1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Oct 20, 2011 - 04:55pm PT
I just finished reading the book High Country by Nevada Barr and hadn't even known it was loosely based on the crash in Yosemite when I took it out of the library. I decided to Google the plane crash to see what came up and I came upon this forum and figured I'd add what I could remember.
I was living and working in Yosemite in early spring 1977, staying in a tent cabin, working in the Lodge as a maid. I had hitchhiked there with a friend, and was there maybe 4 months. I climbed or skied on my days off and the story was spreading around the place, pretty quietly at first, about the plane and how if you wanted to get involved you'd have to get up the trail as soon as it was passable. The story going around of how the crash happened was that the weather was bad and the plane iced up. People were just waiting for the first thaw and everybody figured that the Feds would be coming up as soon as word got out that it had thawed. My friend told me he was going on his day off but I was kinda creeped out, especially the idea of the dead pilot. He went up and came back down with his backpack full, and said it was pretty crazy up there, everybody trying to pack out more than they could carry, even one guy searching the pilot's body and taking his wallet. My friend left the next morning, hitching out of the park. A lot of Curry Co employees left at the same time. I seem to remember the Feds arriving a few days later.

Social climber
Oct 23, 2011 - 06:12pm PT
As much as I'd like to read Licky's book, I'm not sure how it could be more entertaining than this thread.
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Oct 23, 2011 - 06:13pm PT
Just in time for Hallowe'en, the thread rises from the undead.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 16, 2011 - 10:53pm PT
I am looking into a story about people that checked into the infirmary in the Park for breathing problems due to smoking the dope. Anyone have first hand experience with this? Again, I'm looking for those that went to see the doc for this.

Trad climber
The Illuminati -- S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Division
Nov 17, 2011 - 12:14am PT
6 1/2 years already.

I'm glad you aren't trying to write about something more complex like this:


Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Nov 17, 2011 - 12:44am PT

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Nov 18, 2011 - 01:30am PT
I know its tough to read my post in it's entirety, but I'm looking for those that actually checked into the infirmary, not those that claim to have raspy lungs from smoking the weed

Sport climber
general delivery
Nov 28, 2011 - 12:32am PT
Any dweeb dumb enough to actually smoke plane pot (when there was good untainted gold Columbian and thai sticks readily available at reasonable prices) was too stupid to find the clinic. Timidity, did you really enjoy that crap? Or, did being a boystown “newbie” render you untrustworthy to local dealers? You should have come up to the terrace and tried some good stuff – or did your newbie status make you unattractive to the friendly working girls of curry village? Maybe you didn't have enough "flare", or the girls didn't want to smoke your joints that burned with "flair-ups."
This thread is boring because most of the posts are from duds who are interested in minutiae about things like what color some shrapnel from the plane was. You actually think anyone would ”claim” to have been so stupid as to rasp their lungs if it wasn’t true? The more you write the lamer you sound, can't wait for the "book" - which I'm certain will sound like it was written by someone greatly unfamiliar with life in the Valley. You don’t know who or what to believe, so shyt or get off the toilet already, Lickme. Publish or perish, as they say.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 3, 2011 - 10:53pm PT
Ah sidmo...Considering all of your Super Taco posts are all to this thread, spoken with true thought before the post...thanks

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 4, 2011 - 01:19am PT
yeah we had tacos today and they were super - meanwhile, your book ain't finished and the sun sets in the west and so what the phuck does it matter? you got nothing but boring details and anecdotes you don't know what to do with and the inability to spin a tale add to all that a ticking clock/calendar - ever work on a deadline? yeah, i didn't think so
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Dec 4, 2011 - 03:58am PT
You should have come up to the terrace ...
Jogged my memory that I once walked into the girls restroom there to post on the board that I needed a ride to Fresno. Got vibed, and left.

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 4, 2011 - 08:36pm PT
sorry to hear that b-tech - getting badvibed is a bummer, but you should have tried again - most of the terrace gals were pretty cool, even the ones that weren't pretty -and there were often rides to fresno available, as there was shopping there - even hippie mountain girls liked to hit stores outside the park - they often cooked and fed climbers - we may have been wimpy friction climbers fresh off the apron but we ate well, and NEVER scrounged off trays in curry caf - living as a park bum in curry village was luxurious compared to the the denizen lifestyle around the lodge and c-4 - of course, that changed a lot after the plane, as we started eating at the ahwahnee and paying for at least some of the tabs there - lickme doesn't think our post-plane lifestyle metamorphosis is relevant, and i suppose it isn't if you're writing a story about nuts and bolts on a damn flying machine - all that crap bores me and i even used to be a pilot before moving to yose - lickme hasn't got a clue, but he's arrogant about his ignorance - oh well, the book might have been fun to read, but we'll all be dead or blind by the time he gets done with his masterpiece

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 5, 2011 - 12:11am PT
Sidmo, check your male

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 5, 2011 - 04:52pm PT
it's hangin' low lickme - worked fine last nite - if you meant mail, nuthin' there from you - and that suits me fine - anything you want to say to me you can do it right here - if it's something subjective, i don't care what you think no more than you care what's on my mind - it's one thing to be a journalist gathering info about something you know little about and something quite different to disrespect your sources - if you don't dig what you dig up just ignore it dude, don't dis it or the source - as much as this may hurt, the truth is you just don't get it and never will

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Dec 5, 2011 - 10:57pm PT
You turned your member to member mail off.

To refresh your memory
"That was a bad time in my life. When I'm drunk & I start going back in my memory to those days I will usually end up with a melt down.
So lets get this over with right now. I will stop clicking on your stupid thread and posting sh#t & you stop sending me threatening emails @ 1 am."

Since you can't read email, I'll post what I did. Guess you can't live up to your word

Drunks are tedious, especially when they bark

Trad climber
Nevada City, CA
Dec 5, 2011 - 11:41pm PT
48 posts by sidmo. 46 of them dogging this topic. sidmo really has a problem with this thread....

Sport climber
general delivery
Dec 5, 2011 - 11:54pm PT
oh licker, don’t believe every email you read on the worldly wizened web - that was soooo back when i had you pegged for a federale – i’ve since realized that even the guv’ment wouldn’t waste resources on you, even if the s.o.l. hadn’t done already expired on whatever we may or may not have done did – will this be an e-book lucky? there may not be paperbacks being printed by the time you git er’ done did - or trees to print ‘em on – i sure get a kick out of rattling your cage, gonna miss the fun if you go to print - but seriously folks, does anyone still got anything left to contribute? why not declare victory lackey, and print what you got? maybe you need a publisher, or better yet, did you blow the advance money and later realize writing is harder than posting? now if you please, ‘scuse me while i go get drunker – you know how it is for old rockheads like me, we just can’t keep off the juice - must be why you find us so frustratingly fascinating slickey – or is it fascinatingly frustrating? i’m so drunk already i gets confused easily – or is it easily confused? i just wonder what this thread is sewing up - maybe a dragnet perhaps?

Dec 6, 2011 - 11:21am PT
Listen here Rick Schloss,
That email that you posted above was from me, Roy Wonder, aka punk roy, and I don't like it ONE bit that you posted it here. It was a private email only for you.
You friggin drunk or somthin?
Now this morning I see you have sent me another threatening email saying I didn't live up to my word. I'll tell you right now in front of everyone that I have keep my word but you didn't as you have confused me with this person sidmo and now are posting private emails on a public forum. You don't have the right to do that!
If I came up with the same conclusions as this sidmo it doesn't mean that I and him are the same person. After your first threatening email you sent me I did a search of you Rick and I didn't like the stuff I found ONE bit. It went down a deep dark rabbit hole and I want to stay as far away from you and your friends as I can.
But if you send me ONE more threatening email or any emails I WILL report you for stalking.
Enough said.

Haven't been to supertopo for quite awhile. How is everyone? Anything good going on? I see there is a tread with no book.

Cheers Roy Wonder


A long way from where I started
Dec 6, 2011 - 12:20pm PT
Haven't been to supertopo for quite awhile. How is everyone? Anything good going on? I see there is a tread with no book.

Cheers Roy Wonder

Hi Roy. We were thinking about you recently. We just moved to West Seattle and there's a big skate park (on Delrigge) a couple of blocks below our new place. Is that some of your work?


Dec 6, 2011 - 01:11pm PT
Gee, didn't think anyone cared. Thanks, every thing's going ok.

Hey Kat, hope your doing ok these days. Marginal is out of control. So much new work I can't keep up with the youngsters.

Yeah Ghost. Delridge is the new and best park in the PNW. Didn't get to work on it, they brought the big boys up from Dreamland for this one. Red Scott & Swim. Shoot me and email and we'll go skate. I can take you to the west side bowl if you never been there.
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