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Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 21, 2011 - 06:40pm PT
John, did the Court restrict the definition of "person" to only a non profit?

As in your contention that Citizens was a non profit?

This must be an important distinction, as you chose to point out it as somehow relevant?

So Exon, not being a non profit, cannot use their corporate cash to buy media time, John?


Not aware of this, I will go read the decision again to find that restricting language.

From the City That Dreams
Oct 21, 2011 - 06:47pm PT
Almost the complete and total control of at least one state: California

Yes, complete control, that's why they took the 15% pay cut. Complete control.

Gonna have to do better than that.

From the City That Dreams
Oct 21, 2011 - 07:23pm PT
fattrad, perhaps you could take a remedial logic course at your local community college. It would do you a lot of good.

Social climber
So Cal
Oct 21, 2011 - 08:58pm PT

That's an insult to whores everywhere.

(even the J Tree Circle K bunch)

From the City That Dreams
Oct 21, 2011 - 09:33pm PT
Gary,everyone and his uncle knows the Public employee Unions literally own the state government

Yes, they are the masters of state government. That's why the got their pay cut 15%. Brilliant f*#king logic, there, Donald. No wonder you vote Republican.

Do you guys ever think about issues at all? Or just go with Rush's drug addled blather. "Rush says state workers control the government! It must be true!" Despite all evidence to the contrary. But as Ronald Raygun said:
Facts are stupid things.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 22, 2011 - 08:05pm PT
Facts are overrated, and irrelevant.


Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 22, 2011 - 09:15pm PT
Norton, I disagree.
Facts are to be denied, twisted and warped until they are unrecognizable as such.
The Tea Baggers and other RepubTard's comments last night about Obama bringing the troops home from Iraq and Gadaffi's death are chilling examples of stupidity, self contradiction and cynical demagoguery.

They'll contradict their own prior statements and actions to deny two of the things he really got right.

Somewhere out there
Oct 23, 2011 - 12:47am PT

No thanks to greedy corporate CEOs....

Social climber
So Cal
Oct 24, 2011 - 03:49pm PT
More Fleaparty fallout




Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 24, 2011 - 04:24pm PT
ows vs the homeless???

"...according to the Daily News, "Zuccotti Park has become a haven for the homeless," who are abandoning shelters and camping out at the park, "enticed by the allure of free food and a community of open-minded people." But as in Boston, open-mindedness goes only so far. "We have compassion toward everyone. However, we have certain rules and guidelines," says Lauren Digioia, 26, who belongs to the "sanitation committee":

"If you're going to come here and get our food, bedding and clothing, have books and medical supplies for no charge, they need to give back," Digioia said. "There's a lot of takers here and they feel entitled."

oh, the irony...

State of Mine
Oct 24, 2011 - 04:35pm PT
marching orders for the psyco f*#ks

Tea Party Nation wants all small business owners to stop creating jobs by not hiring anyone in protest of President Obama and the Democratic Senate.

can you imagine the society where these job destroyers are good credit risks?


from wars link:

Tea Party Nation is one of the two major tea party organizations, and the group had Sarah Palin as their keynote speaker at their convention this year.

at least they are consistent morons. any group that would have palin as keynote speaker can't be expected to be too bright.


that is funny bookworm....

State of Mine
Oct 24, 2011 - 04:43pm PT
dont worry war,

you wouldnt get it.

Gym climber
Oct 24, 2011 - 05:20pm PT
Here's a very interesting, non-partisan look at the US economy:

USA Inc.

It's a 45-minute video that surmises the longer, full version of the report. It looks at the USA budget as if the USA were a company. Very enlightening.

USA Inc. examines the U.S. government’s income statement and balance sheet, interprets the underlying data and facts, and illustrates patterns and trends in easily understandable terms.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 24, 2011 - 05:38pm PT
Another dead beat non contributing supposed American joins the protests:


Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 24, 2011 - 05:47pm PT
Fattrad, how you do you know that the veteran DID turn into a "drug dealer" after he served?

What an ass you are to even try to suggest that a WW2 veteran resorted to dealing drugs.

Keep grasping at straws, Jeff.

Keep trying real hard to make up some reason to denigrate Americans exercising their First Amendment rights.


Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 24, 2011 - 07:14pm PT
Well Jeff, let me tell you why posting a picture of a WW2 vet joining the protests IS "meaningful"

BECAUSE: in a patriotic, service rendered to our country manner, it shows that these protests are NOT what your right wing is trying so very hard to characterize as lazy, shiftless, unemployed, money grubbing, take from the rich, filthy scum.

When I post a pic of a REAL American who served, that pic strongly refutes the hateful, unpatriotic, anti First Amendment attitude of the right wing in this country toward these protests.

It just keeps on proving what ignorant hypocrites your party's "base" is.

Now tune in to Fox News tonight to find out what your father authority tells you what to "believe" in, or really against, tomorrow.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 24, 2011 - 07:20pm PT
BECAUSE: in a patriotic, service rendered to our country manner, it shows that these protests are NOT what your right wing is trying so very hard to characterize as lazy, shiftless, unemployed, money grubbing, take from the rich, filthy scum.

When I post a pic of a REAL American who served, that pic strongly refutes the hateful, unpatriotic, anti First Amendment attitude of the right wing in this country toward these protests.

Keep all that in mind next time you disparage a Tea Party event.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 24, 2011 - 07:21pm PT
With all due respect to our veterans, how do we know this guy didn't turn into a drug dealer after his service.

Clearly you have little if any respect for veterans, given that the man in the photo was a veteran of World War II and is well over 80 years old.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion would no doubt be interested to know that a wannabe bootlicker Republican is saying such things. And if FatTrad went into a legion and said it, he'd be lucky to get out alive.

Trad climber
Canoga Park, CA
Oct 24, 2011 - 07:35pm PT
Oh, and let's quit this union crap, union members account for only some 7% of the workforce, and that number is steadily shrinking.

They can extract only so much in dues to use for political purposes, a FAR cry from the corporate cash available.

Some people just don't get it... the difference is that Corporations in general CREATE the wealth that goes to shareholders, by creating value and therefore profit. The public sector lives off of the private sector, and they do not have to make a profit or even add value (of course many firemen, police, teachers, etc. do), so there has to be controls on how much is funneled out of the private sector. Politicians have enriched themselves with cozy deals that have cost taxpayers dearly. As Donald has pointed out, they typically cannot raise pay in the current fiscal year for budgeting purposes, but they can make promises for the future based on the white elephant of safe 8% returns (not possible when interest rates are nearly zero). The taxpayer is left holding the bag when the inevitable shortfall comes.

I feel for firefighters, teachers, police, etc. but the fact is simply that Government has made promises it cannot keep. Raising taxes produces diminishing returns, and the debt burden we are facing is impeding any economic growth.

We will not have robust growth again until public, private and corporate debt have been paid off or written down. That means many people will have to take large cuts in benefits, just like many banks and investors will have to acknowledge that the great majority of underwater borrowers will not repay their loans.

When Enron went down, many people lost their retirements. Some executives went to prison. When people in the public sector lose some of their retirement benefits, Politicians and and the union bosses they were in collusion with should go to prison as well.

From the City That Dreams
Oct 24, 2011 - 08:29pm PT
the difference is that Corporations in general CREATE the wealth that goes to shareholders

No, the people who work in that corporation create the wealth. That's what workers are: wealth creators.
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