1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Trad climber
Kalispell, Montana
Dec 20, 2011 - 01:40pm PT
God you're stupid.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 20, 2011 - 05:11pm PT
sorry, my bad - i thought you were flaming at me - i didn't realize you were calling GOD stupid - man, you are even smarter than i thought if you think you have the big guy beat in the brains department - and so eloquent as well - you are truly remarkable ionlyski, no wonder youonlyski - you're way too smart to be a dumb ol' climber

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Dec 20, 2011 - 05:17pm PT
I hope Licky isn't reading this crap and is focusing on writing the book instead.

Lake Tahoe
Dec 20, 2011 - 05:21pm PT
i didn't realize you were calling GOD stupid

Sidmo, Acting ignorant of a common figure of speech doesn't help you much. You absolutely know what he means and we know that you know it. Saying differently to insult him isn't all that insulting or funny. Your arguments might be compelling if not for the repetition and grade-school antics.

Just trying to make a helpful suggestion. Good luck.

Betty Uno

Boulder climber
Dec 20, 2011 - 06:32pm PT

It's IRiS who'd be on their tail if anyone. Because, even if your income is from an illegal source, you still owe them for the making of it, lol.

Mountain climber
Livermore, CA
Dec 20, 2011 - 06:38pm PT
IRS has a statute of limitations too, 10 years. Although some states don't, including California.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 20, 2011 - 07:11pm PT
well dave, i assumed you would see right through my rhetoric - i just wanted to blast skibum for his sophmoric reply - i mean, do you really think my post is any more deserving of your criticism than his "god you’re stupid” blast delivered twice? Sounds like something straight from both kindergarten and the department of redundancy department – go ahead and seethe, or flame again, I don’t care – merry xmas to you just the same pal

the fact remains that licky is a hero to some but still is digging dirt on people about crimes they may have committed - so what if the SOLs are expired? maybe that is true, maybe not - i think you miss the point - he's using people but for what purpose? a book? please, its been 7 years - does anyone still believe he's writing a book? where's the sneak preview, a chapter or two, hell how about a phucking paragraph licky? if you had it you'd show it

Trad climber
Dec 20, 2011 - 08:23pm PT
I've been following this post with mucho interest. Not so much for the info on the plane (I wasn't there. As a matter of fact I was living in Connecticut at the time) but to see all the slander, lies and posturing.

This thread has me laughing my ass off, Keep it up guys. I really do need some more good humor.


Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 20, 2011 - 08:45pm PT
glad somebody on here is happy and not snarly and meanspirited - climbers can be so petty and combative, it used to be a sport that didn't demand ultracompetitiveness and macho posturing - before indoor gyms and timed ascents - this guy seems cool, we need more like him - merry xmas again everyone

Social climber
Dec 20, 2011 - 09:39pm PT
sidmo is/was chainsaw or actually chainsaw changes, turns into sidmo, now he goes by bugleboy. Your expert journalist credential’s or writings give you away.


Mountain climber
Livermore, CA
Dec 22, 2011 - 11:59am PT
Did everyone go back in their corners for a breather? It was just getting entertaining.

Although, I must agree that it would be considerably more interesting to have an actual book to argue about instead of everyone just flaming each other. Keep hope alive...

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 29, 2011 - 01:59am PT
I drew a very nice boarder for the first page. Think I'm on a roll now

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Dec 29, 2011 - 02:27am PT
Hope you got spellcheck when you wright your book, Licky.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 29, 2011 - 12:15pm PT
good idea licky - telling us how far you've come - you still think this project is one big phuckin joke, but that's what you are - you're also a muckraking hack . . . or you would be if you ever finished your "book" - must make you feel important to be writing a "book" - when you tell people that you're writing a "book" are they impressed? your whole persona is a lie - you're a poser, a wannabe, never a climber and never a writer - i've been both and at least i'm not impressed by your lack of ability nor by your lack of professionalism nor by your lack of personality - you're a loser and worse, happy new year - oh and by the way, keep guessing because i'm not chainsaw, hacksaw or any other stupid handle and you're a lousy detective if that's what you think - you suck

Dec 29, 2011 - 01:15pm PT
sidmo = positive id as a bonafide 5150

Fatty will haul him in and they'll tool him in the straight jacket he'll get put in ......

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 29, 2011 - 02:22pm PT
Has he climbed 1096, or maybe Basketcase?

Social climber
Dec 29, 2011 - 02:57pm PT

So sidmo is this you or not.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 30, 2011 - 11:22am PT
Wow, you guys really crack me up. So are you all acquainted with Licky? You defend him with such relish that I am guessing that you either know him personally or are unnaturally enamored with a perfect stranger in a manner that seems almost cultish. You reply to me and not to him, which I find odd. All I want is some evidence that a book project is even in progress, some paragraphs or a chapter would suffice. I guess all who criticize me believe Licky. That’s understandable, I believed him at first myself, but his erratic behavior led me to believe that he was definitely NOT a writer – but what he is I cannot say. Are you all just passionately convinced sycophants that cannot abide criticism of Licky for messianic reasons, or are you really trying to further the debate that we are so obviously engaged in? If the former is true then I’m out – you guys are more likely to be deranged than me or Licky. If the former is true, then be professional and address your complaints to him personally. As I’ve said here often, I don’t care what any or all of you think of me – I just don’t care, so you should address your concerns to Licky. This is his thread, remember?

Goodbye all, it’s been a hoot – happy new year, and YES I AM CHAINSAW!!

Since you guys seem to believe lies, so there’s one for your perusal . . . or is it?

Dec 30, 2011 - 11:30am PT
sidmo the idiot writes again -- "I don’t care what any or all of you think of me – I just don’t care, ..."

Of course you do, You're the supreme idiot, otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back.

You rank number one in stupidity.

There's no one as stupid as you are.

You should get a prize ......

Mountain climber
Livermore, CA
Dec 30, 2011 - 12:51pm PT
Exactly. If you so deeply don't care, sidmo, why are you still here?
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