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The Wastelands
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:58pm PT

F U, "Edward"

Nothing at all racist about you


Trad climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 03:18pm PT
Ok Norton - I referred to that post. What specifically was racist?

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Sep 23, 2018 - 03:37pm PT
The normalization continues,when antifa’s or plain old liberals confront white nationalist, they are left wing ,narrow minded and violent.


It is okay for us to scapegoat ,discriminate ,even deny services.


This is racism.

You should not be so surprised that there would be heavy resistance to anybody who supports,defends or even politasplains in defense of this POTUS.

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 23, 2018 - 04:43pm PT
Kingtut-Yea bro, if we are only more tolerant of racists they will mend their ways....

Some of them are good people?

Nope. My definition of good people does not include ok with racism.
It's strawman bro to you...

Calling out racism has never been a problem for me, on the job or around family. Hiring and advancing minorities is just something we do without fanfare.

Acting like Arnold Schwarzenegger- Gandhi on the internet is perhaps, something I should aspire to. Thanks for setting the bar!

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Sep 23, 2018 - 05:07pm PT
GINA SOSA, REPUBLICAN VOTER: I mean, we're talking about a 15-year- old girl, which I respect. You know, I'm a woman. I respect. But we're talking about a 17-year-old boy in high school with testosterone running high. Tell me what boy hasn't done this in high school. Please, I would like to know.

I haven't done this in high school. I'm not aware of any of my peers who did, and if they did and I knew about it, I would not remain friends with them and I would not defend them. I (perhaps wrongly) assume that this is the position of the majority of guys.

At what stage will our society advance enough where a person would be ashamed to make a public statement like Gina Sosa did? It happens a lot more often than it should, but it is NOT normal or acceptable for boys to forcibly remove a woman's clothing when she is fighting against it.

Sep 23, 2018 - 06:19pm PT
Accuser #2!

Edit: now #3!

"I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify. The nomination must be withdrawn," Avenatti tweeted.
Avenatti told CBS News that his client encountered Kavanaugh and his friend Judge when they were in high school.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 06:30pm PT
Honestly, Norton, I don’t see what is ‘racist’ about ET’s meme, either.

It’s complete bullsh#t, and mentions Obama’s race and his religious belief, but I don’t read anything from it that demeans any particular race...just Obama, himself.

Total bullsh#t? Absolutely. Racist? I don’t see it.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 06:55pm PT
Well, tut, I appreciate the detailed response, but I still don’t get it. That meme isn’t racist itself (to my eye), but it is clearly intended to incite a lot of people who do have racist beliefs about Obama. By strict definition, I don’t see that meme as racist, but it walks right up to the line just for effect. Slimy, all the same.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 06:56pm PT
Second woman alleges assault by Kavanaugh
By QUINT FORGEY 09/23/2018 08:28 PM EDT Updated 09/23/2018 08:49 PM EDT

Deborah Ramirez, who is 53, told Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of The New Yorker that when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale in the 1983-84 academic school year, she remembers that he “exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

Kupec added: “This claim is denied by all who were said to be present and is wholly inconsistent with what many women and men who knew Judge Kavanaugh at the time in college say. The White House stands firmly behind Judge Kavanaugh.”

Well, there’s a big surprise. A POTUS who has a long history of misogyny coming down on the side of an accused abuser? Shocking, I tell you.

Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 06:58pm PT
Obviously The Kav will have a lot of lawsuits to file after his long work week, unless of course, The Nuge kills them all.

GINA SOSA, REPUBLICAN VOTER: I mean, we're talking about a 15-year- old girl, which I respect. You know, I'm a woman. I respect. But we're talking about a 17-year-old boy in high school with testosterone running high. Tell me what boy hasn't done this in high school. Please, I would like to know.

Kinda misses the point that The Kav denies he did it.

So, he has no testosterone?

Did The Kav operate an automobile in his near black out alcohol adventure?

Paraphrasing on old song"

"Smoking marijuana is more responible than pass-out alcohol consumption."

state of being
Sep 23, 2018 - 07:07pm PT
Claiming that someone can't identify as black because they have a white mother is racist.

There are very few african americans without white blood.

That sets the tone for the rest.

Grizzlyville, WY
Sep 23, 2018 - 07:17pm PT
And now a third woman...

Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 07:29pm PT
too old to know to young to die

He's hoping The Kav can get on board and re-interpret the Constitution so that Donut Trup can pardon his sorry ass.

White Power


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 07:33pm PT
"This attack on Cavanaugh..."


The indignation on the right about the sources and motivations for these accusations is nothing short of hysterically laughable, coming from the Party who has made the practice of smearing a well-honed art form, and has a POTUS representing them that has the all-time lowest level of morality and integrity possible (this, from the Party of 'values'), and completely subverted the constitutional process by obstructing any kind of vote on a SCOTUS candidate for nearly a year, for the sake of their own political interests.

This is politics in 2018, if your POTUS hasn't made that clear enough for you. Play the game, or get out of the way.


Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 07:35pm PT

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:11pm PT
After the {presumptive} one night stand, someone's gotta ask, eh, will you still love him tomorrow?

Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:16pm PT
Art Linkletter and I did not always see eye to eye, but a lot of times we did.

He had that great show

Kids say the darndest things

Man lived a long and for the most part good life



Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:28pm PT
Well, it’s about time the Dems grew a set and went mano a mano with the GOP’s longstanding dirty politics.

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:49pm PT
Well, it’s about time the Dems grew a set and went mano a mano with the GOP’s longstanding dirty politics.


Social climber
Lida Junction
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:57pm PT
the liberals are desperate.

as were the republicans when they refused to have hearings for Garland.
You are a hypocrite, jody.
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