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Somewhere out there
Why not just outlaw religion?
Somewhere out there
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
A little closer to what the constitution states
That Long Black Cloud Is Coming Down
Mankind will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 7, 2012 - 11:37pm PT
"Skip isn't worth bothering with"
Dr. F, February 6, 2012, 5:27 pm
Good on the 9th Circuit.
The Supreme court will likely reverse it.
Trad climber
Brea ca.
All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson
Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Only good in CA.
new world order-
dirtbag, would you quit fa-reakin' out about all this!
Of course the Supreme Court will eventually reverse it. It's part of the plan....to break up the traditional family unit, to mandate abortion < Not pickin' sides., euthanasia, sterilization, vaccines, etc., etc.
Why? Because there are too many people destroying the planet.
And if you do all of the above and make legal, gay marriages (nttawwi), there becomes less people born and people dying more quickly.
It's their (elites/1%) eugenics agenda....depopulation. Constant war, Mao/Lenin/Hitler types, can only do so much.
You better get used to being a vegetarian, if you aren't one already.
Just wait till they start promoting inter-generational sex, and beastiality.
Terrorists are people who pay with cash and wear blue jeans.
Copulate it.
Hardman Knott
Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley, Ca
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Mar 21, 2012 - 01:24pm PT
From Bruce's link:
"I don't care what the liberals say, I don't care what the naysayers say, this nation was founded as a Christian nation...There is only one God and his name is Jesus. I'm tired of people telling me that I can't say those words.. Listen to me, If you don't love America, If you don't like the way we do things I have one thing to say - GET OUT. We don't worship Buddha, we don't worship Mohammad, we don't worship Allah, we worship God, we worship God's son Jesus Christ."
Now, there's a novel approach. To hell with the Constitution and all those
troublesome amendments.
Mar 21, 2012 - 01:31pm PT
Dennis Terry will be to Santorum as
Jeremiah Wright was to Obama.
An embarrassing anchor that only drags him down...
I'm good with that!
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 19, 2012 - 09:14am PT
Instead of toting out the old slippery slope argument, why not try to come up with a rational argument in opposition to gay marriage?
If you hate fags, think gay people should be gassed, are going to hell, etc. then why not just say so instead of posting such pseudo-intellectual masturbatory gibberish?
A long way from where I started
US President Barack Obama today publicly declared his support for gay marriage.
I know that for the gay-haters here on ST and elsewhere, this will just be further proof that the President is the incarnation of Satan on earth, but I still take pleasure in saying:
Suck on that, Prop 8 supporters.
Jon Beck
Trad climber
more proof that Obama is a Muslin
He just cinched it there's not a gay person in the u.s. that won't vote for him now. I'm sure this nothing more than away to gain a few more votes.I personally think gay marriage should be legalized so we can move on
Trad climber
greater Boss Angeles area
My guess is Obama got word that the Supereme Court will uphold Prop 8.
He's positioning himself to run against the Court in the election.
There has to be a political reason why he chose to wait 3+ years to tell us, and yet break it out this close to election day.
Topic Author's Reply - May 9, 2012 - 10:14pm PT
There has to be a political reason why he chose to wait 3+ years to tell us, and yet break it out this close to election day.
Probably, but it could also backfire by energizing a republican base that has not been enthusiastic about their candidate.
In any event, major kudos to Obama, whatever the motive.
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