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Went past Camp VI the other day at 4:00 in the morning after a long day in the mountains, (made the HD/Nose link-up with 10min to spare!) and I was shocked to see how far down Jesse and Sam were able to get it with some improvised tools. From years past when I tried to haul stuff out of there I know that it's gruesome work, those bottles have decades old urine in them and can spill at any moment. (Actually, one did in our brand new haulbag).
It still smells pretty gnarly, so I can't wait to get back up and get the rest cleaned out. When it's finally done I think I'll spend a victory week camping there.
Yosemite Climbing Ranger
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Maybe there's some stuff that could be poured into the crack, that would cause the organic things to break down? The sort of stuff that organic gardeners and composters use? It probably depends on a fairly damp environment, but that seems likely.
Social climber
Clint on the thread linked above says:
I like the cap/seal idea to keep the crack from refilling with trash/feces. Maybe some 2' sections of 6" or so diameter logs could be used to make the cap/seal instead of cement or foam. Trim to fit with a saw and hammer into place! They will rot and get smaller over years, but then hammer deeper to retighten; add a new layer on top eventually.
why not?
State of Mine
tony bird,
you are an as#@&%e.
and a effin looser.
jesse does something good and you sh#t on the parade?
you are one effed up individual and you dont deserve sh#t. yeah, looser.
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
i don't think jesse has bothered to answer the issue i raised, hawkeye. he did provide an informational link on the other thread, but it led to nowhere.
i guess i've challenged jesse to be a little more than just mr. nice guy. real public relations steps up to the plate when the going gets rough and makes an effort to mediate, in both directions. i suspect jesse's job description probably precludes that. i suspect he's got a boss telling him to back off. i do understand that posting on the internet can get a little ticklish, but on the other hand it's one of the most effective means of communication going.
hawkeye evidently has gotten it in for me bigtime. gotta tell ya, bud, i'm an old guy with a thick skin. i don't go looking for fights without a reason. tasering is one big reason. it's an instrument of torture and assault, and it can become a dangerous tool in the hands of the wrong kind of LEO. "don't tase me bro" came from the use of a taser to discourage free speech in a public forum. you don't have to like me, hawkeye, but if you're in the least concerned about the direction our country is taking, give this all a second thought.
and since this thread is about the mess at camp 6, why not dig the damn crack out with a long-handled pick, spade and pike and dump it over the side? rake it up, pick it up at the bottom. close the area below for the operation. do it before expected storms, which will wash it clean. don't worry about biohazard. the BLM doesn't issue biohazard warnings when we camp among its cowpies.
State of Mine
rox and tony make good company. brains like cowpies.
throwing sh#t off of el cap from C6 would simply end up in more cracks. tony you are an idiot. if you havent been there then STFU you bone headed looser.
and rokjox, there aint no wolves involved so see if your unemployment check is in the mail for the month....
nobody knows the facts about someone being tased but guess what, break the law and the man is there.....
Jim Henson's Basement
Ugh! That's just nasty. Humans can be such pigs. I'm with Tami on this one.
I'm just posting a personal thank you to Jessee and the other housekeepers. You guys are saints.
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
jesse's supposedly a liaison to the climbing community, coz. tell me why he shouldn't get involved. he saw fit to provide a link to information which didn't exist at one point. why shouldn't he follow up on it?
are people to look forward to general taserings for every little misdemeanor in the park? are there serious dangers to the public from BASE jumping? did ammon mcneely's behavior warrant this response? these are normal questions the public is due in an event like this. the NPS's silence implies that perhaps their position isn't as defensible as it ought to be. will the courts get it all done properly? in most cases, it's all decided long before it gets to court. squawk now or forever hold your peace.
i don't climb the big walls and i don't know the logistics of cleaning up that crack. but it does seem like it shouldn't be that hard, given some of the resources available. put it in a big bag if it's not practical to go over the side with it. hang it there until the next available helicopter, whatever. i still say climbers ought to clean up after themselves. this isn't the rangers' job. what better project for the facelift?
but here's one for all you folks. public servants are paid for out of our tax dollar. it begins and ends with you and me. they are accountable to you and me. we don't have to genuflect in order to talk to them. and a good one will speak plainly and equably.
State of Mine
sorry, but you are not my type. furthermore, you are a societal leach and i don't want to be leached on ....understand?
you and tonyB set the gold std for f*#ked up individuals. go start a thread on UFO's or somehting useful....
Ice climber
Ashland, Or
A sign might be good. Foam or anything else to cover the crack is kind of a silly idea.
State of Mine
public servants answer to their boss first and foremost. with an ongoing litigation jesse cannot say anything cuz idiots like yourself will the take it as gospel. you idiot.
State of Mine
lambone, a sign? really? like DONT SH#T HERE?!?
Mighty Hiker
Vancouver, B.C.
Maybe there's some sort of indigenous bug, that likes to eat human faeces and such? Some kind of dung beetle? The kind that can survive rough weather and conditions. If they did a really good job, perhaps they'd die out, but occasionally have to be reintroduced. Or maybe a relic population would survive, to explode whenever manna descended upon them from the heavens, in their stygian recesses.
But some composting enzyme would be OK, too.
Clint Cummins
Trad climber
SF Bay area, CA
Threads are sort of like Camp VI - there are always a few who will dump there, because it's free and satisfies their urge at the moment.
The result is sometimes something that stinks, is ugly, etc.
But if you're lucky you don't have to stay long - just get what you want from the thread/climb and don't pay attention to the ugly bits! :-)
Karl Baba
Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Thanks for the hard work, Rescue and Clean-up Jesse
Tony wrote
"jesse's supposedly a liaison to the climbing community, coz. tell me why he shouldn't get involved. he saw fit to provide a link to information which didn't exist at one point. why shouldn't he follow up on it?"
No Ranger is going to make specific comments about a specific pending case BTW. get real, even if he wanted to it would threaten his job. That's going to have to be worked out in the courts whether we like it or not. Leave Jesse out of it since he has no say, no control, and no ability to reveal anything
Tony Bird
Northridge, CA
fyi, i was leaving this thread alone, but hawkeye came along with his tantrum.
you're right about answering to the boss first, though, hawkeye. the big problem is that the bosses are no longer accountable to the public.
i will agree with jesse on one thing: let's clean it out and keep it natural. and i'd love to see the sign tami would come up with.
karl, i can't agree with you. jesse is not just a ranger on the range, he has a specific role with the climbing community. i'm suggesting that that role should include normal public relations, and that would include being a spokesperson when something controversial comes up. as i said before, the NPS's silence about this does not make them look good. lots of comments get made on high profile cases while they are pending. lawyers on both sides know the value of posturing at that time.
State of Mine
no tantrum here tony, go start a thread on UFO's or other highly useful stuff then you and the klimmers and RJs of the world can unite...
BTW, have you ever even been to C6 tony? you are one ignorant individual....
Social climber
Bouncy Tiggerville
Thanks for the follow-up pictures, Jesse! That rope looks naaaasty!
Above and beyond the call of duty, for sure! See you at Facelift!
Erik Wolfe
Social climber
I vote you stuff Tony down the hole. It's natural and it biodegrades. Win-win for ST and El Cap.
State of Mine
as someone who started climbing bigwalls in the late 70's, i always hated the thought that you worked so hard to get to a place that smelled like sh#t. because of that most of my big walling was done in locations that were less popular. they are still out there. if you are going to climb el cap then do so with respect for others.....
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