Armed Militia Takes Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge HQ


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Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Jan 16, 2016 - 11:58am PT
Not only do they say the federal government has no claim to the land, they're also saying now that the Paiute Indians have no claim either, only cattlemen. They're also picking through a large collection of Native American artifacts which are stored at the refuge.

Mountain climber
Colorado, Nepal & Okinawa
Jan 16, 2016 - 12:00pm PT
As for the Stonekettle article, he says what I have all along, that rag tag militia stand no chance against the U.S. military and to think so is delusional, therefore the justification of individual citizens with assault weapons is based on false premises.

Ice climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 03:58pm PT
I was wondering whether the Oregon Invaders used the vibrating 5 blade razors when I ran across this:

(Exactly how vibration improves the shaving experience is in question. Last May a federal judge in Connecticut, acting on a lawsuit brought by Schick, issued an injunction prohibiting Gillette from claiming that the vibration feature of its M3Power lifts hair "up and away from skin" to allow for a better shave. The judge ruled there was not enough scientific evidence to prove the claim.)

Shouldn't the shaving experience be taken away from these cowboys and the government and returned to native Americans?


‘These buildings will never, ever return to the federal government’

-said LaVoy Finicum, one of the leaders of the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

It's about time that these idiots be removed by whatever means necessary.


Social climber
An Oil Field
Jan 16, 2016 - 05:26pm PT
They are getting less and less TV coverage. I haven't seen anything about it in days. At the beginning, they talked into a whole cluster of microphones from the different networks. Now they talk into 2 or 3 microphones.

That Pete Santelli guy seems to be the only one posting to youtube. It is hard to find anything current on the matter.

So when people stop listening to them, and they start to get cold and hungry, they will turn into a bunch of pussies.

I'm surprised that they haven't cut power and phone yet. That should be easy enough.

Jan 16, 2016 - 05:39pm PT
Sometimes it's effective to give people just enough rope to hang themselves. As said earlier, every video they post just gives the feds more evidence.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jan 16, 2016 - 06:50pm PT
Base104, I love it, denying them the thing they crave most, attention.
It appears the media is helping in this sense.
They can't stay out there forever, contrary to what they have said. Even those clowns have "other" lives to attend to. They were counting on something bigger breaking loose, so they can be seen as the founding Fathers of something else. Passing the baton to other revolutionary's if you will.

state of being
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:51pm PT
They can stay there forever. Militias will just cycle in and out. No shortage of people to keep it occupied.

But that would also give law enforcement the chance to arrest some of these guys outside, safely somewhere else.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 16, 2016 - 08:19pm PT
I think this cartoon applies nicely to the members of the Armed Militia.


Trad climber
Jan 17, 2016 - 06:47am PT
Read a brief article on it around here. Sounds like its becoming a half-way house for nutbags. I predict that there will be a shooting inside the compound. Too much free roaming agro for that not to happen.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 17, 2016 - 08:01am PT
Escopeta: I like your description of it "becoming a half-way house for Nutbags."

Here's a quote or two & a link to a NYT article on the same subject.

One of the people who have joined the Bundy family on a federal wildlife sanctuary in an arid patch of Oregon is an avowed anti-Semite from Ohio. One is an anti-Islamic ideologue from Phoenix.

Another is an online radio host — also from Ohio — who uses terms like “Obamislamistan.”

Some are militant gun-rights activists, and one is a man who has declared himself to be a judge and plans to convene a “citizens’ grand jury” in order to put the government on trial.

When the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge began on Jan. 2, it was primarily the work of Ammon Bundy, the former rancher, who wants the federal government to relinquish its lands.

But as the protest has dragged on, it has become a magnet of sorts, attracting strands of diverse conservative movements from across the country.

Some are members of the so-called Patriot movement, an umbrella effort of antigovernment activists that includes groups like the Oath Keepers, an organization of law enforcement officers and military veterans, and the 3 Percent of Idaho, which focuses on the Second Amendment and derives its name from the supposed 3 percent of the colonial population that took up arms against the British.

And of course, they have groupies too.

Nor was everyone in Oregon there because of an antigovernment agenda.

“I do not understand the culture,” said Kristi Jernigan, 44, from Tennessee, who was among the women in the compound’s kitchen feeding the occupation. Ms. Jernigan said she had little interest in politics and had arrived only “to spread love.”

“You’d be surprised at all the different people here,” she said.

Trad climber
Jan 17, 2016 - 09:17am PT
Yeah, the only people that thing is attracting are those that are listening for their call to arms and will hear it in the wind.

Kind of like when I'm duck hunting and I think I hear the whoosh of wings behind me and its only my partner farting.

When the people that aren't sitting around waiting to hear the call get involved, nutbag isn't going to be the word people use.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jan 17, 2016 - 09:45am PT
At least they're keeping the women in the kitchen. Good gawd....

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jan 17, 2016 - 10:43pm PT
Lavoy Finicum, AKA blue tarp man, is pissed that Arizona state protective services back home has removed four foster children from his home while he's committing high profile felonies out of state instead of taking care of the kids.

OPB and his own account show he gets almost all his income from raising foster kids.
Records show he got $115,343 from Catholic charities in 2009.

“That was my main source of income,” Finicum said. “My ranch, well, the cows just cover the costs of the ranch. ”

Trad climber
Jan 18, 2016 - 08:39am PT
In that article the author states that he understands a person ought be compensated for acting as "parent," but as I understand it, that job is generally done on a volunteer basis. I mean - any parents here getting paid to parent their children? The money received for foster care is supposed to go for the expenses that come up in a child's life - shelter, food, clothing, class trips, after-school activities, creative materials, medical and dental work not covered by insurance, maybe a pet for the youngster and the care of that pet, toys, a bit of spending money for movies, games and times spent with friends, and maybe a bit toward higher education savings.

If a foster parent can find one penny left to spend on themselves, after those expenditures, they are shorting the child. For it to be a "source of income" - I'm disgusted.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 18, 2016 - 08:57am PT
People have been supplementing their income for years with foster child payments. If they did not pay people the children would end up in the equivalent of juvi hall. In some cases foster parents are great for the child, in other cases horrific abuse has occurred. Hopefully the state authorities are staffed well enough to monitor what is going on. Tarpman got cut off pretty quickly in this case.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jan 18, 2016 - 09:37am PT
who knew yeehawdists Blaine Cooper's mom was on The Interwebs?

Dad pipes up, too.

patrick compton

Trad climber
Jan 18, 2016 - 10:40am PT
^ very interesting!

state of being
Jan 18, 2016 - 11:45am PT
When these kids turn 18, they are no longer cash generators and must hit the streets, unless some assistance program can be found.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jan 18, 2016 - 11:58am PT
Lavoy Finicum and Ryan Bundy have been busier than we thought.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
No wonder Lavoy wasn't spending weekends with the kids.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 18, 2016 - 12:11pm PT
Apparently those posts from his parents are fake, Blaine changed his last name to Cooper. But that does not change my opinion on the guys parenting skills.
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