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john hansen
Jan 15, 2016 - 08:11pm PT
It is sad they took down a part of the fence around the preserve to try to open the land to cattle, and built a road. It's all about "me". Exploiting and destroying the land. Of course this has been going on since 1492...
I think a thousand birders should assemble, in a non violent way, (yes, I saw the story ) and march into the refuge. This is a National Wildlife Refuge,, we all own it.
Maybe two thousand,, just go in and do some birding, maybe check out the visitors center. If they try to stop you , out flank them , just slowly spreading out and moving forward with masses of people with telephoto cameras. Act as if they are not there. Flash Mob...
All of the National Wildlife Refuge's were established because of where they are, they are critical to maintain important migration stops and wintering habitat. To let these people degrade one, is a shame.
The FBI does not want another Ruby Ridge, that's why I think it up to the birders. :)
Trad climber
Spokane, WA
Jan 15, 2016 - 08:47pm PT
This guy has it right:
I Stand with Linda Sue Beck: The Attack on Science at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
Linda Sue Beck. It is at her desk that Ammon Bundy, leader of the group of armed anti-government religious fanatics occupying Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, has set up shop. As a federal biologist, like my father was for decades, she works to steward the resources that are held in common trust for all Americans. My stomach turned as the report came through the radio today — approaching a week into the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge — and I heard the descriptions of the Bundys picking through her belongings and ridiculing her work.
“She’s not here working for the people,” Ammon’s brother Ryan is quoted as saying. “She’s not benefiting America. She’s part of what’s destroying America.”
The occupiers of the refuge poke fun at Beck, her research on fish, and the normal trappings of a research station, including a dried bird in a storage area. They incredulously claim that the bird is “what they’re going to kill people over.” Presumably “they” is the federal government, and they mean to convey that Nature — the birds, the fish, the land — has no use or value.
These sentiments run counter to American history of conservation and scientific land management. The wildlife refuge system was started because the visionary Teddy Roosevelt could see that the continent risked losing its iconic wildlife if every species and every place was fair game to be hunted. Malheur was one of the first wildlife refuges, established in 1908, and became part of the growing field of scientific wildlife management that came to fruition in the United States.
Science and the National Wildlife Refuges are intertwined, with an entire model of species conservation and management emerging from regulated hunting and fishing with wildlife refuges at its core. National Wildlife Refuges are places where pathbreaking scientific research has taken place that has led to the great breakthroughs of wildlife management: research on the impacts of lead shot and its replacement by steel shot, the effects of DDT and its subsequent ban, and of course the impacts of harvest on fish and game populations. I know; refuge names were etched into my adolescent vocabulary as my father’s research sites. Patuxent. Missisquoi. Moosehorn. National Wildlife Refuges are secular shrines to wildlife science and scientific management. Do politics and consensus play a role in their management? Certainly, but the National Wildlife Refuges and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are built on the bulwark of the science of wildlife and fisheries sciences.
The armed takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is, therefore, not just an attack on a federal property. It cuts deeper than that. It is an attack on the modern science-based approach to land management and it is an attack on the value and worth of science and scientists in the United States. This should not come as a surprise. The armed occupiers are extremist Mormons — one of them identified himself as “Captain Moroni” (a figure from the Book of Mormon) and Ammon Bundy describes his actions as the result of consultation with “the Lord.” The occupiers are photographed kneeling in prayer at the refuge. In Linda Sue Beck’s office. Attacks on science from those with extremist religious views are now an unfortunate part of the American political landscape.
Swirling around the Bundys is a maelstrom of conservative malcontents that trace their roots back to the “wise use” movement of the 1980s with its decidedly anti-intellectual and anti-scientific take on the management of public lands. Set aside the ownership of the land — Bundy and the self-styled “patriot” militias of the West fundamentally question the scientific basis for land management.
Unfortunately, the ill-informed reporters sent to cover the slow-motion catastrophe in Oregon fall into the rhetorical trap of the Bundys and their anti-scientific talk-radio enablers. When the occupiers blithely talk of putting the land “to use” again (as if scientific research, recreation, hunting, fishing, education, and all manner of public access were not “use”), the CNN reporter mindlessly repeats the trope, implying that the occupiers have a legitimate demand in wanting to work the land, as if it were some sort of de Tocquevillian tragedy that one of the most productive migratory bird stopover sites on the Pacific flyway was not being overrun with cattle by the ranchers from Utah. No, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge does not need to be worked, and CNN should have reporters that know better than to take the claim at face value.
So I stand with Linda Sue Beck and all of the federal scientists who serve to research, protect, and manage our federal lands. I stand with the scientists, who are under siege, by anti-intellectual know-nothings in the halls of Congress, by vapid inciters on talk radio, and now by armed religious extremists in their very offices. It is time for America to stand up as well.
Travis Longcore, Ph.D.
January 9, 2016
john hansen
Jan 15, 2016 - 10:02pm PT
Very well said Travis.
It is an invaluable resource that should be saved for all time.
Jan 15, 2016 - 10:09pm PT
I stand with Sue and Travis.
Thank you
Jan 15, 2016 - 10:13pm PT
Jan 15, 2016 - 11:25pm PT
Going for the wall of text title?
Mountain climber
the ANTI-fresno
Jan 16, 2016 - 06:47am PT
I ate steak last night.
state of being
Jan 16, 2016 - 06:47am PT
No wall of text, those are well constructed paragraphs, which makes reading easier. Take note madbolter.
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jan 16, 2016 - 06:54am PT
The right of the people, to "well regulated" paragraphs, being essential to the understanding of freedom, shall not be infringed upon.
Survival's new 2nd amendment!!
Jan 16, 2016 - 06:57am PT
wot, Wot, WOT!
Flip Flop
Earth Planet, Universe
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:02am PT
I've been occupying the camp IV bathroom since last Sunday. I've got 6 alpacas ranging by the Columbia Boulder and a retarded sheep that stays in my cot. I'm not leaving until Hee-Haw is back on Prime Time TeeVee.
Roll Tide!
P.s. Please send snacks
Boulder, CO
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:18am PT
The FBI does not want another Ruby Ridge, that's why I think it up to the birders. :)
Brass Nuts - git yer lens!
Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:20am PT
Every time they use any of the government property at the refuge they open themselves to what must be a mounting list of unauthorized use charges. And even just powering up the refuge's computers would be a serious mistake let alone using them - that opens them up to all kinds of additional computer-related charges. And that's the passive stuff; destroy a fence, build an unauthorized road, deface a truck, then ho man, you just open yourselves up to all kinds of serious federal charges. This clearly isn't the brightest bunch ever assembled.
Sport climber
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:32am PT
The zealot may be outwardly motivated by the anticipation of a great reward at the other end -- wealth, fame, eternal salvation -- but the real recompense is probably the obsession itself.... Thanks to his (or her) infatuation, existence overflows with purpose. Ambiguity vanishes from the fanatic's world view, a narcissistic sense of self-assurance displaces all doubt. A delicious rage quickens his pulse, fueled by the sins and shortcomings of lesser mortals, who are soiling the world wherever he looks. His perspective narrows until the last remnants of proportion are shed from his life. Through immoderation, he experiences something akin to rapture....
-from Krakauer's book Under The Banner of Heaven
Jan 16, 2016 - 07:43am PT
thats pretty good writing
Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
Jan 16, 2016 - 09:16am PT
Shared from a friend. The man is a bit frustrated and angry sounding, but states his case clearly and articulately as to why the occupiers in Oregon are wrong. This is probably the best representation of my thoughts on the matter. It's well worth the read even if you don't agree with everything in it.
Twenty years after the Revolutionary War, malcontents on the Western Frontier, those who benefited from the newly formed United States but who didn’t want to contribute to the maintenance of civilization, rose in sedition. Farmers long accustomed to doing whatever they wanted without regard for their fellows or the rule of law declared themselves exempt from government – just as those currently occupying Malheur do today. President George Washington sent an army of 13,000 trained militiamen into Western Pennsylvania and Kentucky to explain to those insurrectionists the error of their ways. The Whiskey Insurrection (more commonly called the Whiskey Rebellion) collapsed in short order – and those vowing to overthrow the United States government and shoot down their fellow Americans fled.
And that, my shiny electronic friends is the answer to the question. That was the only time the militia stood in defense of the United States.
Ironic, no?
The Founders very clearly never intended for Americans to shoot down their own government or turn arms on their fellow citizens. And George Washington himself was willing to send the militia to enforce government authority on the land. Unless you are now going to tell me how George Washington was unamerican and ignorant of the Constitution?
Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Jan 16, 2016 - 09:56am PT
Survival! Thanks for the link. It provides a very interesting condemnation of the buffoons occupying the Wildlife Refuge.
Here's some more from the article you linked to:
These are not patriots.
They do not believe in democracy.
They do not believe in the republic.
They do not stand with the rest of us against the fall of night.
They believe in guns and violence and brutality. They are a howling mob and nothing more.
These are nothing less than self-declared enemy combatants who intend violent overthrow of the United States government. They fully intend to impose their idea of America, their idea of who is and is not an American, their idea of religion and race and sexuality, their idea of freedom and liberty and happiness, on the rest of us by force of arms or gun us down in cold blood if we will not submit.
They intend civil war.
state of being
Jan 16, 2016 - 10:41am PT
Pate Santilli to FBI: We will surround you with unarmed people and we will crush you with constitutionality....fear and intimidation upon this community is intolerable.
But first we'll take and occupy a bird refuge with our guns.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Trad climber
electric lady land
Jan 16, 2016 - 10:55am PT
Frikkken whitey
sound skeert.
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