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Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:30am PT

Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:34am PT

Trad climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:50am PT
Here's a timeline re: Christine Basely Ford's sexual allegations against Judge Kavanaugh:

1982 - Something may or may not have happened with another 2 (or 4) teenagers at a party, she cannot remember who threw the party, where the party was held, who she was with or how she got home. She was drinking and said nothing to anyone.
July 25, 2003: President George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit... She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate... She said nothing.
June 1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy... She said nothing.
2012... She remembered 'something' happened in 1982, still said nothing to authorities.
2017 - becomes an anti-trump activist.
2018 - now 36 years later, with Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation looming, she pens an anonymous letter with grave accusations against Kavanaugh regarding foggy circumstance that occurred while they were both minors, then reveals herself and DEMANDS an FBI investigation before testifying to her incredible allegations.


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 23, 2018 - 08:57am PT
Unbelievable similar to all the catholic boys coming forward 30 years later about being molested...Odd that their molesters are being prosecuted 30 years later...? The Republican message here is women don't matter...

Trad climber
South Pasadena, CA
Sep 23, 2018 - 09:31am PT
EdwardT, try for a moment to step outside of your perspective and consider for a moment what it would be like to be that woman:

1. Like a huge number of women, she was traumatized by a guy overpowering her for a sexual advance. She was relatively a lucky one.

2. She gets on with her life.

3. Like most Americans, she has no clue what judges are nominated for appeals court. Can you name one?

4. The Kavanaugh name is in national news, and she goes “holy shizzle that A-hole!”

There is nothing unusual seeming to me about this progression, certainly nothing that would undermine her claims. That said, like everybody else, I’ve got no way of knowing what is true or not. A proper investigation would seem to be merited.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 10:22am PT
Republican polititcians and their bootlicking media lapdogs (or vice versa, if you like) decry obstructionist tactics only when they are used against their interests. When they are out of power, that is the first tactic in their arsenal. This is politics as usual, snafu.

If Kavanaugh goes down because of Ford, the only reason is because he lied, was poorly vetted, the GOP did a shitty job of working the politics in getting him in, or all of the above.

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Sep 23, 2018 - 11:51am PT
Uh oh, now the shit's really going to hit the fan!!!! From The Onion:
WASHINGTON—Baffled as to how the potentially disastrous mistake could have gone unnoticed for so many years, White House sources confirmed Friday that roughly 417,225 hours of private presidential conversations were discovered immaculately preserved due to the fact that no one remembered to turn off Richard Nixon’s tape recorder. “Uh oh—it turns out that every single word that has been uttered in the Oval Office since the early 1970s has been perfectly recorded on this hidden device. This could be pretty bad,” said a Trump administration official who wished to remain anonymous, revealing that aides had stumbled upon the tapes earlier this week and, after discovering they contained thousands of clearly recorded conversations over the course of the Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump presidencies, had been unsure how to proceed in handling a find of such magnitude. “I’m not sure the American public could handle some of the information these tapes contain. There’s key information that could clarify the Iran–Contra scandal, countless conversations about the war in Iraq—there’s even a meeting where George W. Bush and Dick Cheney discuss 9/11 almost a month before it happened. This is going to have huge repercussions.” At press time, sources reported that the panicked aides had, in a botched attempt to delete the recording, accidentally begun to play on a loop the audio of a 1981 Oval Office meeting in which Vice President George H.W. Bush hires John Hinckley Jr. to assassinate president Ronald Reagan.

Trad climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 12:25pm PT

Sep 23, 2018 - 11:53am PT
I'm certain that I'd get along fine with these guys in real life.

And there you have it: "I'll tolerate white racists cause 'dem just good 'ol boys?"

F*#k them. They are both reactionary racists and no, I don't get along with that type in real life and won't even play nice. Call them out. Playing nice just enables them.

I have moral principles you see and ignorant racists aren't my friends.

kingtut - leftwing equivalent of Trump loving deplorable


To all the liberal posters calling for civility, thank you.

The Granite State.
Sep 23, 2018 - 12:37pm PT
Hey Tom, did you go to a private school? Just want to clear things up.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 12:55pm PT
When you see everything in life through a partisan prism, you are going to get mighty wound up over opposing views...and miss out on some surprisingly positive things about other human beings.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Sep 23, 2018 - 01:16pm PT
Yeah, Larry, you really don’t get it. To play in the StuporTopo sandbox you have to pass
the StuporTopo litmus test which is either positive or negative - no grey area about anything!
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 01:17pm PT
Well, I don't doubt you perceive them that way and I don't doubt you believe democrats are the path to...whatever

I like to dwell on what a wise person once said:
I never met a thankful person who was bitter, and I never met a bitter person who was thankful.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 23, 2018 - 01:23pm PT
“To play in the StuporTopo sandbox you have to pass
the StuporTopo litmus test which is either positive or negative - no grey area about anything!”

+1 !

Boulder climber
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 23, 2018 - 01:25pm PT
Kingnut-I have moral principles you see and ignorant racists aren't my friends.
I have Born Again Christians in my extended family and hard working Trumpian employees- I talk about the weather mostly by choice. That's my form of getting along and we remain friends. Who's to say a few will recognize they were lied to and may become a political ally at some point.

Anyways, most of these guys tend react to socio-economic conditions like a mushroom reacts to the weather. Do you really believe you can convince them of high flying beliefs like secularism, Humanism and Social Democracy?


Ice climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 01:25pm PT
2012... She remembered 'something' happened in 1982, still said nothing to authorities.

I've read that she was in therapy in 2012 and remembered a painful incident from the past.

She has taken and passed a lie detector test.

The Kav timeline

Black out alchohol drinker in high school

No lie detector test

He may in fact not remember what he did. Something that happens with alchohol abusers.

In Maryland, a juvenile can be, actually must be, charged as an adult in the first instance (that is original jurisdiction vests with the Circuit Court) if the child is charged with any of the following crimes:
Second degree murder, second or third degree sex offenses, second or third degree rape, most handgun charges, armed robbery, kidnapping, involuntary manslaughter, carjacking, first degree assault, attempted murder, robbery or rape or any other felony if the juvenile has been previously adjudicated as an adult.

Many people consider attempted rape a far more serious transgression than smoking pot.

Under enormous pressure from Administration officials and his own conservative supporters on Capitol Hill, Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg today asked President Reagan to withdraw his nomination to the Supreme Court.

The judge announced his decision only nine days after he was chosen to fill the seat vacated by the retirement of Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr. He acted after disclosures about his personal and ethical conduct stirred a storm of criticism.

The disclosures, which culminated Thursday with Judge Ginsburg's admission that he had smoked marijuana several times, embarrassed Mr. Reagan, who had called his confirmation ''vitally important to the fight against crime.'' Judge Ginsburg's Statement
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:05pm PT
Those are some very good and high flying beliefs. I would add limited and decentralized government. Use the 50 laboratories of democracy to see what works and what doesn't.

Washington DC is the psychopathic center of the US...scientifically proven.
7 of the 10 wealthiest counties in the US are DC suburbs...what is their industry?
Most congress critters have gotten wealthy off of their insider knowledge...look at the occupations of their spouses.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:21pm PT
Hey Tom, did you go to a private school? Just want to clear things up.

No. Public schools in California, including Cal Poly, SLO. High school class was about 40 students.

If anybody in my high school had done what Kavanaugh did at that party, they would have been severely beaten. There would have been no "Atta Boy" cheering. Retribution and public vilification would have been swift. It would have been huge news throughout the town, and that guy would have been banned from sports, clubs and events.

The students were mostly conservatives, and some would bring loaded firearms to school on racks at the back windows of their pickup trucks. They would sometimes hang misbehavers, by the feet, at the "Silleman Tree" down in the creek, but nobody got hurt, except for Lenny when they lowered him too fast, and he hurt his arm. Lenny was one of them, and he was laughing while they were stringing him up.


The Wastelands
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:26pm PT
One way for Kavanaugh to handle the accusations against him would be to admit some boorish behavior decades ago, and then use the rest of his life as an example to prove that he has risen above the toxic sexism and misogyny of his youth.

This, of course, runs counter to President Trump’s advice, as recounted in Bob Woodward’s book “Fear,” about how to deal with such allegations. “You’ve got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women,” he is quoted as telling a friend. “If you admit to anything and any culpability, then you’re dead.”

Trad climber
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:47pm PT

Jingus Newroutaineer

Sep 23, 2018 - 01:01pm PT
You don't get it dude.

My fundamental criteria for a good human being is renouncing racism.

EdwardT has posted numerous racist statements and memes.

You're full of sh#t.

I posted an offensive meme about Obama several months back. It was done to contrast the open season policy regarding Trump. It was over the line. I got a 30 day time out.

A few weeks ago, I posted another unflattering Obama meme. Several people called it racist, so I removed it and apologized. I asked how it was racist. Some gave earnest responses, but no one actually explained how it was racist.

You'll have to look hard and use your dog-whistle snowflake sensitivities to find racism in my posts.

On the flip side, a brief sampling of your posts clearly shows you're a narrow-minded intolerant bigot. A self-righteous d#@&%ebag.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Sep 23, 2018 - 02:56pm PT
Edward T, for someone who has read extensively on the French Revolution the comrades’ rantings here are indistinguishable from the rantings of Danton, Marat, and Robespierre, other than being in English, of a sort. Of course Marat expressed himself much more eloquently in English than most of our comrades. And don’t they just long to pull the corde of a guillotine!
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