1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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A long way from where I started
May 26, 2011 - 12:17pm PT
It is funny how many people who have never written a book are so expert on doing so as well as taken with the idea that one can just pop one out in a couple of years. HoHoHo!
And I am really mystified, but not surprised any more, at the lack of goodwill.

On the other hand, some of us who actually have written books know that it can be done in less than however many years this one has been going on. Which is not to say that this particular book ought to have been written in a much shorter time span, just saying that it has been going on for a very long time.

As to the lack of goodwill, that's easy: Ask people for help with a project, accept their help, then do not produce the project. People get impatient, and then write snarky comments on internet forums. Maybe they shouldn't get impatient, but they do.

Best way to defuse all that impatience and increase goodwill is to be more forthcoming. Share details. Give back to those who gave to you. Be more open. If all you say is that your project is going to be great, but you never produce the project, or provide any evidence that you are even remotely close to producing it, then pretty soon you might as well call yourself Fattrad and talk about the war that is going to happen "Any day now."

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
May 26, 2011 - 12:29pm PT
How about a brief excerpt of what's been written so far? You know, like when the New York Times Magazine publishes a chapter or two from a forthcoming book?

That'd slay my thirst and shut me up!

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 26, 2011 - 01:43pm PT
Surely you would agree that many great books have taken a long time to see
the light of day and these days it would seem to be even tougher to bring one to fruition.

A long way from where I started
May 26, 2011 - 02:05pm PT
Surely you would agree that many great books have taken a long time to see the light of day and these days it would seem to be even tougher to bring one to fruition.

Definitely. If you look at what I posted, I did not say that this particular book ought to have been written more quickly, just pointed out that many writers are able to produce books in relatively short times.

Who knows? Maybe Licky isn't a professional writer, but someone doing this in his spare time while working at some other job. Maybe he is a writer, but has his hands full with other projects. No idea. I think I first heard from him on the subject about eleven or twelve years ago -- seems like a long time to me, but then it ain't me writing this story, so I can't say whether he's ahead of or behind schedule, or if there even is a schedule.

As to your second thought, that it is tougher to finish a book today than it was in the past, I disagree. Access to information -- both first-person and stored -- is far easier and faster now than it was in the past. Research is easier now, not more difficult.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 26, 2011 - 02:19pm PT
Research, yes, but getting somebody to publish it is more harder, no?

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
May 26, 2011 - 02:19pm PT
finishing a book is one thing. write it, you're done.

now geting the thing published....ho man, whole different kettle of fish.

Social climber
May 26, 2011 - 03:07pm PT
Another puzzle someone has not come forward ‘Too scared syndrome” Come on a least a little hint? Feds most likely, maybe not.


Sport climber
general delivery
May 27, 2011 - 01:27am PT
if and when this thing ever prints and reads, i think we'll need our Encyclopedia of Acronyms to navigate all the fancy bureaucratic sleuthing that Speedy has done on this project - I wonder if he'll add periods after each letter (I.R.S., for example) or just stick with the more colloquial(DEA, NPS, etc.) Like you said, he likely won't have an editor, so the grammatical errors might be as ubiquitous as in a pulp porno novel.

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
May 27, 2011 - 01:38am PT
Whaddya know, the ol Wings Of Grass thread is back.


Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Jun 6, 2011 - 01:08am PT
it is more harder,

Reilly, I'll bet your book would be "more harder" to read than Licky's.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jun 6, 2011 - 01:10am PT
Not for most of the gud ol' USA. I seen how most o' dem talk, ya hear?

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Jun 6, 2011 - 01:22am PT
Ima gunnna have to agree that more of the most yak even better den me.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 7, 2011 - 04:51am PT
Sidmo...you crack me up. Don't kid yourself, you are far from a motivator.

Rok...you have a good grasp on things

Jun 7, 2011 - 05:16am PT

There will never be a book

Jack was drunk that night just like I was except he decided to hike up the trail and I didn’t because I knew I was hosed. The party in question was on the Yosemite Point Buttress not El Cap. They got caught in the dark and wanted off.

He walked off the trail man because he was drunk! Nobody pushed him for crying out loud. It was that stupid dumb ass who wrote that first book Angels of WTF it’s called. He asked me a bunch of questions when he was researching stories for his book. He told me it was going to be semi fiction. He started all those idiotic rumors about Jack. He told me he was going to write it like that.

I can show anyone the exact spot and you’ll see very quickly how someone, not even intoxicated, can easily walk off the trail, what to speak of being hammered. It was night time and late.

All these dumb ass rumors ........

Now f*#k off licky you f*#kin shill. 6 years now bitch. It don't mean sh#t no mo.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 11, 2011 - 02:27am PT
Abenda...never ever let facts get in the way of what you believe. Or as it was once said, "Don't believe everything you think".
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Jun 11, 2011 - 03:00am PT
He started all those idiotic rumors about Jack.
I beg to differ. The "rumors" were in the valley immediately - way before anybody wrote on it.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 12, 2011 - 05:46pm PT
I have interviewed those that were on the rescue team that Dorn was on as well as the Ranger that was in charge of putting the team together. I've also spoken with one of the two that needed the help that night.

I have also been contacted by a guy that claims to have been on the rescue team with Dorn, but his name is not on the report. No one on the team ever heard of him as well as the team leader. His story has changed both times that I have spoken with him. This is typical of the smoke that is blown about this event.

Dorn was selected for the team at around 2 am, woke from his sleep and asked if he would like to help out on a rescue?

When asked if the team leader smelled alcohol on Dorn's breath, the answer was "No and if I had I wouldn't have selected him".

Dorn wore a headlight that kept his hands free, but he did not wear a baseball cap that kept the rain off of his glasses.

Toxicology report shows that there was no alcohol or any other drug in his system.

Tami..."well respected sources don't always have the facts"
Steve in Tahoe

Social climber
Lake Tahoe, NV
Jul 24, 2011 - 09:28pm PT
I was up at the lake last weekend. Pretty emotional trip - I hadn't been back since April 1977. I'm not a climber, I was just passing through the park - right time / right place, and all that. Some friends and I quickly verified the rumors we were hearing and hiked in.

FWIW, here's a few memories...

1. We got a backcountry pass listing a fake destination - probably Ottaway or Buena Vista - which we thought might help us out if we were caught on the trail. This actually worked (see below).

2. Glacier Point road was open, probably due to the drought, and we took off from there. Folks hiking out were loaded down with weed, which was a good sign.

3. Lake was pretty torn up when we got there - tons abandoned gear strewn everywhere, lot's of holes in the ice.

4. I distinctly remember somebody going into the cockpit (can't remember if it was scuba or they just jumped in) and coming up with a jacket and wallet. Coins in the jacket were bent from
impact. There was cash, and a key to one of the casinos in Vegas (the guy that got that took off running...for Vegas). The wallet got passed around the circle, and everyone took a souvenir - IIRC I ended up with Glisky's pilots license, since lost to time.

5. We spent 2 nights and a day at the lake - my girlfriend gathered up pound after pound of loose dope on the snow. We were about to quit (somewhat) empty handed and head out the next morning when one of us finally found a bale under the ice. Frantic digging, a communal effort, and we split the bale among maybe 5 or 6 of us. Total take for me maybe 4 or 5 Ks.

5a. Someone ripped off my down parka up there, I'm still a little peeved about that.

6. I distinctly remember being paranoid and in a hurry the whole trip - we were probably a little late to the party, so to speak, and knew this was not going to last.

7. Coming up the trail to Glacier Point, practically within sight of the trailhead and the car, and here comes Yosemite LE - with full packs and armed, either guarding the trail or heading in. It was pretty obvious by our looks where we'd been and what we were doing. I whipped out the bogus trail pass, fired up that silver tongue of mine, and he let us through. In retrospect I think we got some of the very last weed out of there. I'm not sure how people on the trail behind us fared.

8. Spent 3 or for days high up in the rocks behind the Ahwanee drying the pot out. *That* was some drama - think Humphrey Bogart in "Treasure Of Sierra Madre", worrying about getting ripped off, your buddies worried you were going to rip them off...(sigh).

9. Hitchhiked back to Ketchum, where I was living at the time. Probably the stupidest risk of the whole episode - my life would be real different right now if I'd gotten popped on the NV interstate with a backpack full of dope.

Here's a nice pic of the lake. Sure looks different then the last time I saw it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/42507736@N02/5967180349/in/photostream/

I've really enjoyed reading some of the posts here (I'm only up to about #400) - always wondered what the back story was. Licky - is the book still happening? I'd buy it.

Cheers folks,


Mountain climber
Okinawa, Japan
Jul 25, 2011 - 01:56am PT
Interesting account Steve, and thanks for posting the link with a photo of the lake.
I've never been there but now I have an image in my mind to go with the stories.
Steve in Tahoe

Social climber
Lake Tahoe, NV
Jul 25, 2011 - 10:26am PT
couple more pics of whats left of the wreckage: http://stevedunleavy.smugmug.com/Landscapes/Yosemite/13787391_fNKZF#1395801605_HncvX8H

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