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Ice climber
Sep 21, 2018 - 07:23pm PT

But who is the guy with the Donut Trup doll still in the wrapper

And once identified

How much did the pay

I heard they're going for $20,000

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 21, 2018 - 07:28pm PT
Looks like cosmic's life coach...
the Fet

Sep 21, 2018 - 08:26pm PT
The Fet, you have very limited knowledge of the Eastern history.
I agree that nepotism demonstrated by Trump and Clintons is troubling.
However you can't equate them to Stalin and Mao.

There you go, you have no idea what I know but you say I have very limited knowledge. But you’ve shown you don’t even understand what I’m saying.

I wasn’t equating that in fact I said “various degrees of nepotism” not equal. You are the one implying all progressives today want what Stalin and Mao wanted. It seems you are so colored by your experiences you can’t see that runaway liberalism/socialism AND conservatism/capitalism all lead to terrible outcomes.

Ice climber
Sep 21, 2018 - 08:35pm PT
Wishing they could all be

California 💰 Girls

Cody Wilson, founder of the Austin-based, 3D-printed gun design firm Defense Distributed, has been arrested in Taiwan.

Austin police issued an arrest warrant Wednesday on charges that Wilson sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl last month in North Austin. According to the warrant, the teen said she had sex with the 30-year-old, whom she had met on, in exchange for $500.

Authorities said Wilson traveled to Taipei shortly after and missed his flight back home.

Taking bets on his political leanings


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Sep 21, 2018 - 08:53pm PT
Cosmic's the best. I'm going to frame and hang that Las Vegas rally photo.

A GOP Senate nominee said that the Kavavaugh accusation is "absurd" because Kavanaugh was so drunk, he was unable to forcibly remove his victim's clothing and rape her. Because Kavanaugh was unsuccessful, and his victim was able to escape, the nominee said that no crime or injury had occurred.

The nominee's fallacious logic is very similar to the flawed argument that there was no conspiracy with Russians in Trump Tower, because the promised "dirt" on Hillary was not forthcoming from the Russians at the promised time and place.

The North Dakota nominee also falsely claimed that the victim was intoxicated at the time, implying that responsibility for the sexual assault was joint and several (c.f. "mutual combat").

Trump told the Spanish foreign minister he should build a wall across the Sahara Desert, to stop immigrants. Trump then falsely claimed his Mexican wall would be longer.

The Sahara Desert is at least 50% wider than the Mexican border is long.

The foreign minister politely dismissed Trump's suggestion as merely the ravings of an uninformed and delusional lunatic.


Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 21, 2018 - 09:20pm PT

I'm sooo-happy you & Trump are "thick as thieves!"

It must be (for you) the next-best thing to seeing Jesus speak.

If only you were wealthy, Trump could appoint you to a cabinet position, as soon as he fires one of his sycopants.

Did you get your Trump Presidential Advisory Board card yet?

Like mine?


Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 21, 2018 - 09:22pm PT

Democrats' enthusiasm to blunt Trump soars for congressional election: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Friday, September 21, 2018 12:04 a.m. CDT

The Reuters/Ipsos poll has been tracking Americans' interest in voting since 2010 and the polling on voter enthusiasm is built on data spanning 2014 to 2018, including data not readily available elsewhere.
White women Democrats over the age of 60 are leading the way: 74 percent said they are certain to vote on Nov. 6, up 18 percentage points from four years ago.

Among Republicans, 64 percent of older white women expressed certainty to vote, down 4 points from 2014 and a shift in the enthusiasm gap of 22 percentage points.

It is not just older women expressing an eagerness to vote.
The opinion poll, conducted from Aug. 20 to Sept. 16, found that Democrats have the edge in enthusiasm within most major demographic groups: college graduates, people between 18 and 34 years old - the so-called millennial generation - and mid-career adults.

Even among groups often thought to favor U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, like whites without a college degree and avid church goers, those who identify as Democrats are more interested in voting this year, while Republicans are not.


Social climber
my abode
Sep 21, 2018 - 09:48pm PT

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 21, 2018 - 10:15pm PT
Cosmic: I sigh for your outrage & your choice of a President, who doesn't care shist about poor folks like you, except as tools.

However, I won't mention your problems in my next Trump Presidential Advisory board Agenda Survey, since you are obviously going to become a Democratic liberal, after you wake up.

Sep 22, 2018 - 04:48am PT
eakers with Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe
as your bedmates. If you are on the Board you are one of the traitors

^^^Trump derangement syndrome.^^^

Trad climber
Sep 22, 2018 - 05:56am PT
ground chuck

Sep 22, 2018 - 01:01am PT

"A conservative lobbyist friend of Bret Kavanaugh did online searches for Christine Blasey Ford before she was outed as the person who accused Kavanaugh."

"So, in other words, before they knew who was making the accusations, that they knew who would rightfully be making the accusations. Coincidence? I think not.

So he knew her name before it was public. 🤔 so Brett must have given him the name. It is revealing that they would see her as a threat to his confirmation and looking her up is damning. Wow and all these conservative are saying she is lying boy when they went looking seems funny they knew where to start. He knows her and worried what she would say. BOOM. I'm telling you guys every person Trump has hired is either in prison or on their way there.Pretty damning. Bingo. Guilty. Yes he's guilty as charged. Busted. This is BIGLY! "

It's just a coincidence that the search occurred after the Washington Post shared her name with the White House.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Sep 22, 2018 - 07:46am PT
Jody, looks like your boyfriend, ted cruz, might lose his senate seat.

Ice climber
Sep 22, 2018 - 08:50am PT

The internal poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and obtained by Bloomberg Businessweek. It asks registered voters who they support “when the November election is framed by Trump and Pelosi.” Overall, respondents prefer Pelosi-aligned candidates over Trump-aligned candidates by five points, 50% to 45%. Among independents only, California Democrat Pelosi still prevails by a four-point margin. The poll was completed on Sept. 2.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 22, 2018 - 10:37am PT
Cruz will prolly retain his seat, but it's awfully interesting that he's concerned enough about a real challenge to it that he's called GOP fundraisers to assist his campaign, and cozying up to Trump...all to retain a Senate seat in the reddest of red states. This shouldn't be even close for Cruz, but he's actually nervous.

Sep 22, 2018 - 10:45am PT
After this midterm election, are we going to go back and evaluate how true the beliefs we currently have about the results of this midterm election were?

Or if we’re wrong about it, are we just gonna do the same thing we did last election, and not notice that we were wrong, and not try to change our thinking in the future so that we’re not wrong again, and just continue to tell ourselves how right we are and were, even in the face of our failures and our past wrongness?

I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it’s not the latter, either way.

The Wastelands
Sep 22, 2018 - 10:49am PT
wow jody, what a cracker you are

nice pic with Ted!

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 22, 2018 - 10:52am PT
I dunno, Trump, both of those scenarios operate on the assumption of a simply divided electorate that could rationally look at election results and have that affect future campaigns. Today's electorate is so diverse in their values and interests that I think it's pretty hard to get a truly clear retrospective view of an election.

Ice climber
Sep 22, 2018 - 11:10am PT
When the going turns to hypocrits, the hypocrits really get going.

Rafael “Ted” Cruz’s new radio ad attacks Democratic challenger Robert “Beto” O’Rourke for using a nickname.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Sep 22, 2018 - 11:13am PT
Having another major Party (or two) might help candidates 'fit' their constituents a little better?

Mountain climber
Marooned, 855 miles from Tuolumne Meadows
Sep 22, 2018 - 11:18am PT
CRC Public Relations (Swift Boat Veterans) and Whelan admitted that the assault did in fact occur (complete with floor plans, dates, etc.). They bumbled their plan, and now that they openly admitted the assault happened, the focus is on why she didn't report it; or, that it wasn't that bad. Regardless of how "bad" the assault was or why she didn't report it, bit by bit, we are establishing that Trump's nominee lied. Disqualifying.
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