1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 6, 2011 - 02:14pm PT

Abenda, this is a generalized private email to you that I think all those interested in the thread should see – hope it’s ok with you. As you know, I’ve been busting Schloss’s butt for some time now, albeit intermittingly. I began posting like most others, trying to be helpful without divulging info that might lead to other people. “Licky” was rude and dismissive, and his arrogance surprised me. The fact that I am a trained journalist led me first to surmise that Tricky Licky was in over his head, and later to believe that something more sinister was afoot – whether he is a fed or not really isn’t the issue, but he is gathering data about activities that were illegal at the time. Only after time elapsed (and the statute of limitations) did the topic become safe to discuss frankly. Licky seems oblivious to this, which makes me wonder what his real purpose is. If he is indeed writing a book and not working with officials why wouldn’t he want to alleviate that perception? He seems awfully close to the authorities and why would they cooperate with him willingly? For that matter, even if he was the heat why wouldn’t he be more thankful and not take our participation for granted? I’ve come to the conclusion that his lack of professionalism indicates that he is just a clueless idiot, and an incredibly rude one at that. In light of the weirdness of the whole thing, if he was serious then he’d make some effort to convince us of his good intentions. He should realize that this subject is a touchy issue for many of the people that may be able to provide him with info, and tailor his communication to alleviate their apprehension. As for his posting of private correspondence, he did the same thing to me as he did to you, and I don’t like it any more than you. He singled me out for criticism and acts like a stool pigeon, or a pesky little brother snitching on us to our dad or our teacher. It’s incredibly childish in my opinion. He’ll likely fire back at me for my tongue-in-cheek postings, but I’m not the one writing the book, so I’m not bound by any professional protocols. He’s going about this intelligence gathering in an entirely unprofessional manner. Whether or not he ever wakes up to that fact is a moot point, but the posters need to consider whether they’ve misjudged his intent. I was fooled for a while, and since then I’ve checked in from time to time out of curiosity. I hate to see Licky rewarded for inappropriate behavior, but that’s exactly what’s happening. Wake up everybody, and call him on his motives. It’s time for Mr. Schloss to come clean and stop taking advantage of trusting souls.

Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Dec 6, 2011 - 02:20pm PT
Get a room........

BWA HA HA HA HA hahahaaaaaaa!!!!

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 7, 2011 - 03:34am PT
Southern Police Institute
1994 – 1994

Dec 7, 2011 - 12:37pm PT
Administrative Officers Course

The 125th Administrative Officers Course Graduates

125th AOC

Upcoming Dates

127th Administrative Officers Course Feb 13 to May 11, 2012

Apply before Nov 22, 2011


128th Administrative Officers Course Aug 13 to Nov 10, 2012

Apply before May 31, 2012

Course Description


The Southern Police Institute is an integral part of the Department of Justice Administration in the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Louisville. It is an advanced educational and training institute whose mission is to enhance the professional development of law enforcement practitioners. Since the creation of the Southern Police Institute in 1951, its program of instruction has been based on the belief that law enforcement is a demanding activity requiring the highest level of professional preparation. The Administrative Officers Course has been offered continuously since 1951. Today, it is our primary leadership development program. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and challenging educational experience that is intended to enhance the professional and personal lives of our students.

Course Description

The Administrative Officers Course is a twelve week (480 hour) in-residence, accredited college level educational program. The course curriculum is designed to develop informed, effective, ethically and technically competent law enforcement managers who are capable of assuming positions of leadership in their respective agencies. It is an appropriate course for individuals in or about to be promoted to middle and upper management positions. This comprehensive development program provides instruction in law enforcement issues, diagnostic problem solving, and administrative law. The varied methods of instruction used by the faculty permit participants to engage their individual creativity and initiative through the analytical examination of issues and problems faced by contemporary law enforcement executives. This course is required as a prerequisite for appointment to the position of police chief by many government jurisdictions throughout the United States. Numerous graduates of the Administrative Officers Course are among today's law enforcement leaders directing agencies throughout the United States and abroad.

Program Uniqueness

The Administrative Officers Course since its creation has attracted participants from law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, the Pacific Rim nations, and Europe. The diversity of this agency helps to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and fellowship in which participants have the opportunity to learn from and share ideas with individuals they might not meet during the normal course of their professional activities. This interchange enhances the participant's skills in the art of cooperation, negotiation, compromise, and consensus. It ensures that class members will leave the Southern Police Institute with a network of graduates that will provide an outstanding resource from which they can seek assistance for organizational problems throughout their careers. In addition, the participants are exposed to a wide range of thought on the application of the program subject matter by experienced administrators, educators, practitioners, and Administrative Officers Course graduates who visit regularly to lecture. The institute's comprehensive educational environment and world recognized methods of instruction encourage a commitment to learning and self-improvement long after the course is finished.

The Graduate's of this program will:

* Possess the knowledge and skills required to manage and to direct the resources of any law enforcement agency;

* Be prepared to deal effectively with the complicated and important administrative issues confronting law enforcement managers;

* Possess an understanding of current law enforcement operational philosophy and practice;

* Possess an understanding of the contemporary legal responsibilities of law enforcement administrators;

* Be able to apply contemporary methods of problem identification, evaluation and solution; and

* Possess the knowledge and skills required to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement operations.



Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Dec 7, 2011 - 12:42pm PT
Wow, in three months you'd be qualified to do all that? Damn! Either that
is one kick-ass course or all my previous misconceptions about tools are confirmed.

Trad climber
Brea ca.
Dec 7, 2011 - 01:07pm PT
No book yet?? Imagine that... 6 1/2 years....

Dec 7, 2011 - 02:19pm PT
"Topic Author's Reply - Dec 9, 2006 - 01:23am PT
This is a tough day for the families and friends of the pilots that crashed into Lower Merced Pass Lake. It is now the 30th anniversary of the plane crash and their death, December 9, 1976.

On a lighter note, It is also the 30th anniversary for those that found the plane and its cargo that helped launch the event that made the future for quite a few others. Whether it was simply purchasing that van and a ton of eight track tapes or providing the fodder for a book/movie, today is the day that sits heavy in quite a few minds.

If the wing that Ron Lykins had found was laying flat on the ground, things would have been very different for many today. Careers would not have been launched as they were.

I know this is a climbing forum, but everyone ought to stop and think about how much this event figured into the advancement of of the big wall craft.

Just saying... "

Ok Rick, What are you trying to say 5 yr l8r?

Everybody think now where you on Dec 9, 1976?

Trad climber
Starlite, California
Dec 7, 2011 - 02:21pm PT
I found out that my son while working as a packer out of the south lake drainage, in LeConte Canyon. He was Hosting a full service trips for two weeks with a retired ranger and his wife. As the days pass they swapped stories of adventures in the serria. The ranger recited stories of the years on work in cronilogical order, my son piping in when ever he could relate. finally the ranger came round to when he was flown out to that lake near the last few days of people ransacking the wreckage, and how when he arrived people down right scattered. \

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 7, 2011 - 02:31pm PT
so, is that your alma mater slicky?

A long way from where I started
Dec 7, 2011 - 03:12pm PT
It takes about an hour to train a bartender.

Sure, if all you have to teach him is how to pour free beers for cops...

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 7, 2011 - 05:09pm PT
Sidmo, I guess it takes one to know one right?

“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”

Dec 7, 2011 - 05:47pm PT
"Topic Author's Original Post - May 21, 2005 - 07:35pm PT
In 1977 a plane loaded with dope crashed into Lower Merced Pass Lake. I knew the pilot and his wife since high school. "

Rick Schloss
Rick Schloss picture Milpitas High School Milpitas CA 1981
Rick Schloss’s picture
Milpitas High School
Milpitas, CA

Class of 1981

Member Since: Jan 1970

Biography: Life Because I was a military brat, the longest I lived in one place was about 2 1/2... read more
Rick Schloss's other Communities:

* Yoyogi Elementary School (1955-1956)
* Jane Addams Junior High School (1961-1962)
* Notre Dame High School (1961-1964)
* Wilbur Junior High School (1963-1964)
* Cubberley High School (1963-1967)
* Jordan Junior High School (1964-1964)
* Terman Junior High School (1964-1964)
* Highline High School (1964-1966)
* Edmonds High School (1966-1966)
* St. Francis High School (1966-1969)
* Los Altos High School (1967-1967)
* O'Rafferty High School (1967-1967)
* Foothill College (1967-1969)
* Travis Air Force Base (1969-1970)
* Berchtesgaden (1971-1973)
* Ramstein Air Base (1971-1973)
* Varian (1974-1977)
* Peterson High School (1975-1977)
* Verbatim (1976-1978)
* Dysan (1978-1990)
* Evotek (1980-1982)
* STI (1985-1987)

So tell us Rick, which high school did you meet these drug runners at?

BTW your dates dont add up.

Edit: I guess I should add this..


Topic Author's Reply - Jul 28, 2006 - 10:50pm PT
Just a quick note for the speculators. They made the trip three times each month. The load each time was known and accounted for."

known and accounted for by whoom?

My guess is that you knew these drug runners for quite some time.
But thats just me making sh#t up again.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 7, 2011 - 06:17pm PT
Always believe everything you find on the Internet. Makes you believable

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Dec 7, 2011 - 06:22pm PT
Where's LEB when we need her?

Dec 7, 2011 - 06:22pm PT
A new supertopo record: LONGEST TROLL EVER.

Dec 7, 2011 - 07:18pm PT
This man is out of his mind. He just sent me this

Greetings from a Fellow SuperTopo Member!

This message has been sent from a fellow registered SuperTopo climbing member to you.

The message is:
If this is your attempt at outting me, all one has to do is go back to my first post. My name, city I live in, and my phone number are all posted there.

However, if you have more in minde, like I said...You going to bark little doggie or you gonna bite?
 Show quoted text -

What the hell you talking about Rick? I ask you above to stop sending me emails. But you couldn't do it, could you? You had to send me just ONE MORE email and insult me over and over again.

Ricknie@aol.com to me

show details 10:15 PM (17 hours ago)

Listen here Rick Schloss,
That email that you posted above was from me, Roy Wonder, aka punk roy, and I don't like it ONE bit that you posted it here. It was a private email only for you.
So you just outted yourself when I didn't. I'd have to say as an ex-punker/junkie out of San Fran, you haven't learned too much. Possibly you were just burning up cells you didn't think you'd be using later on. So telling everyone on the forum that it was you that sent me that garbage email was really smart? Ya think?

You friggin drunk or somthin?
No, I'm not drunk or "somthin", I don't do either

Now this morning I see you have sent me another threatening email saying I didn't live up to my word. I'll tell you right now in front of everyone that I have keep my word but you didn't as you have confused me with this person sidmo and now are posting private emails on a public forum. You don't have the right to do that!
**If you don't give a f*#k, why is it an issue? Ok, I f*#ked up honey. I did in deed mix you up with Sidmo. Both of you rant at me the same way and initially it sounded the same. Now after rereading both I can see the difference. Sidmo really can write....you can't, you can only bark.**

If I came up with the same conclusions as this sidmo it doesn't mean that I and him are the same person. After your first threatening email you sent me I did a search of you Rick and I didn't like the stuff I found ONE bit. It went down a deep dark rabbit hole and I want to stay as far away from you and your friends as I can. But if you send me ONE more threatening email or any emails I WILL report you for stalking.
Enough said.
Ok, no more emails from me. This is NOT a threatening email by any way shape or form. I don't need to stalk total jerks, they tend to do damage to themselves long before I get to them.

Haven't been to supertopo for quite awhile. How is everyone? Anything good going on? I see there is a tread with no book.

Cheers Roy Wonder

**Have a nice day Roy Wonder

Best regards

Rick Schloss**

And here's one more..

"You are quite the detective. So instead of "making sh#t up", do your f*#king homework and see if you can figure things out. If you can make a skate park, you ought to be able to figure this stuff out."

Already did and I want to stay as far away from you and your friends as I can. Only you wont leave me alone.

So lets revue: You posted a private email of mine, You wont stop sending me emails, and let's not forget the first threatening email..

"Licky ricknie@aol.com to me

show details Jun 18

Greetings from a Fellow SuperTopo Member!

This message has been sent from a fellow registered SuperTopo climbing member to you.

The message is:
Still waiting for a response ass hole. I've decided to take it way past the line. You want to respond? Want to meet?...something tells me that you just want to bark. As it was once said....you gonna bark little doggie or you gonna bite?

Sent by: Licky

WTF is to take it way past the line? You going to send people over to kill me? That what it means to me! Past the fkn line, eh? Well you should never have confused me with sidmo. Shows you were still thinking about me. thats scary.
So now all I got is to put this out to the public others can connect some dots if you want to keep this up.
You screwed up buddy & you can stop it right now. Not one more email to my box. Leave me the fk alone.

Edit: WTF do you mean by this:

"they tend to do damage to themselves long before I get to them."

Are you trying to say that you have got to people before and you have done damage to them and some times you have got there and the damage was already done so what do you do then? I would like to know what damage you do you to people when you get to them.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Dec 7, 2011 - 08:55pm PT
I think I'm gonna go buy some beer with the money I put aside for this book.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 8, 2011 - 09:27am PT
great idea reilly - better use of the money you won't need for the book because THERE AIN'T NEVER GONNA BE NO PHUCKING BOOK

Trad climber
Brea ca.
Dec 8, 2011 - 11:26am PT
Even if there ever is a book, the thread has all the info the casual reader would want. The pages of technical airplane crap would bore most readers. But alas, there never will be a book. I don't think the op intended to be a troll, but it's what it's become. The teases, the "more people coming out with stories" blah blah blah....it's all a joke. It's not the great American novel. It's about a singular event, that few even care about, and even fewer would care to read about. It was an interesting thread, buts it's probably time to move along, and quit talking about this imaginary "book"....

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 8, 2011 - 01:45pm PT
Yeah, after 1100 posts this thread has become threadbare. The only interesting items anymore are the pointed criticisms of lickety-split. Good thing he’s such a disagreeable butthole, it makes for better acrimony that way. Everyone should pile on now, I have a feeling the thread will soon disappear.
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