1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Social climber
Lima, Peru
Dec 9, 2011 - 12:06am PT
Looks like Lick-ola might disappear on his own. What a flame throwing yarn spinner he turned out to be. An interesting (for a few minutes) yet somewhat delusional chap, no? And such a short fuse. Tisk tisk,.. lick, lick,... tic, tic, tic....BOOM!

Dec 9, 2011 - 08:38pm PT
This should have been everyone's first clue:


Social climber

Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2005 - 10:54am PT
Well, believe it or not, one of my brothers was working a gate at Yosemite back then. Now he's in law enforcement and I'm seeing him today. I'll pose that question to him. Not to play legal eagle here, but its hard for me to believe almost 30 years later that it would still put people jeopardy. So, hold your breath and I'll report back. I'd bet a google search would yield that info as well for those that don't want to take my word.

And as far as a "Yellow Alert" goes. As I've said, we aren't even looking for names, just stories.

Social climber

Topic Author's Reply - May 22, 2005 - 06:48pm PT
WB, to answer your question, they were about half way from where they came from to about half way to where they were going. AND, they'd been doing it for quite a few years.

Stay tuned for more.... "

I personally don't care any more, I want more out of life than looking back to my past drug experiences.

I lived where many others have died. Don't you think that spooks me every figgin day?

Well, good nite & good luck. Be safe. Cheers.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 9, 2011 - 11:29pm PT
Roy, if you "personally don't care" then why keep this up?

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 10, 2011 - 12:51am PT
Well lick has gone certifiably nutz now – he’ll likely go postal soon. He’s written me and in a vaguely threatening tone, much as he did to you, Abenda.
He wrote: “Thanks for the ride Sid, its been grand. I not only have what I was after, but then some.”
THE RIDE? What ride lick? And now you’re thanking me? For what, hassling you? You think this shyt is grand? OK, I get it that you’re being facetious, but even lunacy needs to be somewhat grounded in reality unless you want your life to seem like some old Monty Python skit. What is it you were really after boy? You’re deluding your feeble mind with this fantasy. If this is how you plan to write the book best keep it brief:
“Not to mention figuring out who and where you've been. You just ain't the one they think you are you”
Huh? “the one they think you are?”
Damn you’re idiotic. What does that mean?
“who and where I’ve been.” ????????
You started this stuff before dumbass. I told you before, I don’t care what you think, so why would I lie to you? To impress you Schloss? Are you that egotistical? LET ME REPEAT, I DON’T PHUCKING CARE WHAT YOU THINK, SO WHY WOULD I LIE TO YOU?
News flash – I want to be on record here:
I lived in the valley most of the time from ’73-’79, mostly in Curry Village. I climbed a lot, but it wasn’t all I was into. I worked some, bummed some, and scalped tickets at concerts in LA and the Bay Area for big bucks. I did not need much as much was provided for me by God. I generally had employee housing, often when I was not working. I know more about the plane than I’ll ever let on to you Licky because you don’t deserve even the info you already got. I’m a writer, but would never consider spilling the beans about you-know-what because, as someone posted earlier, the legend is best told around a campfire. I left the park in ’79 after busting me knee skiig in Tahoe and went on Dead tour around the US for a few years before settling down in the east bay.
Now schloss, if you secret data on me doesn’t agree with that story then your impeccable sources are blowing planepot smoke up your a*# again. You are so phucking gullible there’s not telling what you believe. And that, in a nutshell, is why your stupid book will be just that . . . a stupid book. Now, you don’t have to believe me but you’ll be an even bigger dumbass if you don’t.
As for you, nobody knows for sure, but I think you’re not really a cop but a wannabe cop – one of those schmucks that couldn’t qualify for the force for some reason. Maybe you have a record, maybe you’re just too fat, who cares? But you’re not a climber either. Sure, perhaps somebody dragged you up Harry Daley or the Grack on a toprope, but it’s a safe bet that you never stretched a lead out 40 feet past a manky chock on a 5.10B fueled by nothing more than adrenaline and a worn-out pair of EB’s. You’re a poser at best and a snitch at worst. As many on here have surmised, the S.O.L. probably ran out years ago on any crimes that may have been committed (although in Fed-land can one really be sure?) you have been petty and vindictive on this thread (don’t take my word for it, read Abenda’s posts) and clearly never learned to respect your sources in Journalism 101. In short Schloss, you’re a punk, and probably short too. You’re in a good neighborhood there in SJ, 4-500,000 dollar homes as I recall. So why are you doing this? Have you been banging your dead buddy’s old lady and want to get her some co-writer bucks? Nothing that sleazy or worse would surprise me. So I’d ask you if you ever smoked weed, climbed a rock or even slept in a sleeping bag without a tent – except that I don’t really care. You are irrelevant, but still fun to poke with a stick through your cage bars. IN A WORD SCHLOSS, GO TO HECK. Whoops, guess I can’t count either.


Dec 10, 2011 - 12:56am PT
sidmo -- "I don’t care what you think, ..."

And right after that you go on this long winded drool how much you really care.

You're not particularity bright more like a stupid moron who never knows when to quit.

God you're stupid .....

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 10, 2011 - 01:15am PT
That’s right braunwurst, I don’t care what you think. I’m just letting you know so that you won’t believe me. It’s more fun that way. Besides, if I don't get you to post I'll never expand my vocabulary learning great new words like "particularity." Yeah, I'm not nearly as bright as you.
Look , just because I get a kick out of telling you and Schloss that I don’t care what you think doesn’t mean I care what you think. I know the truth doesn’t faze Schloss so I suppose it don’t faze you either. Believe the lie not told if you prefer.

Dec 10, 2011 - 01:31am PT
God you're stupid .......

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 10, 2011 - 01:33am PT

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 10, 2011 - 03:11am PT
Well Sid, I'll spell it out for you. I have what I need from the forum to complete the book. Today another from the forum contacted me with more info. So the stories keep coming in even though for some reason you've managed to make this a personal endeavor. You've not posted on any other forum thread so this is obviously something that you take to the heart. Or, your user name is nothing more than an alter ego that already posts on the forum.

As for me being a wannabie cop. You crack me up. Do your homework. My name and my background is readily available as I've said to Roy Wonder. I've never presented myself to anyone as nothing more than someone that is attempting to find the facts and tell the story as it is, not as people think it is.

And to quote the tail end of your email to me in 2008: "good luck to you and Pam - let me know how you feel and if i can help in any way - and don't forget the safety valve: "the names have been changed to protect the guilty". Talk about flip'n and flop'n!

Rather an odd comment coming from someone that has gone ballistic and only posts on this thread. And your comment about making "vaguely threatening tone"....you are now sounding like Chainsaw of a couple of years ago. After he went viral on this thread I was contacted by the Justice Department. As it turns out, they have a few climbers among their staff and they monitor SuperTopo on a daily basis. They let me know that they were not in the slightest bit concerned about me, rather they were looking into the comments made by posters here.

Sid..you have my name....you going to post your's?
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Dec 10, 2011 - 03:42am PT

That’s right braunwurst, I don’t care what you think.

Trad climber
Brea ca.
Dec 10, 2011 - 04:01am PT
Dead tour in '79... That must have been fun...

Dec 10, 2011 - 05:55am PT
Roy, if you "personally don't care" then why keep this up?

Thanks for reminding me, Bra. I'm outta here. no hard feeling, eh? you wont hear from me again. don't confuse me with any one else. Please. good enough.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 13, 2011 - 10:08pm PT
this thread is so feeble, it reminds me of an old favorite tune - if you don't recognize it, then i guess you weren't there

Please don't dominate the rap, jack, if you've got nothing new to say.
If you please, don't back up the track this train's got to run today.
I spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill
I heard someone say "Better run away", others say "better stand still".

Now I don't know, but I been told it's hard to run with the weight of gold,
Other hand I have heard it said, it's just as hard with the weight of lead.

Who can deny, who can deny, it's not just a change in style?
One step down and another begun and I wonder how many miles.
I spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill
Things went down we don't understand, but I think in time we will.
Now, I don't know but I been told in the heat of the sun a man died of cold.
Keep on coming or stand and wait, with the sun so dark and the hour so late.
You can't overlook the lack, jack, of any other highway to ride.
It's got no signs or dividing lines and very few rules to guide.

I saw things getting out of hand, I guess they always will.
Now I don't know but I been told
If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load.
I don't know whose back's that strong, maybe find out before too long.

One way or another, one way or another,
One way or another, this darkness got to give.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 14, 2011 - 02:57am PT
Sidmo..any chance that the Dead lyrics might be hitting a little close to home? John...

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 14, 2011 - 04:13am PT
Duh . . . for you slicky - why do you think i posted them, einstein?

“You can't overlook the lack, jack, of any other highway to ride.
It's got no signs or dividing lines and very few rules to guide”

it used to bug me when dudes applied vague lyrics to real life situations . . . used to . . . but this stupid narco-thread opened my eyes to the idiocy of trying to get hep to something when you just ain't hep -that's you linky - totally clueless - all the testimonials in the world can't put you in a place you weren't ever in - you'll never get it - you never climbed, valleyratted, or got involved with anything hipper than a mortgage - when you go to yose i bet you check into a room at the lodge . . . how cool! good place to interview rangers from - bet you don't diss them - you are such a dumbass to think that you can ascertain whether or not someone was someplace that you weren't - you are a pompous poser - you don't have any honorable right to this project, you're doing it for all the wrong reasons

"Now I don't know but I been told
If the horse don't pull you got to carry the load.
I don't know whose back's that strong, maybe find out before too long"

until you become a blood brother with yosemite granite you ought to cease and desist on
this "book" project, not that it's ever going to see the light of day nor the dark of printer's ink - you've scammed the community, and surprisingly some good people have been gullible enough to believe your lies, while you were judgmentally ruling on what you heard - when you were so stupid as to state that i "wasn't there" i knew you were a flake you sure as heck wasn’t there

PS: are you "rick" or "licky" or "ricknie" or "john" ?

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 15, 2011 - 01:32pm PT
no response? must be one of dem "split personality" things - maybe we should call you sybil

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Dec 15, 2011 - 02:12pm PT
Just in case the first post gets deleted, here it is:


Social climber

Topic Author's Original Post - May 21, 2005 - 07:35pm PT
In 1977 a plane loaded with dope crashed into Lower Merced Pass Lake. I knew the pilot and his wife since high school. His wife and I are working on co-authoring a book about the incident. I am looking for anyone that can recall any stories about what went on in the area during the first few weeks following the crash. We are not looking to expose anyone, we are looking for stories to add to what we already knew happened up to that night.I have talked to a few ex park employees that were there at the time and have gotten their take on things. Anyone else?

Rick Schloss
San Jose, CA

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 16, 2011 - 10:54am PT
can anyone define the term "social climber" in a context that relates to yosemite?
dictionary.com gives this:

social climber 
a person who attempts to gain admission into a group with a higher social standing.

sounds like our friend mr. schloss allright
he is honest in his self-deprication even if not in his motive

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 18, 2011 - 01:26am PT
Sidmo...in your glass bubble, how do personal attacks end? Do players just walk away? Do they just pretend that nothing ever happened? Love to hear how bullies think things end. Or better yet, how do YOU think this will end?

Dec 18, 2011 - 04:36am PT
Rick, I know I said i would not come back but i just want to say something here. Sorry bra

Who the fk are you sidmo? You sure are an ass. You have tried to troll me into your spew's. I want nothing to do with taunting. That what drunks do. Ask me how I know. So i think you should just STFU.
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