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Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 28, 2011 - 08:16pm PT
Fattrad... While I am not a tat fan myself, I am not sure I would say that his tat was stupid to the face of a Korean War, WWII, or Vietnam vet
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Oct 28, 2011 - 10:16pm PT
Dr. F, I agree that life is unfair, and IT IS incredibly f*#ked up that our jobs are getting shipped to China. In fact I was not able to find a job in a hospital after I got my Registered Nurse license because there were simply no real new grad programs. Spots that were opened up for 'new grads' were given to employees of the hospital who wanted to move around, or to other nurses with experience. Go to any nursing home in the Bay Area, 80% of workers are on work visa from Philippins. WTF? We have a crap load of our own nurses who need a job, and we hire from over seas because it is cheaper! THIS IS bullshit!
BUT, if you believe in:
OWS is just getting started
It will grow by the year
Next year there will be millions, and then 10s of millions
and it will keep getting bigger until something happens
...you must have IQ of a lizard. Or maybe you have delusions.
IF it will grow, and there will be a slightest attempt at revolution, we all will get f*#ked in the ass harder than you ever been by your Mexican bf. Guys with $, have the power. They have REAL military under their control. There will be Martial Law, if they have to. Although I do not want it to be true, WE ARE sheep for them.
You really think that artist wanna be will stay there in them streets for months drawing on faces? All these people will go back to their mama's house within a month.
If you are such a supporter get off your ass and go join them mr. Lenin!
Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Oct 28, 2011 - 10:22pm PT
ти молодец, Витя!
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 28, 2011 - 11:26pm PT
I HATE to get political but I am sure the rich cats thought the Vietnam War protesters would go away too.
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Oct 28, 2011 - 11:28pm PT
Ok, let's follow your logic Mr F since I have my head buried in sand. It will grow, there will be millions of people across the streets protesting (draining $ from city budget, taking it away from $ that goes towards feeding homeless, recreational parks/programs for children, schools, etc etc)...But everything must come to a conclusion. So what is the conclusion in your opinion?
choice one
The global elite of the world will drop to their knees, ship their savings and drop them off from a helicopter to a cheering crowd?
choice two
If at any point there will be any real threat of revolution no one will care about your rights (or my rights). There will be real military presence, and the crowds will go home (after they will get the sh#t kicked out of them, or worse).
These crowds WILL go home, because they will cause NO change by staying in the street. If you want change assemble a third party and win an election. Although I doubt it will be the case.
What always intrigued me is that it costs millions of dollars to fund a Presidential campaign, but a President only makes $400,000 annually. Now the only 2 reasons that these politicians would spend this much money just to fund a campaign, in hopes of becoming president are 1) They are incredibly stupid investors or 2) They expect to make a large return on their investment, or at least be fully reimbursed. Sooo lets just assume its #2, my question is, who is putting money in their pockets, what are they telling them to do, and why does regular Joe the voter think that elected officials give a sh#t about them?
Oct 28, 2011 - 11:49pm PT
The global elite will not give anything. It must be taken from them. There are some estimates that they have hidden $20 trillion in non-disclosure banks. The taxes on that money are owed, and this accounts to a massive theft from the treasuries of their resident nations.
Theft. Fraud.
Do you think that the $200 Billion that was stolen from Libya should be returned to the nation? Of course. Well, the same thing has happened to the people of many nations, and we want our money.
We must also change how we go forward from this point. Tax loopholes and massive exemptions for the wealthy must be eliminated. Consolidation of corporate entities in massive oligopolies that function as monopolies must be broken apart. "Economies of scale" my arse. Elimination/reduction of corporate income taxes allows company treasuries to grow, and capital also becomes held within a monopoly.
People have confused "fair" with "treated the same." In fact, fairness means not treated everyone the same. If fairness and equal treatment were the same, then we would not install wheelchair access, have braille books, and so on. Fairness means not treating unequal people equally.
The protestors are not asking for a planned economy state with all treated the same. What they want is the elimination of the policies of the previous 30 years that have allowed a massive concentration of wealth and power.
Oct 28, 2011 - 11:52pm PT
Change NEVER comes from within.
How was slavery abolished?
How did women obtain the vote?
How did segregation become illegal?
What substantial change for the positive came from within the government? None. External pressure and protest are the key. It's one reason why the right to free speech and protest are so essential to democracy, and it's also why powerful factions that benefit from the current wealth-concentrating policies seek to disperse, arrest, and marginalize the protest. They hate the light.
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Oct 29, 2011 - 12:11am PT
Women's rights, slavery etc does not have one thing to do with taking $ from global elite. No one will give it back.
Got to go packing, Charlotte dome is waiting : )
Oct 29, 2011 - 02:54pm PT
You don't think slavery was about economic power? Women were subjugated in order to concentrate wealth and power in less than half of the population. Racism has economic benefits.
For the "1%" it usually boils down to dough.
Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Oct 30, 2011 - 11:03am PT
You all are caught up in a greedy, money hungry, mob mentality. And, it is
very obvious.
And here I thought you guys were trying to tell us that greed for money is good for the country.
And don't try and tell me all those bastards in the 1% "earned" it or are gonna create a bunch of jobs if we leave them alone.
Mountain climber
the ANTI-fresno
Oct 30, 2011 - 11:56am PT
funny, F, I'm not losing any wages because of tax cuts... Can't think of anyone I know that is.
The issue many of us have with the OWS movement is the are asking for things that don't make sense. As Vitality mentioned, one demand has been to wipe out student debt. I'm sorry, but if you signed the loan docs, you should have read them. If you are so edumacated, don't whine to us now about being in debt. Those of us who paid off our own loans, saved and worked through college and got scholarships by working our asses off in high school have no tolerance for this whiny BS.
Yeah, being $25-100k in debt sucks. STFU, go to N. Dakota and get a job in the oilfield. They are hiring. Man the f*#k up. Don't ask us for ANOTHER goddamn bailout. You signed the contract.
Mountain climber
the ANTI-fresno
Oct 30, 2011 - 01:46pm PT
"Demand four: Free college education."
Sounds like a handout to me. In fact, Demands 3,4,6,7 and 11 sound like handouts...
I'm not a fan of the big banks, but no one put a gun to anyone's head to sign the loan contract for their student loan. Every kid who is in that position could have done what the rest of us did and worked during school, gotten scholarships, gotten summer internships, or otherwise done what it takes to minimize the size of the loans coming out of school, then PAY THEM OFF.
Gee, look, jobs:
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 30, 2011 - 01:54pm PT
I gotta run right now but a quick glimpse tells me this thread is back on track!
Somewhere out there
Oct 30, 2011 - 02:33pm PT
DMT has the best collection of heathens located up thread.
What would the world be like under all those beauties control, and not under FOF control?
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Oct 31, 2011 - 02:28pm PT
YOUR F-ing Student Loan wasn't $100,000 at 15% interest either, Whiner
The Banks have screwed the students for the rest of their lifes
They are Debt Slaves now
No one forced them to take this kind of loan or sign the documents. There are good salesmen/saleswomen out there that will sell you a lemon. But it has to be YOUR responsibility to check the details of the loan you are about to sign!
One of the reasons our country is so f*#ked right now is because people live in credit. Especially when they do not have the funds to pay back. Personally, I think living in credit is like being a slave. So I do not purchase anything on my credit card that I can't pay off on the coming bill. I think that is called being responsible, not being a 'fool.' AND I am not Republican or a conservative, FYI. I think both political parties have too many extremes. So do 'liberals' and 'conservatives.' All of these sound 'nuts' to me. Take responsibility, work, climb=nirvana. : )
Trad climber
It ain't El Cap, Oregon
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 31, 2011 - 04:10pm PT
This just in from the protests in Paris!
Trad climber
Bay Area
Oct 31, 2011 - 06:24pm PT
Elan de la française
Vitaliy M.
Mountain climber
San Francisco
Oct 31, 2011 - 06:36pm PT
...of entire industries built on fukking people out of their money.
You just wait Vitaly.... yours is coming soon.
In one of the previous comments of mine I said that my industry is also 'f*#king me' out of money I should have earned. I am not saying it doesn't. I am saying people should take more responsibility when they sign a legal document.
Social climber
Joshua Tree
Oct 31, 2011 - 07:16pm PT
The blonde in that video looks like ScarJo.
As for the student loans...only loan you can't dischage in bankruptcy (only one I know of anyway). Run a big bank or fund, borrow money and bet the farm on euro debt (hello Mr. Corzine) and lose...f*#k it, declare BRupt and walk.
But not student loan debt. No sir. You WILL pay it back or else.
BTW young hothead Vitaloudski...how did you pay for college?
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