writing the book is the easy part, selling it may be hard, even if it sounds like a good story to the climbing community.

Trad climber
Here and There
Jan 14, 2012 - 04:23am PT
Glad to see that you're still around Bookie, despite what you might see as an unwarranted attack on that other thread. You have a wealth of knowledge that is (and will be if you care to share it) much appreciated here.

Licky: God speed with the book. I look forward to it.


Sport climber
general delivery
Jan 14, 2012 - 12:46pm PT
Huh?! What is it that I’m supposed to “see out there” Lick? You sound like you’re “out there” to me. Am I supposed to be surprised that Jack was 86’ed by the NPS? WOW, that is just so damn revealing Lick. If you knew anything about life in the Valley during the seventies – which you don’t – you’d be familiar with LEO Rangers overstepping their boundaries. If you ever publish – which you won’t – you’d be well-advised to be skeptical about claims made now by park authorities, despite your fascination with cops. They trampled on the rights of climbers with impunity and regularity and you should decide what rendition of the “facts” you are going to believe. That the NPS would not hire someone that owed them money shows that they’d rather use the debt as leverage to harass the debtor – no surprise to anyone who actually lived and chafed under federalist rule in Yosemite. Again, you couldn’t possibly understand that without having lived there. Like Bob Weir sings, “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know” and you don’t want to learn anything that don’t agree with your previously-held Tea Party-ish beliefs that authority figures are to be believed and respected. You probably drink in a bar frequented by San Jose’s off-duty cops . . . or on. The feds were bullies and tyrants in Yosemite, believe it.

Jan 14, 2012 - 01:25pm PT
How does one owe money to the National Park Service? Hadn't heard of that before. Guess it's possible,...

Sport climber
general delivery
Jan 14, 2012 - 06:59pm PT
Huh?! What is it that I’m supposed to “see out there” Lick? You sound like you’re “out there” to me. Am I supposed to be surprised that Jack was 86’ed by the NPS? WOW, that is just so damn revealing Lick. If you knew anything about life in the Valley during the seventies – which you don’t – you’d be familiar with LEO Rangers overstepping their boundaries. If you ever publish – which you won’t – you’d be well-advised to be skeptical about claims made now by park authorities, despite your fascination with cops. They trampled on the rights of climbers with impudence and regularity and you should decide what rendition of the “facts” you are going to believe. That the NPS would not hire someone that owed them money shows that they’d rather use the debt as leverage to harass the debtor – no surprise to anyone who actually lived and chafed under federalist rule in Yosemite. Again, you couldn’t possibly understand that not living there. Like Bob Weir sings, “You ain’t gonna learn what you don’t wanna know” and you don’t want to learn anything that don’t agree with your previously-held Tea Party-ish beliefs that authority figures are to be believed and respected. You probably drink in a bar frequented by San Jose’s off-duty cops . . . or on. The feds were bullies and tyrants in Yosemite, believe it.
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