Sketchy Andy sends the Superbowl


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Trad climber
Feb 6, 2012 - 11:04pm PT
Ummm.....she's playing a PART, Cragman... It's called showmanship, and gathering from the longetivity of her career, the number of her songs hat have been used to sell other products, and the number of fashion trends(like them or not) her style launched, she plays it well. That woman has ALWAYS been a shrewd business-person. And you do realize - she is fifty-three years old, right?

She looks VERY good for her age. Anyone here want to post a pic of themselves at 53 years old to compare?

Feb 6, 2012 - 11:09pm PT
I remember in 1971, ... I think it was Pat Ament who brought the first slack line to Yosemite.

We all goofed off on that thing for years to come.

Give it up Cragman.

Just enjoy the show ....

The Granite State.
Feb 6, 2012 - 11:20pm PT
Madonna looking hot at fifty and a dude in drag offend your sensibilities Dean?


Trad climber
Feb 6, 2012 - 11:21pm PT
Nothing at all wrong with it. My original query was "what does it have to do with climbing", and despite a couple of grasping and pitiful attempts to reply, the answer remains: nothing.

I did go back and read your original post. You are right no one answered you. You started sounding like a jealous noob after that post.

In answer to your original question. Andy is a climber, who has also mastered slack lining to the point that he got into the superbowl 1/2 time show. Pretty climbing related, more than most threads here, and Pretty fuking cool. That is all,


Feb 6, 2012 - 11:46pm PT
Sketchy Andy was sick! I've always loved Madonna. I really think she's a great roll model for young girls. Powerful, talented, comfortable with her sexuality and smart!
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Feb 7, 2012 - 12:03am PT
"roll model"?

Either clever as hell or a happy accident.

Social climber
Feb 7, 2012 - 12:19am PT
hey there say, chris.. thanks for posting this... without all you climbesr, i'd never who this was...

say--i did not see the game or halftime... i did hear all the "half time was even worse this year, type senarios passsed around.. *where-as, i mostly reply as to the banter:
"wow, say, i thought folks claimed it was called the worst ever, LAST year..."

*course, to me--i never know WHAT'S true, as i never see the
game OR halftime... :))

well--i DID want to add this though:

me, i am too much 'old timer' so i'd not actually be captivated by all the new more modern entertainment... some in good taste, of course and some not, etc etc... so not sure what i would have to say as to sketchy andy, and the rest of the show--

but if folks showed what i would like, as to old time talent of a voice to an ol' guitar, and simple back-up, why, folks would get down-right bored, i'd reckon, :))

well--back to what i wanted to say, concerning your friend/aquaintance and/or just well-known climber/slackliner from the old days:

THIS was his open door to an opportunity to do what he loves--and he did it, and did not FALL on his face, by a wrong move, while doing it--tricky as some of it sounded..

well, seems he was known mainly amoung the climbers, slackliners and such, UNTIL NOW... now he is known mainstream...

something that many folks hope for, as to their professions, AND, some see that success and some don't....

even chappy was not known past the climbing community, but now he works for the hollywood film rigging companies, and for the racecars and football games, etc... AND GETS PAID work... (ooops, how could i forget: and him and his group of buddies in this, GOT their ACADAMEY AWARD, in TECH stuff)

*braden and blake, now too, GET to do that work...
very thankful they are...

examples are all over, and through out the world,
as to folks that get an open door, due to another
folks fame, or just the right person to SPOT them...

many old skilled ranch-hands and bronc riders, got open doors into
the movie business, by being STUNTMEN!
and fame was theirs, in various ways that they'd
never dreamed of--some went on to be head-line stars:

talent is everywhere... but not always neeed...

me, i'd like my books to get mainstream:
but SAY,
the gal that wrote the harry potter stuff was on ?welfare they said, and,
someone just 'acccidetly' saw her books and took a chance (think this is how it went)...

pat, has his songs and books...

happy, has her chalkbags...

many climbers here have their guide-skills, and books, and
art, too, and photography... :)

you KNOW folks, it is a thankful thing when one gets their chance to display their work, even if some of us admit it is not our 'cup of tea'...

another example:
lane frost the rodeo cowboy--no one knew of him, outside of rodeo...
some newS-mans was curious what all the 'commotion' was about, after lane died...
due to him being curious and the story that ensued, FROM the rodeo
scene, lane frost is known mainstream from the movie 8 SECONDS... (though his family was disappointed as to how they 'tampered' with parts of his life--his name and legacy lives on: he was a WONDERFUL friend to a whole 'other way of life', a great cowboy, and he loved god, and told folks
about this... his folks have a whole WEB page where they help give various
helps, to others now...
sadly, it was his death, that brought this to light...

your buddy here, had that "spotlight' now...

we best wish him well, and hope this does some wonderful things for him...
or--for work or for whatever his needs are....

the good lord opens these doors, but after that, it is up the individual
what he chooses to do with the 'after math' of these 'open door's...

thanks for sharing this post chris, or i'd not have leared so much about sketchy andy... did see his name mentioned by some of the gang here, on the ol' facebook... so when i saw THIS here, i knew i had to take a peek...

*not sure as to costume bit, but me:
i'd have like to have seen him do it in an ol' humble slack liner, in simple attire, but you see: i am no showman :O

i have done street entertainment, but more on even-keel levels to reach families and children for to make them smile...
not for reaching main-stream flashy-video-loving type folks out there... ;)


Mountain climber
Feb 7, 2012 - 12:23am PT
Holy crap, Andy just made the first page of the NYTimes:

What next??

P.S. What's next for me is getting a toga.

Social climber
Feb 7, 2012 - 12:25am PT
hey there say, wbraun/werner...

as to your quote:

I remember in 1971, ... I think it was Pat Ament who brought the first slack line to Yosemite

say, thanks for the history note... never knew that...

awww, the things we learn at the ol' taco here... :)

*thanks for just being you, pat, and sharing a joy that
you had back then...

*a peter note here, if he shows up:
does braden still do this slacklinging too?


Feb 7, 2012 - 12:33am PT
She's well past her prime, and orchestrates a narcissistic menagerie to pump herself up.


Didn't anyone notice that all the players had a large M emblazoned on their outfits....mostly in the crotch area?

Craggy, that was M.I.A. (the rapper) doing a guest star cameo and wearing an M on her, uh, skirt, so to speak. The M stood for MIA, not Madonna, I'm pretty sure.

It's the super bowl halftime show, it's entertainment, it doesn't have to be deep. It was more entertaining than it usually is, and I enjoyed Andy's bit.

mike m

Trad climber
black hills
Feb 7, 2012 - 12:45am PT
On nightline right now.

Trad climber
Feb 7, 2012 - 02:37am PT
Andy is currently on the front page at
The Sketchy Living t-shirts are done by a friend of a friend, totally legit.

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 7, 2012 - 02:50am PT
"Sketchy Living"

Sounds cool & avant gard. Hopefully it will catch on. I'm sure we will see him in commercials, movies, music videos,Isuppose the sky is the limit. He might score his own reality television gig. It's all good! I hope he finds peace & happiness, love and understanding...but success is not always what it appears to be. Many challenges and dissapointments along the way. I wish him well...

Trad climber
The pitch of Bagalaar above you
Feb 7, 2012 - 03:02am PT

Social climber
Bayfield, CO.
Feb 7, 2012 - 03:19am PT
Not sure if this has been posted yet.

beneath the valley of ultravegans
Feb 7, 2012 - 09:21am PT
To quote Rosanne Barr, "Madonna kicks ass 4 gays kabbalists and Botox".

Trad climber
Feb 7, 2012 - 11:08am PT
I have to say - he is REALLY good at providing the media with soundbites. From the NY Times article:
“The kiss was my idea,” said Lewis, who lives in Moab, Utah, a slacklining haven. “Madonna likes to present her show with some kind of meaning. I wanted the kiss to give me energy to perform tricks. She kissed me every day in rehearsal. I’ve been kissed by Madonna something like 27 times.”
Lewis said his most nervous moment came as he mounted the slackline, telling himself, “If you fall, you won’t die, but you might as well.”

Will it parlay him into commercial/financial success? Looks like it will. And good for him - he doesn't sound like the type who is going to be upping a Dollar a Day Lotto ticket addiction to the Hundreds a Day level, simply because he can. He sounds like a smart dude, who knows when the boat has pulled anchor is is casting off.

Also - I'm glad to know the website sponsoring his likeness is on the up and up. Thanks for posting that.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Feb 7, 2012 - 01:29pm PT
Interesting slacklining article from the NYT, 2006.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 7, 2012 - 02:20pm PT
I think we agree he was rad but seein' as how the Stupor Bowl is billed as
flambly entertainment it didn't seem appropriate for him to kiss somebody
else's grandma on the lips.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Feb 7, 2012 - 02:54pm PT
You've never kissed someone else's Gramma on the lips?

Last month,
Somewhere behind the Zion curtain....
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