Old Camp Four etc. Photos


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Vitaliy M.

Mountain climber
San Francisco
Apr 22, 2011 - 01:55pm PT
Very interesting thread to look over (for a 24 y/o new to climbing guy). Interesting to look at the style of clothes etc that people wore back than. I see people didn't need newest version of Patagonia's breathable lightweight pants to climb, could do just as well in jeans! : )

Was there a bolt ladder to the top of the cross on Mt. Davidson?
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Apr 22, 2011 - 03:28pm PT

Social climber
The other "Magic City on the Plains"
Apr 22, 2011 - 03:36pm PT
How many of you guys played on the "Face First" team?

Trad climber
san Jose, CA
Apr 22, 2011 - 03:36pm PT
Scuffy- That is indeed Phillipe posting about his ground fall. I will let him know you asked about him!
Michael jefferson
scuffy b

dissected alluvial deposits, late Pleistocene
Apr 22, 2011 - 06:02pm PT
That's great, Michael.
He was my first partner, when he was just coming back from his injury.
tom Carter

Social climber
Apr 22, 2011 - 06:48pm PT
I also think I can spot Mark McPherran, Chris Walker, Steve Sutton, Vince Goetz. Chris Falkenstein, Diane (Hitchy's girlfriend), Jerry Anderson, and Tom Morrison.

Werner, where is Luke?

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 22, 2011 - 07:22pm PT
perhaps that pic could make its way to YCA. Better if the "usual suspects" in the pic can be identified.

Trad climber
Santa Barbara, CA
Apr 22, 2011 - 08:09pm PT
Hi Rokjox,

I came from France a few months earlier, and was used to the twin rope belay that was standard practice on hard routes (two 8mil ropes clipped alternatively to reduce rope drag). I also had a tail rope to haul the packs. The Dude was almost certainly belaying in the tail rope. At the top of the arches on the first pitch, I needed a fifi hook to make it to the nice ledge above. Since I did not have the hook, I tried a dyno. With a couple fingers where the hook should have been, I lunged for the nice hold above, but did not quite make it... After the rangers picked me up, they sent me to the hospital in the valley, where the staff decided I was too broken up to be fixed locally. They poured me in a whole body cast, tossed me on the back seat of my friends'car, and ended up somewhat fixed in Santa Barbara. I do not recommend the experience to anyone. Cheers!

Trad climber
Santa Barbara, CA
Apr 23, 2011 - 08:19pm PT
Hi Scuffy b,

I sent you an email for contacts. Hope to hear from you soon.


Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Apr 27, 2011 - 11:04am PT
Just found this gem for a trip to the Valley in '76. I'm pretty sure we were headed up past the falls for some after-dinner tips cracks.

Social climber
flagstaff arizona
Apr 27, 2011 - 11:10am PT
nice rack of hexes there, guys.

Trad climber
Bay Area
Apr 27, 2011 - 12:14pm PT
New ropes
new hexes
new harnesses
new rugby shirt
Were you guys noobs or just emerging yuppies?
(pullin' yer chain)
Great pic. Oh the memories. I'd have fit right into that pic except in '76 I was still using my homemade harness from 1" webbing, complete with leg loops.

ooooohhhh....and a store bought gear sling. You guys were stylin'!!
Mighty Hiker

Vancouver, B.C.
Apr 27, 2011 - 12:17pm PT
Mal, what kind of harnesses/leg loops were you using then?

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 27, 2011 - 02:53pm PT
Hope you had everything tucked away when you loaded that harness...

Trad climber
Boulder, CO
Apr 27, 2011 - 04:14pm PT
I still have that rugby shirt. It's completely swiss-cheesed and tattered at the edges. Problem is is that it shrunk or something. I just can't get in to it anymore.

That was my first harness and was a Clan Roberstson Professional. It was replaced by a tied swami a couple of years later when I got cool.

The other guy in the photo, Dave Bohn, was a pretty consistent partner of mine in the '70's and was the strongest guy I've ever met. He could pinch a ceiling joist and do 5 pullups on it.
Shameless Yahoolihan

Trad climber
west malling, uk
Apr 30, 2011 - 12:54pm PT
Cochrane, I believe, played one season of rookie league ball for the Dodgers. Paul Cowan, Chris Vandiveer going Oooh at Chuck's shot, Bruce Hawkins and, a bit behind and to the left of Cowan, Steve Sutton next to Bruce Brossman with Bob Ashworth next to him, Tim Harrison a bit to the right, Tom Morrison, David Yohalem on the right in profile, David 'Kid Carrot' Jensen, Dick Ellsworth to the left of the tree with big beard. Chrius Falkenstein seated to the right of the tree. A bearded Bill Bonebreak on the right. Before the time Kauk.

Shameless Yahoolihan

Trad climber
west malling, uk
Apr 30, 2011 - 01:26pm PT
Tim Harrison in white shorts, Luke Freeman two to the left of Ellsworth, Werner next to Bonebreak with arms crossed. Chris Falkenstein is the one looking up at Steve Sutton. Might be Roger Breedlove seated with his face blocked but his afro showing on the right. Not Dirty Dennis Miller (Kid Millis) in the baseball shirt. No idea who it is, though.

Trad climber
Santa Monica, California
Apr 30, 2011 - 01:39pm PT
Mal, I had the same Robertson harness that Dave Bohn is wearing. If you didn't double back the waist tail through the big buckle, that thing would open right up on you. First time I took a leader fall, when I forgot to do that, I ended upside down hanging from the leg loops. With my bird legs, it was a wonder I didn't fall right out of them!
tom Carter

Social climber
May 5, 2011 - 12:24am PT

Sorry I screw up on Photobucket - so here it my friend David Yohalem!
tom Carter

Social climber
May 5, 2011 - 12:29am PT

Thought I had better put in this pic of Jeff in his very famous "The Flames" T-shirt. I got one of the backside I've got to find. Dice, flames etc....
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