1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Oct 13, 2010 - 11:43pm PT
So Licky, what is your projection of a delivery date? Every author has a projection of delivery date. Some of us here would like to know this before we die or move to India or both.

Trad climber
Oct 13, 2010 - 11:44pm PT
Have you started writing the book, or are you still in the "research phase?"

Oct 14, 2010 - 12:57am PT
Listen GH, I got this. How many people around here do want to stalk? Do you get paid by the post?

Sport climber
general delivery
Oct 14, 2010 - 05:23pm PT
I've apologized to Licky and Timidity in seperate emails - we'll see if that stops their growling - Licky tells me on one hand that this thread is not about me - point taken - if that's true, then perhaps his next four consecutive posts won't mention me, as his last four have - sorry to anyone else here who somehow got their nose out of joint sticking it where it didn't belong in the first place - amazing how sensitive big tough rockclimbers can be, and I plead guilty to that oversensitivity as well - perhaps we're all full of shyt

Trad climber
The Illuminati
Oct 14, 2010 - 05:53pm PT
"Yes, the book is finished, it is published, it is available through Amazon.com..."

What is the title?

Oct 14, 2010 - 06:27pm PT
stalking again GC ? Pathetic loser.

Trad climber
The Illuminati
Oct 14, 2010 - 06:47pm PT
Rox I can understand. He got clubbed in the head by the cops too many times.

Wonder is my personal stalker. Everyone should have one. I apologize for his lack of manners.

Wonder's previous contribution to this thread:

OMG Licky Licky, You aint gonna put out a book!
Prove me wrong bitch.
Five uking years bitch.
Mission accomplish.

I just want to buy and read the book, it it will ever become available during my lifetime. I don't need a Supertopo discount. I will pay full price.

Is there a title yet?

Oct 14, 2010 - 06:53pm PT
You got one big fat ego to think I would really want to stalk your lousy gay ass. I"m gone, way past you now. Your old news. Lets try a new game now shall we?


Sport climber
general delivery
Oct 14, 2010 - 07:08pm PT
in a private email exchange, Licky told me this:
"If you'd had posted both of your emails to me on that forum you'd now be the laughing stock of the forum and they'd not leave you alone for months."

now, is that true? Y'all wouldn't pick on poor lil' ole me, would ya?
I just don't know what I'd do if I thought y'all were ganging up on me, probably cry. But here's the emails, since Licky issued his threat let's see if you are all marching in lockstep. Don't disapoint our fearless leader now, he's so sure that y'all all have his back.

emails from me to Licky earlier today:

What, are you the keeper of all secrets now? I've been amused at the manner in which you are handling your fame. To take things personally and flame online is . . . well, unprofessional at best. And now, you ask a direct question that can have little, if any, bearing on your project. That you allowed me, and perhaps others, get under your skin smacks of self-absorption. When I was attacked by Timidity you seemed to support his effort, to what end I can only guess. Your job as a reporter is to take in and filter through data and opinions, not to take sides in a petty squabble between two sources, or would-be sources. Whether you use anything you glean from me or anyone else is irrelevant. You will, if your research goes as it should, gather not only facts and figures that embellish your narrative, but you should be and probably are gaining a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of what you missed out on and should have curiosity about. You might not use what any poster offers, but their information might help to connect other things you’ve learned. This process, we learned in journalism school, happens on both a conscious and subconscious level. You can ignore it and yet the process goes on. It is counterproductive to stifle that phenomenon by pushing against it, and your public postings that name me (or any other poster, for that matter) and are lame attempts at both insult and ridicule are juvenile – unless, however, you are using faux vitriol in an attempt to stir the pot. I readily admit to doing that in your thread earlier. I apologized, but in case you missed it, please allow me to do so again. I am truly sorry if I offended you or anyone else with any posting(s.) I offered similar apologies to Timidity as well in an email that he has yet to respond to. That’s as far as I can go, or should be expected to go. I pledged to purchase your book and I’ll now offer to pay for it in advance, if that will help you to sharpen your focus and complete the project. If you still want to insult me on the thread I will not complain or react as I don’t really care what you or your readers think of me personally. But for professional reasons, as we are both journalists and writers, I would still like to see you succeed, as the future of books will be defined by new editions finding their way into print. I really hope your book succeeds, even if my support disturbs you personally. I do not need your appreciation any more than I am bothered by your scorn. As I said before, your unprofessional communication amuses me. You’d be better served by developing a demeanor that does not react emotionally from criticism, as we writers are invariably lightning rods for criticism. It goes with the territory – don’t let it bother you.


PS: I am only me. If you need to ID Chainsaw I cannot help you, but I will peruse his postings and if I can ascertain any clues to his identity. I doubt I will however. I climbed a lot back then, but rarely with the Camp 4 crowd. Due to the two-week limit on residency in the park to unemployed visitors I generally kept away from the segment of our community which was under the most scrutiny. Many members of the climbing community were regularly surveilled by law enforcement and I was wary of being swept up during investigations of others. I also did not enjoy following other climbers as much as I enjoyed leading my own pitches (unlike, I suppose, our friend TimidTopRope.) So I was always in the periphery of the Camp 4 scene and not well-acquainted with many of the others.



Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Oct 14, 2010 - 07:16pm PT
Hoh man!

Oct 14, 2010 - 07:21pm PT
Ok, I apoligize too, I think I'll go get another bottle.

Oct 14, 2010 - 07:22pm PT
Sheesh, I was interested in 2005 when you first posted. Did you abandon the project?

Sport climber
general delivery
Oct 14, 2010 - 07:38pm PT
Licky IS the project - it's his identity now, not the book but this thread itself

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 14, 2010 - 07:56pm PT
Seven emails in four hours. Can you not get to the point?

No atchafalaya, the project still moves forward. Hang in there

Sport climber
general delivery
Oct 14, 2010 - 08:16pm PT
are you paying supertopo for this thread licky? if not, why do you have your drawers bunched up? atchifa-whoever-he-is was right, it was interesting way back when

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 14, 2010 - 09:30pm PT
Sidmo..if it was interesting back then (before your arrival) then maybe you ought to move on to more interesting topics. Ones that come to mind are Painting your lawn for fun and profit and Ebay prices for used toe nail clippings.

Damn..I'm succumbing to the Troll aren't I?

Trad climber
The Illuminati
Oct 14, 2010 - 09:50pm PT
The book, Licky! Focus on the book!

You ever been to lower merced pass lake?

Nobody can prove anything.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 14, 2010 - 09:58pm PT
Funny thing Granite, but the entire project is about proving or disproving stories, rumors, legends. Many of the stories have lead to even better ones. I have to say that only a small percentage have turned out to be bogus. Some of those however have left me shaking my head as to what was that person thinking when he told it? For example, I understand a few made it up to the lake using snowmobiles. I'll bet those that had to go in by foot wished they'd thought of that.

Trad climber
The Illuminati
Oct 14, 2010 - 10:02pm PT
Licky, when the book comes out, I'll buy it. I hope you write it though.

The story is complex enough that you could spend the rest of your life collecting more information. You will have to draw a line at some point and write the book. You can release a second edition later with revisions and additions.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 14, 2010 - 11:05pm PT
To be honest Granite I'm very close. There are three issues that I need to clear up and unfortunately the people involved are quite a ways apart. So, when I get to them and their take on their stories I'll then start the process of finalizing the story. The biggest problem is that one of them has information that puts the reason why the plane crashed on its head. I need to be able to either prove or disprove this angle. This is not a novel.
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