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John M
Mar 20, 2018 - 10:06am PT
I've also seen it happen in private industry. People literally paid to just go away. Because lawsuits cost a lot and its not always easy to prove ones case.
the case I mentioned above happened in a conservative state with conservative judges.
I do not support your notion that people should be able to be fired at any time for any reason. That would allow corrupt employers to fire people right before they because vested in a retirement program or right as a person entered the steeper part of the curve of retirement benefits. You would have to change the way retirement programs work.
Trad climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 10:59am PT
Ha, I read Gimp's post somewhat differently.
Seems to me there is a long and sordid history of giving incompetent / corrupt high level gov officials pensions they don't deserve. Glad to see that "tradition" come to end with McCabe.
You might have a point if the Administration clarified they where ending the practice of allowing tarnished employees to stick around for retirement benefits. But no one has implied such a policy.
Also, our President is openly vindictive to anyone who challenges him.
McCabe's firing, two days before turning fifty, was punitive.
Balcarce, Argentina
Mar 20, 2018 - 11:06am PT
The claim in that video that Cambridge Analytica has worked under the radar in elections in Argentina has gotten the local papers asking around to see just what they meant. So far it's not at all clear whether it's true or they just said it because it sounds cool and conspiratorial.
Trad climber
Missoula, MT & "Pourland", OR
Mar 20, 2018 - 11:13am PT
assume when you say BPA you me the whole Dupont bisphenol A fiasco.
No I was not part of that but am still an active witness in two cases so cannot say much more as serfs are punished much differently than "leadership".
Sport climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 12:50pm PT
Facebook has been plunged into crisis over the allegations that Cambridge Analytica misused data from more than 50 million people to help elect Donald Trump. Nearly $40 billion was wiped off Facebook’s market value Monday, an emergency meeting is due to be held Tuesday morning, and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been criticized for remaining silent during what some analysts are describing as a threat to the company’s existence.
Zuckerberg has been summoned to the British parliament to give evidence about the how it handles people’s personal data. The head of a British inquiry into ‘fake news,’ Damian Collins, has accused Facebook of previously ‘misleading’ a parliament committee, adding: “It is now time to hear from a senior Facebook executive with the sufficient authority to give an accurate account of this catastrophic failure of process.”
As anger grew toward Cambridge Analytica on Monday after Britain’s Channel 4 broadcast a report showing company executives boasting about their extreme propaganda strategies, including filming opponents in compromising situations with Ukrainian sex workers, authorities in the U.K. and the U.S. also questioned whether Facebook mishandled the alleged breach and it’s now facing damaging investigations that will further tarnish its brand.
Well, to Hillary it was surely still the Russian, yes, and not to forget Bernie...
Fact is, it was all the time Hillary with a little help from Facebook and their "allies"...
Social climber
An Oil Field
Mar 20, 2018 - 01:26pm PT
That was a terrific OP. There are still a lot of blind Trump supporters out there, though. I had to listen to some the other night. It was surreal.
If it were possible to go back in time, and have Obama do and say the things that Trump has said and done, the country would have gone ballistic a lot sooner.
Obama said: (Insert any common Trump lie)
Obama did: (Any Daily Trump action)
Obama would have lost all support from his own party. The Republicans, with a few exceptions, have become accomplices in this farce, and they are going down in the midterms. It will be bloodshed.
If we learn anything, it should be that any future president should be an accomplished politician. Not a reality TV star. I HATE it when I hear the word "elite." It is a weasel word for mindless automatons. An elite is an accomplished person. An elite climber is appreciated. AM radio has made it sound like a cabal, which it isn't. There is no deep state.
George Will, shortly after Trump's elections, when he was lying about his greatest ever electoral college win and other bald lies, said this:
"The American People decided to treat the Presidency as an entry level political position. This is what they get."
George Will is perhaps the brightest conservative voice.
As for our future, if he manages somehow to fire Mueller, I lean only on hope that the Republican majority will do the right thing instead of being silent accomplices to his daily shenanigans.
Trump's presidency will be a nightmare that this country will not forget for a long time. Now I listen to a guy like Kasich, and wonder why he didn't get the nomination......
I agree that his recent behavior, along with full blast cooperation from Hannity and State TV, have given him a false sense of comfort. If you watch Fox right now, they have been willing accomplices in this from the start. Hannity has been screaming at him to fire Mueller for months now. Half of the right now believe that there was some prescient cabal just waiting to drill Trump if he were elected. People aren't that smart. Hiding a conspiracy in this country is virtually impossible.
The tax bill was not bipartisan. I watched the hearing. Orrin Hatch, the committee chair, was the only Republican in the room while various Democrats offered fairly modest and sensible amendments to the bill. Afterwards, the Republicans all showed up within ten minutes of each other and voted down every amendment, even though they hadn't listened to a single one. Then they claimed that they had had hearings.
Right now, CSPAN is the hottest show on TV.
Sport climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 01:34pm PT
Hiding a conspiracy in this country is virtually impossible.
Another part of the problem is that Trump supporters as most Republicans are willing to accept any conspiracy theory that support the belief they already have. And showing them proof that the theory is wrong will only strengthen their belief in the theory...
Gym climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 01:51pm PT
These are the important things to remember:
economy is doing great,
stock market doing mostly great (yeah a little recent turbulence, but still very good post election),
finally got the North Koreans a little rattled,
some of the stuffed shirts in Washington are getting some well-deserved eye pokes . . .
Yeah Trump comes across as a bit of a goofball, but you can't argue with results.
Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Mar 20, 2018 - 02:14pm PT
You forgot con man, traitor and sexual predator. Goof ball is what a true tRumpy cultist would call it.
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Mar 20, 2018 - 02:37pm PT
....Trump comes across as a bit of a goofball .... A BIT of a goofball? He's an amoral, egocentric, incurious, ethic-less, traitorous orange ass.
Grey Matter
Mar 20, 2018 - 02:46pm PT
Don't forget
Wealth Inequality at an All time High (thank you 25 years of tax cuts for the rich)
Ecosystem Plundering Surging
Corruption by White House at an All time High
Trade War starting on steel & aluminum with backwards penalties for our allies
Avg IQ dropping due to Irrational faux news by trumpeteers
Jon Beck
Trad climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 03:53pm PT
. . . whore chasing, greedy, disgusting little pervert, worst husband, and pathetic dad . . .
other than that he is a great guy
Mar 20, 2018 - 03:58pm PT
He's just front man for all the criminals behind him which you st00pid brainwashed politard loons are clueless to.
Get rid of the frontman and those very same criminals behind him will remain.
They are embedded.
You loons are insanely obsessed with this one guy frontman who's there to take all the heat off the real criminals in your usurped American system ......
Grey Matter
Mar 20, 2018 - 04:24pm PT
We are all well aware of the extent to which big industry bribes government, and how donnytrump is only making that corruption worse.
Cohn, formerly the No. 2 at Goldman Sachs, blamed Congress for Trump's failure, and Fox Business reported that Blackstone, Carlyle, and KKR did funnel "massive amounts of campaign cash into the coffers of Republican leaders in the House and the Senate as these same lawmakers voted for a tax bill that preserves the so-called carried interest loophole." But they also cited people "close to the tax bill process" who said "the White House didn't make ending the loophole a priority," citing "Trump's close relationship with Blackstone chief Steve Schwarzman, a key outside economic adviser."
On Fox Business, Trish Regan slammed Trump and his team for allowing "fat cat private equity investors" to keep lower tax rates "than a New York City cop." America's "founding fathers never, ever anticipated a swamp like the one we have today," she said.
Balcarce, Argentina
Mar 20, 2018 - 04:33pm PT
Most excellent use of adjectives, The Warbler!
Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Mar 20, 2018 - 04:55pm PT
I'll try adverbs to $10, yanqui. Trump is an evil, twisted, self serving, narcissistic, uncaring, serial, bloated lying excuse for a human being. I think I got adverbs right. The verb would be 'lying'.
Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Mar 20, 2018 - 05:45pm PT
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